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  • The One CC - Closed Beta Test Application

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Apr 25, 2010.

    1. rizarjay

      rizarjay Member

      Jan 29, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      • Class: Currently leveling a Hunter, but am capable of testing any classes.
      • Spec: Beast Mastery, but have experience with all.
      • PVE and/or PVP: Mostly PVE
      • Level: Currently 15, but have leveled from 1-80 a dozen or more times in the past.
      • Personal expierence: Leveled, PVP'd and raided to 80 with a Paladin, Rogue, Hunter, and Warlock
      • What aspect do you want to test: Mostly PVE Leveling, however, I'm sure I would play with PVP as well. I also want to see how good it's cookies taste.
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: I have a thorough knowledge of the game, and most classes. I often closely monitor my botting activity, and would likely be able to spot any major and minor flaws..
    2. w00tsauce

      w00tsauce New Member

      May 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      • Class (Class you are capable of testing, Warlock, Mage, Priest etc..)

      • Spec (Feral, Balance etc)

      • PVE and/or PVP

      • Level (or level range eg 70-75)

      • Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed).
      I leveled it all the way to 75 by hand. Ive got hundreds of hours of play time in this class, as its really the only class Ive played. Done Dungeons/BGs. Always DPS.

      • What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies)
      Im wanting to use it testing BGs. I have been doing some honor farming but there arnt currently any Afflic/Destro Warlock CCs that are for PVP. Thus, making my character look extremely noobish in BGs.

      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test
      Just quit my job I had been doing for years to go back to school. Now doing school time schooling from home, which leaves me countless hours of play time. Ive got about 8-12 hours a day to play, and when Im not at the computer Ive got HB running. I would give the best detailed reviews that I could possibly give. Definitely if it is a script I plan on using.

      I also have a level 38 hunter I have been using, and may put more time into. There currently arnt any good Hunter scripts either so I have been doing it by hand. I plan to level it all the way to 80 using PvE.
    3. Funtimes

      Funtimes New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      • Classes able to test: Deathknight, Paladin, Druid, Warlock, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Shaman ( i multibox :p have alot of classes, and need to run multiple classes to progress in honor) Bolded classes, are what I commonly run, and am extremely familiar with.

      • Spec Any spec can be tested, however I will go over the main specs for each of my classes. Paladin: Protection & Retribution, Druid: Balance / Resto, Mage: Frost / Arcane, Priest: Shadow / Disc, Shaman Elemental.

      • PVE and/or PVP: this is mostly PVP, I could check out the PVE would just have to figure out how to work the honorbuddy with it all. Overall though, mostly battlegrounds and the like.

      • Level 71-80 range. I have some under the 60's or so, but almost all are 80's.
      • Experience: I have played since WoW Alpha trials, have raided all content minus TK / SSC. I have played almost every spec, of every class minus hunter and DK. I have botted from 1-80, and dozens of 1-70 in my glider days. If you need insight on how class mechanics can work, I can assist.

      • What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies) Mostly looking at the PVP aspect, along with the mixed grinding in multiple add areas. However, im slightly interseted in the PVE portion to. I'd like to see a bot heal a 10 man ;o.
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: Expert analysis and feedback on problems, included with suggestions on what the final product should be. Sadly my coding is non existent so I am unable to provide assistance in coding that final product.

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