service notification due to patch 6.0.2 hitting european server this night i will shut down all tramper and rndbuddy products tomorrow at 3am GMT+0 i will be releasing a new version for each plugin (if possible) in this follwing order: theTramper: gather theTramper theTramper notify rndbuddy all other plugins in addition i'm happy to annouce that all theTramper products will be served with additional geolocation loadbalancing. i have set up very fast server in - france/paris - australia/sydney - us/atlanta all new plugin versions will automaticly find the best and fastest server, depending on your geolocation. in addition the plugins will also be able to detect a server crash and fallback to any other online one please do not respond to this thread until i released the new version of this plugin
new version pushed to store for approval: version: channel: release changelog: Code: compatible to wow 6.0.2 Core cleanups general optimizations added server fallback archaeology is now capable of GoalCondition AfterXRepeats where 1 Repeat = 1 completed Digsite notes: everything i could test has been tested, however, some third Party Botbases are not yet completely optimized afaik. I will push further updates to keep compatiblity with those botbases
Hello Sir! I bought theTramper just now and i'm waiting as anyone else for a new release - but i'm kinda wondering because i couldn't find any manual. either on ur site or nor on this forum... is there one available?
hello, theTramper does not require many explainations. tasks related informations are available within the settings gui you can see the reference manual at if you have any other questions i'll be glad to assist you on skype
please be aware of: the current of Release of Honorbuddy is a TEST-RELEASE, so if you encounter bugs like dirty movement or stucks, refer to the right thread.
Grim batol when walking over the bridge it often falls off into the lava or whatever and dies. Maybe you could make it walk a bit safer not so near the edge? Also this is probably because of wow itself but I get logged out to the character screen alot when doing dungeons then when I log back in i'm in the beginning of the instance. Oh and roboto really appreciate your fast updates you're working too hard
important: new version up and already approved version: channel: release changelog: Code: SSLv3 Vulnerability Hardening * What does this mean? With the recent discovery of the the “Poodle” vulnerability SSLv3 Connections can be attacked by MITM Attacks. The Poodle vulnerability affects servers running SSL 3.0. It centers on cipher block chaining (CBC) encryption implementations that can allow attackers with a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) position to view the content of an encrypted transmission. * What must I do? Restart HB, everything else was taken care of. * I get an SSL Error 62 after some Minutes This could mean you've lost trust with the Server. Please make sure you're running an up-to-date Windows Installation as well as the ability to use TLS v1.2 Connections. Message me on Skype if you need further Help.
update time =) added several profiles as quested by users: Code: 14-10-19 theTramper: TRAIN Mining Stormwind 14-10-19 theTramper: TRAIN Herbalism Pandaria 14-10-19 theTramper: TRAIN Mining Pandaria 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO FROM Dalaran TO Crystalsong Forest USING Portstone 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO FROM Northrend to Crystalsong Forest 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO FROM Northrend TO Dalaran USING Portstone 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO FROM Outlands TO Dark Portal USE Alliance Portal 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO FROM Outlands TO Dark Portal USE Horde Portal 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO FROM Outlands TO Dark Portal 14-10-19 theTramper: Goto FROM Ratchet TO Booty Bay 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Allerian Stronghold 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Alliance Shrine 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Area 52 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Binan Village 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Bouldercrags Refuge 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Area 52 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Area 52 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Dalaran Alliance 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Area 52 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Area 52 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Dalaran Horde 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Halfhill 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Honeydew Village 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Honor Hold 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Horde Shrine 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Ironforge 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in K3 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Orgrimmar Valley of Honor 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Orgrimmar Valley of Strength 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Pawdon Village 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Shattrath Scryers 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Stonebreaker Hold 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Stormwind Dwarven District 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Stormwind Trade District 14-10-19 theTramper: Set Hearthstone in Thrallmar 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Blade Edges Mountains 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Duskwood 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Elwynn Forrst 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Hellfire Peninsula 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Nagrand 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Shadowmoon Valley 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Netherstorm 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Shattrath 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Stormwind 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Stranglethorn Cape 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Stranglethorn Vale 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Terokkar Forrest 14-10-19 theTramper: GOTO Zone Zangarmarsh
easy. in the settings panel there is a blue-ish link. click it. your webbrowser will open and will let you upload profiles. (refer to the reference manual, link see post #1) after you restart HB those profiles will be available to select
big update time version: channel: release changelog: Code: added GoalCondition GotXofY added GoalCondition OnProfessionAtCap added GoalCondition OnLevel multiple core optimizations added SearchBox to search for Tasks added Hotkey hint to startup process typo and grammar fixes ArachaeologyBuddy now supports AfterXRepeats GoalCondition properly Dungeonbuddy now supports AfterXRepeats properly supports Akatosh Quester so, here it is. you can now tune theTramper gather with the goalCondition OnGotXofY to farm one zone for 100 Green Tea Leaf and then goto the next zone to farm 1337 Items of <Whatever> you can now set the ProfessionCap goalcondition to automaticly train professions when you're on cap you can now use Akatosh Quester together with theTramper and set a GoalCondition of OnLevel to make somthing like: use akatosh quester until i hit level 30, use dungeonbuddy until i hit level 50 and so on (this is basicly just some toying around but maybe someone needs it) and FINALLY, i took the time to add a search bar for all tasks available. the search bar searches by name or by botbase, so if you enter "gather" you will find all tasks that either use Gatherbuddy or contain the name gather in the name like "use bot: thetramper: gather" there are many other undocumented changes as well but it would take too much time to name everyone of them, let's just say, it's running much smoother now! message me if you have questions or issues regards
update. added profile Farm Icy Chill in Winterspring Code: Icy chill used to be removed from the game, however you can still farm it in winterspring. depending on server this item can sell for up to 15k added by a user request