Aye mate, my problem on special edition exactly. The reason i cannot use the cc atm for arena. I will repeat my suggestion Option : [ DO NOT LET THE CC MANAGE STANCES] [x]
Probably what you want instead of ooc is to disable "kill between hotspots" in HB. Afaik HB is the main process handler that determines how combat starts and ends and what mobs are hittable, etc. Whereas the CC determines which mobs to hit and how to kill them. So if you want to not kill mobs nearby, ie farming, you want to disable HB's preference to clear mobs by reducing combat range to 0 and disabling the kill between hotspot option
toliman is correct. Quest/Grinding Bot decide which mob to target/attack. Combat Routine decide what spell to use when you got target/in combat. So please request that feature on Quest/Grinding forum section, nothing I can do to help you for now.
Hey TuanHA, Could you explain me what the necrotic strike settings do? I have donor version if it is any different! Thanks
Performance in arenas is excellent. However, I would really like the CR to save at least ONE CC-breaker (read: Desecrated Ground) for emergency situations. Emergencies would include: * You have less than X % of maximum health. * CC-Caster has less than X% health. Additionally, saving Strangulate for user-specified spells would be great too. Such spells could include: *Chaos Bolt *Polymorph etc.
Necrotic Strike Stack Current Target: When your target got heal from healer (rejuvenation or power word: shield for example) or self heal (rogue recuperation for example) Combat Routine will use Necrotic Strike to absorb that heal instead of Obliterate. Necrotic Strike Debuff Healer/Caster: Whenever a Healer/Caster get in your melee range (not necessary your current target) combat routine will Necrotic Strike him in order to put the debuff that reduce 30% casting time. Combat Routine only Necrotic Strike player, never on Boss, NPC, Mob or Pets
Just donated to add DK to my Tuanha Combat routine collection. Hope this is as good as the paladin and Monk CR. Will Unholy be available in the future?
Thank man for the support. Unholy is under development, the spec need to control pet and it's complicate to get to decent level (pet stun/charge interrupt, eat trap, attack rogue stealth...) so it's more code to write... Please give me more time.
Anyone can help me? when i start the bot (lazy etc) and i attack a mob he only spawns Ghul and do one Plague Strike....Autohit till mob dies...any suggenstions??? thnx!
IMO, Strangulate is more for locking the healer before you intend to kill/pressure the enemy team, mean u use a 2-minute-cooldown to force enemies to use at least 1 trinket or 1 defensive cooldown (which is more profitable), if you need to avoid Chaos Bolt, Poly, Cyclone, Rep etc... AMS (1 minute cooldown) is more viable. Also, here is my suggestion for BloodTap 5stacks==> CC should detect talent, if DK takes Asphyxiate, the 5stacks Bloodtap should be reserved for: (Priority below) 1. Killing Machine procs ==> Obli 2. Stack more Necrotic Strike. 3. Icebound Fortitude I'm still curious about the Blood/Frost presence management issue that many ppl had. Is it still buggy even if you already UNTICK that option or set its value to 0 (zero)?
New revision 39: Fix Prost/Blood Presence swap issue Add Bloop Tap use on Blood Charge on GUI Minor Imprement and Bug fix
Good job on the frequent updates tuanha! I'm looking forward to try the unholy spec once it is ready for use.
Just started using this for frost will see how it works! Leveled to 90 using this for Blood and it was amazing, hope Frost is badass as well.