long shot question but i was wondering if i bought this if there was a way around using the store. Reason being is that I have a legit key I bought from honorbuddy and a sort of black market key i bought from a local shady character
update time the following holiday profiles are now available at theTramper Code: EggCollect Teldrasil EggCollect Mulgore EggCollect Goldshire EggCollect Eversong Woods EggCollect Durotar EggCollect DunMorogh EggCollect Azuremyst Isle these profiles will be available on the Store later on
Hi Roboto just wanting a update on when the bot base Fishing Master and the new GarrisonBuddy will be added to the task in tramper. Want to make a task list that does Garrsionbuddy - FishingMaster - Trampergather Also finding that tramper gather is just running past some nodes and getting stuck a bit, more so in shadowmoon valey,
garrisonbuddy is now supported, old garrisonBuddy by deams support has been removed fishingbuddy support has been added
Fishingmaster Hi Roboto,just to clarify i didn't me the fishingbuddy bot base that comes with honorbuddy, The one i was talking about is the paid version for fishing called fishingmaster bot base https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=931
no support plans on "fishingmaster" for numerous reasons yet, one of them being i personally stay away from products of that author i will think about adding limited support tho
new version version: channel: Release changelog: Code: improved log finish support for official garrisonbuddy
FishingBuddy error has been fixed in addition the personal control panel has been updated to feature FishingBuddy as a selectable botbase for your personal profiles
upcoming features the next update will be version 2.0 of theTramper this one will feature a server-based tasklist-panel where you can save your own tasklists, load predefined ones and share your taskslists publicly many people have been asking for this and i gonna do so also, in early May 2015 Blackbeard will finally be released. i'm proud to announce that this botbase will be the most easy farm-botbase ever built, featuring minerals, herbs, skinning and item farming for sure, this botbase will work together with theTramper and can be used in its tasklists
Heads up! All prior trials have been reset automatically, you're free to use the trial version again Reset Date: 02.05.15 10:22:16 +0000 Automated Notification, ActionId: 5544974825ecd
Heads up! New version has just been deployed Product: theTramper Channel: Release Version: Changelog - introducing centralized storage panel beta -- you can now save your own profiles in the cloud -- you can also make your profiles available to all other users - small core tweaks The Version has been submitted to the store as of 03.05.15 11:09:21 +0000 This new version must be approved by the buddystore dev team which might take up to 3 business days. Automated Deployment Notification, ActionId: 5545f3d1a3ceb
Is the a way TheTramper can change between bot bases? For example i want to use a custom profile A which uses Grind Bot and after X min i want to use a profile B which uses Questing Bot
I found it, i had to do it via the Web UI Grinding Bot is spelled "Grindning" though and when i select it i get an error unable to load botbase grindning
Is there way to make Task List turn off and on plugins? As ie for some Task List i dont need Drink Potions plugin on.
yes there is create a new questing profile via the control panel add this line in the questing section, above the taskl termination like "task result..." add this line to enable Code: <CustomBehavior File="EnablePlugin" Names="Anti Drown" /> to disable Code: <CustomBehavior File="DisablePlugin" Names="Anti Drown" /> i will add a template to the ucp today, thanks for the idea