Well what about wintergrasp? I hit stop/start after getting the error, and now its saying waiting for battle for wintergrasp to end, sounds like the switcher profile to me but this isnt it, its not going to go to wintergrasp is it? i'll post a debug for the release thread, borean seems the best place for cobalt leveling
One complaint...its completely mistitled. Borean tundra long run? how about it farms scholozar basin and my 71 druid dies a million times. lol. Not a bad profile is all, it just needs to stay in...you know... borean tundra?
Converted to GB2 and added all the vendors/mailboxes for Borean Tundra Horde. Haven't tested it yet (running it tonight for the first time), but it should be good to go. Let me know if anyone runs into any issues. Thanks Tony! Note: It could probably be easily edited for Alliance as many of the vendors/mailboxes are neutral. edit - uploaded a new version. The vendor in Transitus Shield requires you to click gossip to get to repairs which resulted in my bot standing by him the entire night. So I removed him from the profile.
I'll try deleting / re-trying this again... but I started the profile in front of warsong hold or whatever, and it flew REALLY high up, went to winterspring, then scholozar basin where it died a gazillion times. Will re-try and report back in an hour or so though. /me crosses fingers
sorry im asking but wen i get atk my char dont kill the mob what shall i do so my char kill the mob ? + and if somthing in the bots pas its youst keep running into it help nice profile