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    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by googleforloss, May 14, 2015.

    1. pontius001

      pontius001 New Member

      Mar 15, 2010
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      I am in the exact same boat as you are on this one. With the bot, I am just like everyone else as I don't go crazy with bot things and try to have it for basic things for me. Without the bot, people are more likely to report me as a "broken" bot if I try to join bg's, dungeons, or anything else as a group. Without the bot, I get it from everyone that I suck and I have to learn how to play my class. Unfortunately, these people need to realize that there are people with disabilities that need help. And I really prefer to bot and feel like I am carrying my weight than not bot and feel like everyone is carrying me while getting barraged with insults...

      Even on this post a person reveals their disability and you have people insulting them. In the real world, these are the people that would take a wheel chair from someone and laugh at them while the crippled crawled on the floor. SMH at these people.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    2. crazy008

      crazy008 New Member

      Jul 10, 2010
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      With this logic, prosthetics or other aids like wheelchairs and glasses would not be allowed in the real world.
    3. justreading

      justreading New Member

      May 15, 2015
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      I'm very sorry, English isn't my first language. You got the idea though, I hope :) And I'm not sure if you know the meaning of trolling if you think my replies are anywhere near that category. My point is - if a physically disabled person thinks he should be entitled to bot then what stops less-skilled people from botting aswell? It's a disability aswell, to a degree.

      Amazed by your reading abilities. I never said disabled people shouldn't be playing the game. I just said that people should stick to the things they can do. And not only disabled, I mean everyone. If you're too shit to dps for more than 5k, then don't join a dungeon - doesn't matter if you're disabled or not.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    4. pontius001

      pontius001 New Member

      Mar 15, 2010
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      The disabled aren't stating that they have a right to or entitled to bot. They are stating that they are glad that they got to use the bot to feel like a normal player. We accept the ban like everyone else and just hope that Bossland continues Honorbuddy for us to continue.
    5. Aetheric

      Aetheric Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      I totally feel you, man.
      That moron somehow really got to me.
      The kiddo must be gloating over it now ..
    6. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      Hah I remember when I lost my vanilla account with good ole' pirox... first time ever botting, do you know what I did with it? I botted Archaeology, first time ever "Cheating" I get hit with a perma ban. :p funny thing is, archaeology does well nothing...

      you get fluff items like trinkets that make you sparkle or turn you into something. The really funny part is after I was thrown to the side like some useless dog by Blizzard after months of trying to get my account back. I made a new one, found HB (they turned me to the darkside after that) and I ended up getting gold cap in cata with it, never got banned.. until now.

      But that gold (and two other gold caps by now) are long gone spent on things. Its really funny tbh, if they'd of just given me back my vanilla account I'd of been too scared to bot. But f em, bot4lyfe lmao.
      Last edited: May 15, 2015
    7. shelaine

      shelaine New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      I understand that the bot was a great way for people who really are disabled, but I doubt there are plenty of them. We all know it too well.. lots of people love to use this for an appeal or to defend their botting in general without actually being disabled. This is something that makes me mad like hardly anything else, but that's another story and each to their own, I guess.

      In all honesty: justreading has some very valid points to this. And I am saying this as a botter myself. You guys (both sides) need to stop blind rage, emotions, whateverfuck, and start using your brains in order to evaluate certain situations objective. To me, that's exactly what justreading did. Contrary to some other kids in this topic.

      Yes, I am a botter. Yes, I enjoy botting, I hate doing tedious stuff by hand and I will never for the life of me touch WoW without a bot again. I admit that I am botting, and I do NOT need to use a fake excuse like being disabled or anything alike. Grow some balls, kids. This does of course not apply to people who actually are disabled. But justreading is right. You, like any other human being on this planet, are not allowed to break laws because you are disabled, and you, like any other human being on this planet, have to uphold a contract you have signed just like anyone else. Using their own disability to excuse every bullshit they do in life is embarrassing, dumb and immature.

      I would love to do Triathlon and I'm heartbroken that I cannot do it, because I'm not able to swim competitive because of shoulder issues. Now what? Should I expect people to change the whole sport, or to implement some uber-extra-excuse JUST FOR ME? Come on. Grow up.
    8. shelaine

      shelaine New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      That's a great answer, and that's exactly what I wanted to aim at with my posting above. Thanks.
    9. pontius001

      pontius001 New Member

      Mar 15, 2010
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      I do believe that your comments prior to this were way off mark if you were trying to say what I said. From the comments you and justreading made seem to assume that both of the confessed disabled people here are claiming that they may not be disabled and think they should not be punished for using the bot. I don't know where those ideas you two have came from since neither of those people even stated anything remotely to that matter. That is why I took them as negative and I am sure Aetheric did too.
    10. shelaine

      shelaine New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      You are right, I was not trying to say what you said. I was rather trying to say that I would love disabled people to regard the whole situation the way you did with your answer. However, my other point was, that there are people (I'm not talking about you or anyone else specific) who either use their disability as an excuse for anything, or people who use a non-existent disability to excuse crap. I think everyone in the HB community knows those kinds of people and what I am talking about. And, I believe, we agree that this sucks and on the other hand explains why some people do not believe certain "excuses" anymore. Again: I never talked about specific persons, it's a general thing.

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