i would disagree Don't listen to this guy. I have every DK CR out at the moment and this one performs the best out of all of them. They all have their strengths and weaknesses so it depends on what kind of options and interface you like but this is definitely the real deal and worth every cent i paid for the paid version. my friend who has never played wow before is over 2k rated on this season with his DK on this bot. Its like all these CRs you have to still know the class and the abilities a bit and tweak the settings to suit your playstyle. its not an automatic iwin button.
Hi tuan. Please fix the dispel logic in all specs. It does not work like it did last expansion. Some games it does no dispels even vs teams with restodruids and discs. Also please fix frost. Seems very clunky atm. Thanks!
here is a question. if you run two dks on this how do you tweak the settings in the class config so you don't mind freeze spells at the same time on the same target? as in you want one guy to mind freeze probably really quickly and the other guy to mind freeze slower so they dont both blow it straight away
Love this cr thank you for you hard work. Would you please look in to making soul reaper a higher priority in pve? I find myself having to spam it myself and have 2-3 seconds of downtime on each cd which really adds up on meters. Thank you.
so for PVE raiding and highest dps rotation is Necro better then this one for pvp which is better as well
i cant even get a answer on where to get the paid version lol...been days since i posted and i even posted a few times
Just google "TuanHA" SpankAss, just be carefull when using it in pvp as it interupts channled spells instantly, and with all the disc priest running around that means alot . so turn off interupts
I am not sure if i understand you correctly, but if you are asking if you can get banned for it then the answer is YES.
Yeah, have same issue on war CR. TuanHA, maybe u can look into this? CR is instant interrupting channeled spells