regarding those issues * trying to enter tolvir fails: result - can not reproduce, i ran it for 3 hours today, went there several times, works for me * missing run out of grim batol task: result - fixed * falling off bridge in grim batol (step x) - result: fixed regarding this: switching to other toons is not (yet) possible. i might make it be able to talk to HBRelog regarding rndbuddy: u can't. it can only use theTramper: gather addon
i did fix isses regarding this profile since that damn island is quite hard to navigate to i did rework the goto profile as well. use it like goto from pandaria to island of giants farm blablabla i can confirm it to be fully working now
Okay great i'll try it I noticed my ilvl is still a bit too low to kill the mobs i'm at like 520 but getting some better gear now.
New day new bug! I set up a tasklist that has me use theTramper Gather in Pandaria for a while before going to run Grim Batol. But when it gets to Grim Batol it kills things like normal but will not stop to loot them! I built the attached task list to double check that the bug was happening. to Dungeon Test.ttd
i think u're understanding the GoalCondition in a wrong way. it's a terminate-at-that-point-condition you have to think the other way around. goal cancels the current thats if his condition is met. so what you wanna is to upload your questing profile (dunnon if kicks or akatosh) and set the goal condition on this one. to make it quest until level 90 and then switch to BGBuddy u must create a tasklist thats like "Personal [Questing Profile] - Goal Condition: OnLevel 90" "Bot: BGBuddy - GoalCondition: OnLog" however, to do such a thing you won't really require theTramper
please send me a full log (including both log files) looting itself is part of the Honorbuddy core, i dont do anything to change looting in any way. maybe it's a bug that slipped into the latest HB release thanks in advance
Here are the logs you asked for after running it again. I can have it run dungeons for hours and it works great. But if it gathers before a dungeon the bot does not even stop to click on the body's.
i think that's a PureRotation Bug. Code: [17:30:51.026 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Styx.CommonBot.Routines.ICombatRoutine' from assembly 'Honorbuddy, Version=2.5.11819.751, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50a565ab5c01ae50'. at PureRotation.Managers.HotKeyManager.BotEvents_OnBotStarted(EventArgs args) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
update time for new profiles i added a lot of zone goto profiles, mainly for theTramper: gather. i think i did one for every zone in WoW, if you're missing one, tell me! Code: theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Arathi Highlands theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Badlands (Scar of the Worldbreaker) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Blasted Lands theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Blasted Lands theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Burning Steppes theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Coldridge Valley theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Deadwind Pass (Karazhan) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Deathknell theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Dun Morogh (Amberstill Ranch) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Dun Morogh (Kharanos) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Duskwood (Darkshire) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Eastern Plaguelands (The Infectis Scar) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Elwynn Forest theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Hillsbrad Foothills theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Hillsbrad Foothills (Durnholde Keep) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Loch Modan (The Loch) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth New Tinkertown (Iceflow Lake) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Northern Stranglethorn (The Sundering) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Northern Stranglethorn (Venture Co. Base Camp) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Northshire (Northshire Valley) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Redridge Mountains (Lake Everstill) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Searing Gorge (The Cauldron) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Silverpine Forest theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Stormwind City (Valley of Heroes) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Swamp of Sorrows (The Shifting Mire) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth The Cape of Stranglethorn (Booty Bay) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth The Cape of Stranglethorn (Cape of Stranglethorn) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Tirisfal Glades (Brill) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Western Plaguelands theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Westfall theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Wetlands theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Wetlands (Thandol Span) theTramper: Goto Zone Azeroth Wetlands (The Green Belt) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Ashenvale theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Ashenvale (Nightsong Woods) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Azshara theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Azshara (Bay of Storms) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Azshara (Bilgewater Harbor) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Azshara (Ruins of Eldarath ) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Camp Narache theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Darkshore theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Darkshore (Ruins of Mathystra) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Desolace (Kodo Graveyard) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Durotar theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Durotar (Razor Hill) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Durotar (The Dranosh'ar Blockade) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Dustwallow Marsh (The Quagmire) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Felwood theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Felwood (Emerald Sanctuary) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Felwood (Whisperwind Grove) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Feralas (The Twin Colossals) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Feralas (Woodpaw Hills) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Moonglade (Lake Elune'ara) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Mount Hyjal (Darkwhisper Gorge) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Mount Hyjal (The Regrowth) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Mulgore theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Northern Barrens theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Orgrimmar (The Drag) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Orgrimmar (Valley of Honor) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Orgrimmar (Valley of Strength) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Silithus (Cenarion Hold) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Southern Barrens (Fields of Blood) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Stonetalon Mountains theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Tanaris (Abyssal Sands) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Thousand Needles theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Thousand Needles (Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Thousand Needles (The Shimmering Deep) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Thunder Bluff theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Uldum theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Uldum (Khartut's Tomb) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Uldum (Ramkahen) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Un'Goro Crater (Fire Plume Ridge) theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Winterspring theTramper: Goto Zone Kalimdor Winterspring (Frostwhisper Gorge) theTramper: Goto Zone Twilight Highlands theTramper: Goto Zone Twilight Highlands theTramper: Run Out Magisters Terrace Zone Gotos without a SubZoneName are usally located in the center of the zone.
heads up, new version version: channel: release changelog: Code: setting gui can now be opened even if initialization was not properly done core changes to taskswitching behaviour core improvements and fixes note: the core itself is now 99% finished, i will now prep. for the launch of WoD, trying to fight all changes within the game.
Ok just to make sure it was not something like PureRotation (was not the CC I was using) I made a new install of honorbuddy, cleared cache, No bot bases, plugins, or CC added manually and disabled all store downloads except tramper ones. So new install with nothing but tramper and Singular as a CC. Sill not looting after gathering. Hope the new logs below shows something
was working fine till HB restart now i get error when i start plugin Activity: Initialization complete Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete Honorbuddy Startup Complete Plugin theTramper threw an exception in OnEnable System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address) at theTramper_dungeon.helper_http.HttpGet(String server, String arguments) at theTramper_dungeon.helper_http.heartbeat() at theTramper_dungeon.theTramper_dungeon.Initialize() at theTramper_dungeon.theTramper_dungeon.OnEnable() at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.OnEnable() Edit: Nwm Its working now with new release of HB thx for your work
There's some more issues using that profile. For one it only works using singular which isn't a huge problem but it just mounts up dismisses mount mounts up dismisses mounts etc continually every meter or so it walks. I will sent you 2 logs.
hello jordi i can still confirm this to be working fine on my system. i tried to emulate your enviroment and it works for me. i added the tasklist i used for this test attached to this post. note: even tho it works i can confirm that Honorbuddy seems to have issues by flying from shrine (if started inside) to the island. it took the bot 2 attempts but in the end he found his way. you can work this against by enquing the task "Goto Zone Vale of Eternal Blossoms" before you issue the task "Goto FROM Pandaria TO Island of Giants" i will be reporting this issue to the HB Devs myself, as this is nothing i should fix as it is most likely a bug in hb meshes
OK, I just bought this with high expectations. I realize I bought at a bad time with WOW and HB doing multiple updates and things are not working right. Looking at your flow chart I assumed that the program worked in a similar fashion. I fired the plugin up and messed around with it but saw no easy way to program it, like it shows on page 1 of this thread. I looked for a reference manual, found on page three, and it was one page of cryptic instructions. It seemed there were no ttd to go by. Some files just stopped such as the endless stratholme farm. I started it from Panda but it just stopped. Tried the Shrine portal to SW and it crashed. This was a new install of HB build 752. Frustrated View attachment 4248 2014-10-24 18.40.txt View attachment 4248 2014-10-24 19.08_theTramper_debug.txt