Heads up! New version has just been deployed Product: theTramper grind Channel: Release Version: 1.3.0 Changelog improvements to be used in tanaan jungle - happy rep farming improved interact range added selfHeal added option to gather objects while farming added global blacklist which works independent from users Blacklist various optimizations and tweaks The Version has been submitted to the store as of 03.07.15 17:18:27 +0000 This new version must be approved by the buddystore dev team which might take up to 3 business days. Automated Deployment Notification, ActionId: 5596b5d3da1bf
Hello, recently bought the Tramp (Gather) and tested this Grind to see how, like a lot but when he fills the bags he does not sell or store or send by Mail, have any separate configuration or is it anyway? Thank you
hello, this functionality is supposed to be covered by theTramper (core module) - i will think about a standalone mailintegration tho
--------------------------- theTramper grind --------------------------- Server response Unable to determine license state. Please check back later! 98a049cffd5c459b677cf531dcc86e70 --------------------------- OK --------------------------- This is the actual error message if I want to enable the plugin on HB3 kr basti
Unable to determine license state. Please check back later! 424e91f08f2fd6e4689b999e002fbc83 same result with a different hash code [HR][/HR] Update 15:33 0ec2f733fe905ed1e10b544e65e5ee20