Thats what many of us are doing there is no fight left and hb has milked every cent out of us so we have nothing left and developers also bailed before the bot totally failed as they knew somthing wasnt the same we hasd a great few years and never really had to worry but its over face the music if you want to spend more money on this then be my quest but im out as with many others gl
Good point, some of trhe profiles I bought on the store for big cash didnt even work! they just farmed us ...that store was a bad idea for the consumer.
I want not be racist but I guess that rent a chinese cost less that 1 month of wow now. So 1 chinese = the new bot anti BAN
Everyone of us took it to far including me, when devs started releasing decent competitive CR's. HB suddently became part of the game, where initially bot was released to do stuff. So if you take step back and reconsider that buddy does all the things on accounts that are not your main, and you use naga for raiding instead. Everything will be sorted and no anger issues. "DON'T BOT ON ACCOUNT U DON"T WANNA LOOSE" This has been said since day one, why you fucking making things up now.
So much of what you've said here is incorrect. HB has no legal troubles with Blizz, in fact its the opposite. Blizz has LOST lawsuits against the HB team, and the HB team is currently suing blizz. You do know that there's a Legal sub-forum you can go to to read about this stuff, right? The bot will not be down for an obscene amount of time...Security percussion? Are you saying that HB plays music? I'm confused. And just because other bots have avoided a major banwave right now, it doesn't mean that they won't be hit with one tomorrow. Just because those banwaves haven't gone out yet, it doesn't mean that blizz hasn't detected every other bot out there. HB has been far from a side project.
Jihad? Are you saying that blizz is declaring a holy war against a company for religious reasons? I didn't know that botting had some sort of deep religious meaning, I guess I've been botting wrong this whole time.
To the OP... There's only one constant when it comes to botting...If you do it, you'll get banned. You should've known that from the first time you ever attached the bot to the wow process. Your so-called trust should have been leary from the very beginning...And if you are going to have trust issues moving forward, don't bot. You are going to get banned again, that is a fact. It may not be tomorrow, it may not be for years, hell, it probably won't be in a banwave at all...But you will be banned again.
No, there is absolutely no deception going on here. Blizz has already announced that they would not be giving subscription numbers in quarterly reports, so no shareholders have this data. Blizz also came out and said in a blue post that the analytics they've run, giving out long term suspensions has a greater impact in getting botters to stop botting than tossing out permanent bans. To be perfectly frank, any analytics they have on the matter is complete garbage as they've only done one other MAJOR banwave where they handed out longer term suspensions over perma-bans, and using any data from a single banwave is not nearly enough to come to any conclusion. It's like all the other people that want to run "experiments" on one computer and think that they can definitively come to some hard and fast rule because something they were testing happened once....That's not how the world works. Because something happens once, you can't come to any type of information. Do an experiment 10,000 times, you may be on your way to actually coming to some type of proof.
The problem is that HB is a third program and Blizzard BAN if you use a third program not authorized from their. It likes 1 discotec = you can dance but for enter you must be dressed follow their ranges, so if you are bad dressed (you can enter illegally) but you go out the disco or better the bodyguard take you and they kick you out. After you can tell that your dress is good but for their is not good.
It's not bad enough that we have to worry about botters in WoW, now we have to worry about this poorly dressed man invading our discos, son of a B!
Honorbuddy has been great the past few years, but this is the second banwave, luckily I didn't get hit the first one, but I did with the second one. I'm out of here, I don't think Honorbuddy will be able to be undetectable, ever.