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  • The RareKiller - All in One Killer Plugin with TLPD

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Mupp, Mar 23, 2011.

    1. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      Quick question folks:

      Where is best to camp it (anybody got some x,y co-ord from a map mod or a description.

      Do you camp in the air or sit on the ground? Do you run a patrol or sit and camp it?

      thanks for the info u guys who have got ur drakes!
    2. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I fixed this in the New Version 1.7.
      In Version 1.6.1 the Plugin just tried to play the Sound 1000 times doing nothing else, when he tried to play a Soundfile which was not there. I impelemented variable Soundfiles in 1.6 for different cases (you could choose them in Tap2)
      Sorry for your Lost. It's also my fault a little bit, because I didn't realize that I uploaded a configfile with my personal Paths instead of no paths. :(

      I fixed this all in 1.7 ... but it seems that this was 2 days to late
      I really have to think about implementing such a autoupdate-thing like in buddycenter.
      Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
    3. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      Using a custom GB2 profile in Bor's Breath. Toasted the blue eliute dragon already. Just waiting on TLPD.

      If it stops loading tiles forever!
    4. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Hmmm he even didn't realize that there was a Rare Mob. After your manually kill he found him.
      Was the Mob far away as you stopped the Bot? Was this the first Time Rarekiller found a Mob for you or was it working fine on other Mobs.
      --> I will make some Tests: maybe NPCScan has a better range or is quicker in finding Rares. I also see a lot of failures while Gathering in your Log.
      You played a DK with default CC of HB 4129? So I will try to reproduce the Failures and see if they where the Reason he didn't found him.

      GZ to telefony :)
      good things come to those who wait :D
    5. jahbulon

      jahbulon New Member

      Feb 22, 2011
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      -hmm , i turned the bot off after i found him..which means the plugin should not been active when i killed him? (like it shouldnt be logging anything after i stop it)
      -the mob wasn't too far away when i stopped the bot. this is the first time i know of that the plugin has found a mob for me.
      - i am using simple DK CC with HB 4129 as all the other versions of HB suck and this (for me at least) has the least errors
    6. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      hmmm after you stopped the Bot the Plugin was also stopped, thats ok.
      He didn't realize the alive Mob (thats the problem), so you stopped the Bot and then killed him and after that you turned on the Plugin again and he found a dead Mob.
      I will try to find out why he don't found the alive mob ;)
      I have all data in the Log, so I will try to reproduce the failure when I'm at home again (from work)
    7. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I would camp in Bors Breath.
      You also could use the Profile Switcher (in my Signature) and run TLPD Safer Loop for x Minutes (x = the Time for 1-1,5 Rounds) and then Bors Breath for 45-90 Minutes.
      Or other Static Profiles (45-90 mins) in Rotation with Circle Around Profiles (max 5-10 mins).
      This is how I camp Aeonaxx in Deepholm.
    8. Klovnene

      Klovnene Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      hey kat.
      ty for the answer :p
      ive downloaded 1.7 and im gonna try again :D
      You ow me a TLPD :p :p (joke)
    9. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Hi Kat first off I would like to say. I love your plugin and really appreciate your work. I however did notice 2 bugs.

      1) If a mob is underground the bot just goes crazy trying to find where the mob actually is located.
      2) If you don't have slow fall ( playing a DK) it should dismount a little closer to the ground. This isn't really a big deal. Only take a small amount of fall damage.
      I have been running your plugin while doing Archy in Eastern Kingdom to level and try and get sword. Other then those 2 issues it works perfect.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    10. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I tryed to blacklist all underground Mobs in Version 1.7
      But maybe I didn't catch all of them. I also implemented a Function which blacklists the Mobs after a variable Time (Default is 180 seconds. Ok, this means he will fly 3 Minutes crazy around before go ahead.) The first Thing you can do is to lower this time, if you want.
      You could also help me to blacklist all found ProblemMobs, just send me his ID or Name and I will set him to the Blacklist-List, too.

      The Slowfall Problem I can't solve, because it is not possible to check the height of the char and the distance to the Ground.
      But you could fix this when you set the Pullrange to 5-10. So he will fly closer to the Target (and also to the Ground) before pulling.

      yours sincerely katzerle
    11. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Ok Kool thanks for the fast reply. BTW, the problem with the underground.
      1) Rare Ooze in wetlands.
      2) Slave in Searing Gorge
      3) Troll in cave in Hinterlands
      I will try and find their names and ID's if you really need them.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalki
    12. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I found out there Names :)
      Thank you very much for the hint, I will implement them in a new Version.
    13. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Ok good, if I come across any more I will let you know.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    14. Zeewolf

      Zeewolf Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      I suspect the rarekiller uses HBs mob list to spot the rares, whereas npcscan uses the wow cache. The game will cache mobs that are not necessarily in range of HBs detection because they arent yet visible to you but the game still needs to cache them before they get within your visible range

      If you saw the NPCscan pop, stopped the bot and manually went looking for crystal bark when it didnt immediately go for it then im guessing you were not right on top of the mob.

      I dont think this is something kat would be able to fix, HB only see's what you can see in game. You can observe this if your flying around on a 310% mount gathering and if things are taking a moment to appear on the minimap because of game/server lag causing the node to be slow to appear you can be flying past the node before it spots it
    15. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      Was trying to camp it using GB.

      HB decided to log out for no reason and I came back today to be logged out with 3 Vygrosa kills and no TLPD.

      Thanks HB release.....present HB release is a pile of sh*t.
    16. telefony

      telefony New Member

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Any progress with the Aeonaxx feature btw ? does it work ?
    17. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Don't know if the mount Aeonaxx and kill Aeonaxx works correct, in Theorie it does ... hopefully
      Finding him, alert and move to him works for sure (so you can camp nonafk and let the Bot fly to him and you needn't search for his spawnpoint like other campers around must do ;))
      I also implemented some detailed logoutput, so you can simply give it a try. I also dump if other Players are around.
      I camp for him 2 Weeks now every evening, no dragon yet. Next week I have some free days, there I will camp 16h/day. Hope to catch him and give my plugin a test then.

      To the unkilled old Crystalbark:
      I made some tests with NPCScan and Rarekiller and especially if you found huger Mobs NPCScan is faster and has a larger Range.
      The next is: When you activate every single Feature (Scanning for Raremobs, for RaptorNests, for Camel Figurine + Dormus, other Player following ... etc) the Rarekiller is sometimes a little bit busy and scans only 3 times a second for each feature. (ok, this is also fast enough I think) But when HB additionally has some Problems with failures it seems to be, that the scantimes are more and more lesser (up to 1 scan per sec).
      So it is possible that you sometimes miss a Mob.

      I'm on holiday from Friday to Sunday ;) just for your info.
      The current Version 1.7 seems to be very stable, so I wont work on the Plugin till Monday (except there are really really bad bugs)
      Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
    18. Taken!!!

      ooo yeah, TAKEN!!!
      Finilly I found TLPD!!! :cool:

      Some tips:
      I'm a lvl 85 pally and I use default pull spell and paracute cloak.
      I used "RareKiller" plugin since the beginning, I tried to use "Profile Changer" too making 2 profiles by myself and using the "Safer Loop" too, in mixed mode with some pvp ;).
      Btw this night, when I found TLPD, I was running HB in GB2 mode only with "RareKiller" active and using the "Profile Changer" plugin with only my two 1spot profiles, here there are mine 2 profiles, hope somebody needs those.

      GL all guys :D

      View attachment TLPD - OneSpot - 1 - GB2.xml
      View attachment TLPD - OneSpot - 2 - GB2.xml
      katzerle likes this.
    19. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      :) GZGZ RikiBez
      And Thanks for the Tips and the Profiles :)
      Should I upload them in the 3rd Tread to the other ones?
    20. For SURE mate :)

      I'm going to make some new profiles for Bloody Rare and Frosbitten, I'll upload those when ready. Not so soon cause I'll be away for work almost all of May.


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