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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Wigglez, Mar 28, 2013.

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    1. Lautaro

      Lautaro New Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      Thanks for the quick reply.

      1. From what you wrote, as I understand it. Tank leaves> Resets instance> RAF's get the "must leave instance to reset" error> Tank re-enters> 3-4minutes later RAF's leave then re-enter and I must click the Continue's on all 3 bots. Is this correct?

      2. Aware of this, thanks for confirming. perhaps its just small instances it seems excessive. e,g. a 3 min clear of Stockades then 13 mins of waiting.

      3. Surely there's a way to "If dungeon clear = leave" as with dungeon buddy. Perhaps 1 timer would work, if it is set for the FIRST dungeon entered, so the bot knows if it does 5 dungeons, it must wait for that timer to clear before it does a 6th.

      BUG/ERROR: Just got to 30 on 2 toons, moved onto the uldam profiles with no success. They don't even make it, without mounts or anything they run back and forward in SW, with mounts they just seems to run around the gate, again back and forward.

      The 85 stops at a cravesse before Loch Modan (pic: 1111.jpg ) waiting for the RAF's.
      After summoning them because they were stuck at SW, they died and res'd at Fuselight in Badlands. And cannot make it to the dungeon.

      So I guess it's broken moving from Stockades to Uldam. (Tank flew straight to where it is in pic).
      Last edited: May 27, 2013
    2. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      1. Correct, the "Can't reset instance while players are still inside." doesn't mean anything, all you have to do is reset the instance 2 times. Movement to Uldaman is a bitch for the RAF toons (level 30 toons moving into a level 44+ zone) Honestly you are better off to take them to the rear entrance to Uldaman, just outside the portal and start all of them from there, the booster first.

      3. DungeonBuddy uses C# and scripts. Allows for much more flexability. XML can only do certain checks.

      Also, if they are new accounts, you should have gotten popup windows instructing you to purchase a mount at level 20.
      Which is probably why they won't leave Stormwind.

      Last edited: May 27, 2013
    3. Lautaro

      Lautaro New Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      So... does the leader automatically "reset the instance 2 times" ? I've only noticed it do it once each time it exits, but the mobs are still there. Or atleast some of them.

      Perhaps because this isn't an afk profile anyways, you could add better "options" for the average raf'er in that zone? such as, tank moves to near rear entrance so you can summon raf toons to continue or something similar. As it sits, as you know obviously, the link between the two is broken -completely-.

      On a side note - happy to test all you need up to 80. I will literally start new toons simply for testing this =IF YOU NEED IT=. My power/internet bill is not a problem and I do not give a shit if accounts are banned.

      --- DB uses C#? Wow. Must be some intense code in there for it to do what it does ! :D

      EDIT!!!!: Just saw you posted about mounts, did not start toons at lvl 10, started at 24. Will test right now to see if they leave SW properly after some time WITH mounts.
      - I can also provide teamviewer/3 wow acc access. Up to 80. (with 3 session key) - FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY.
      Only rule is they must be accessed via the teamviewer so i dont have IP problems with WoW. 100mbit connection in Australia.
      Last edited: May 27, 2013
    4. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      The booster should be the leader and yes, he runs a macro and resets the instance twice while the RAF's are still in the instance. As for an option to use the tank to summon, the booster should not be RAFed to the alt accounts and therefore can't summon the RAFs. These profiles were written several months ago. Since then there have been 2 major wow patch sessions which have thrown off XP ranges, mob levels, etc. I am just now getting a chance to start updating them for all the patches.

      If you wish to test the profiles as I am editing them, feel free to add me to skype, Botanist68

      As for "wow acc access. Up to 80. (with 3 session key) - FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY" I have 12 wow accounts and 4 HB Lifetime accounts, I have that covered.

      Last edited: May 27, 2013
    5. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      I adjusted the profile to force the RAF's to the SW flight master. They should now use that flight master and fly to Gol'Bolar Quarry flight master, and then run thru Lock Modan to the place where your tank is waiting for them in your screenshot. Update via the svn.
      Last edited: May 27, 2013
    6. Rusty_Trombone

      Rusty_Trombone Member

      Oct 30, 2011
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      This is great! I mean the concept and the timing! I just bought 4 battle chests (the extremely cheap ones) and are all linked as RAF. They are all horde and I will test it. Great. My only problem is the booster since it is 90 ilvl 524 and I have to see how I will downgrade it. Maybe use another char at 480 or something.

      My only concern is loot. I want to set it to free for all since the booster has a few inventory space and I do not intend to make more space. That mean that the RAF chars will have bags. If it is FFA some of the chars might loot much more than the others and the bags will be full faster... Anyway, these are details and logistics.

      Definitely donation incoming if this suits my need and will use it. Time spent should be rewarded imo.
    7. Oceanhawk

      Oceanhawk New Member

      May 20, 2013
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      I apologize for being a noob, but how can I donate? I love this profile and would like very much like to pay for it. I just started botting so I am really new to all this.

      Never mind I found the donate info. Sending :)
      Last edited: May 27, 2013
    8. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      There is no donation needed for these profiles. If you would like to make a donation for access to my private svn which has about 700 profiles on it, you can send a donation to botanist1968@gmail.com via paypal. Then message me via skype that you donated..
    9. chemical

      chemical Active Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      View attachment 5592 2013-05-27 15.48.txt now my tank runs half way in to WC (before the actual instance starts) and sits in the water and drowns or stays underwater.

      i manually took them the instance and it seems to be working :)
      Last edited: May 27, 2013
    10. Lautaro

      Lautaro New Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      I'm pretty sure that's a MINIMUM. I'm running this on an 85 warrior.. No problems up to 45 so far.
    11. xio8up

      xio8up New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      Is the main character profile. The one u load for the booster.
    12. chemical

      chemical Active Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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    13. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      Main Character profile is ran on the booster and RAF profiles ran on the RAFs.
    14. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I have used a bear and a pally. i450 perhaps even a little less. Superbad on the druid works well. Travels dungeon as kitty nicely.
    15. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Lower / higher levels / gear will affect the speed dungeons get completed, but botanist has it set so the RAFs wait the required time.

      So as long as you aren't so under geared / leveled that the fights take too long the RAFs won't leave early. Hope this makes sense.
    16. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Blizz changed something with flight paths. They make you learn more manually now... :( Botanist said he was working on something to address it.

      The boosters typically already know all the flight paths (depending on how you leveled).

      It's not seamless, but if you just take a toon to the entrances and RAF summon you can get it going that way.

      Use side entrances for uldaman and strat profiles if you don't know already.
      Last edited: May 29, 2013
    17. andreiexe

      andreiexe New Member

      Feb 23, 2012
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      Yeah this profile makes you babysit so much and now with the manual taking them to them to the instance you are better off leveling them by hand takes you less time , time you spend clicking the continue profile / getting them to the instance etc . Its a shame blizz fuck it up very nice profile bought 2 battlechest for this shame they will go to waste .
    18. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      Yes you are correct. Pressing continue every 15 minutes is terrible, and probably causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. But, you don't have to manually take them to the instance, they move to the instances on their own and if you can hand level 10-80 as fast, you don't need the bot. Just out of curiosity, how much babysitting does hand playing 10-80 take?
      Last edited: May 30, 2013
    19. andreiexe

      andreiexe New Member

      Feb 23, 2012
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      Want me to brake it down time wise ok i will :
      1st As some people told you they don't go on their own to the instance or they bug out . For example i finished the black fathom depths they exited and got totaly lost on their way to the next one they got to ashenvale and just stoped .
      2 The timing is realy not good on the booster either it finished slower and the Raf go and exit the instance or to quickly and you have to manual reset them yourself that takes time . I have tried ajusting the timers with gear / moving talents etc it depends on the instanced since most mobs slow you / nova you etc .
      3 Yes pressing a button every 15 min will be ok acceptable if it did that but as i told you you have to tweak them allways . An evean then 15 min click means you have to be there at the pc every 15 min if you miss some of them you lose time , time you could get by hand leveling them .

      I can level 2 raf chars in 8-9 hours depending on the dungeons que's .
    20. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      Well, if you can level 2 toons in 8-9 hours, I would suggest you stick to that. Better yet, you can make your own profile for that. As for saying something isn't working, you have to concider the source. It has been my experience that the bot has more user related issues than code related issues. My natural assumption, in most cases unless I know someone, is that more than likely any problems are user related until proven otherwise. If I edited profiles everytime someone claimed something wasn't working, trust me they wouldn't work at all. Often the ones doing the complaining simply don't know what they are doing.
      Last edited: May 30, 2013
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