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  • TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Dec 24, 2012.

    1. Reflex11

      Reflex11 New Member

      Jun 23, 2012
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      As I understand it, yes framelock improves performance. I believe it allows HB to read memory from WoW more quickly, and thus make decisions faster. No idea what is in entailed in adding framelock support - just gotta hope tuanha adds it someday.
    2. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      The combat routine only kill these totems:
      //Spirit Link Totem 53006
      //Earthgrab Totem 60561
      //Earthbind Totem 2630
      //Windwalk Totem 59717
      //Mana Tide Totem 10467
      //Healing Tide Totem 59764
      //Capacitor Totem 61245

      Please update new revision that revise Necrotic Strike priority.
    3. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      New revision:

      Festering Strike will not use if Necrotic Strike is available.

      Icy Touch dispell have 2 logic.

      High Priority: Will use Frost or Death Rune to dispell Hand of Protection/Earth Shield/Nature's Swiftness/Icy Veins/Master's Call
      Low Priority: Will only use Frost Rune to dispell buff
    4. Ray7brian2

      Ray7brian2 New Member

      May 8, 2013
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      Thank you for your support.[​IMG]
    5. Hybr

      Hybr Member

      Dec 13, 2011
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      Duel Wield is supported and turn - AUTO BUFF off to stop HoW buffing, therefore it will prioritise the combat routine over Buffing in fights.
    6. redatim

      redatim New Member

      May 2, 2013
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      how did you changed Death Strike implementation?
    7. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I don't think Death Strike need to improve in core but just the settings.

      The spell only heal in PvE therefore in PvP mode, just turn off that spell.
    8. rogurogu

      rogurogu New Member

      Jul 10, 2011
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      I might be wrong, but doesn't deathstrike heal in pvp also? As far as I know it always heals atleast 7%. This heal can increase in PvE but not in PvP but it always heals atleast 7%, even in PvP.
    9. redatim

      redatim New Member

      May 2, 2013
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      In PvP it heals 7% and you have Blood Shield (Blood DK only) that protect you for 50% of the amount healed as a Physical damage absorption shield.
      A medium-level lvl 90 Blood DK used to have 500k of life points, so with DS you are healed of 35k and you have (at least, it depends about your mastery) 17.5k of shield.

      I think it's still useful for PvP on DK Blood :)
    10. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      There's a check box for Death Strike in general setting tap.

      If you play blood spec, enable that spell, if you play unholy/frost, disable that spell.

      That faster way to make it work instead of checking code for which spec to use that spell.
    11. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      Paid version will work not free as it does not have logic to fight against same faction players.
    12. xifter

      xifter New Member

      Oct 11, 2011
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      Anyone tested the new version with changes to festering priority and icy touch priorities? I am out of town unable to just yet but am excited to get more necros out :)
    13. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      I have not yet.. Been making tamales.
    14. Reflex11

      Reflex11 New Member

      Jun 23, 2012
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      Played some BGs with it quickly just to check it out - definitely more necrotics and I'm not sure if it ever casted fester (yay!), though in retrospect I should have ran recount and checked it. The icy touch stuff isn't really noticeable, I don't think the change was increasing its frequency but rather just dispelling more important stuff. I'd still personally like for it to just spam every frost rune with IT, but that's ok. I plan to spam some arena games, turn of icy veins (may resort to changing it to 'false' in the doc) and anything else I can think of that it would use frost runes for. My guess is, if i do that, it will camp frost runes until there's something meaningful to dispel - which isn't quite ideal as it's actually a tad more important that we turn over death runes instead of dispel stuff.

      I want to say I noticed it using death runes for scourge strike, but I'm not totally sure. I think it's still checking for some kind of necrotic strike logic, like caster/healer class debuff or waiting for the debuff to expire to re-apply or something. I build a quick CR through FightThisWay that literally exclusively uses blood runes for blood boil, frost runes for icy touch, and death runes for necrotics and it would consistently be able to dump 3+ necrotics in a row pretty damn often, and seriously spiked my damage on a dummy. If it weren't for all the behind the scenes junk that comes with FightThisWay that makes it able to do raids/afk that I can't seem to figure out how to turn off, I'd use it for sure.

      That said, the CR is still running at an 1800+ level, at least the special edition. Most of the stuff I bring up are just little tweaks to perfect it. Frankly, going from playing manual 2k+ unholy to letting this CR run my rotation and doing dark sim/cc/trinkets myself so that I can coordinate them better with my teammates makes it feel like a cakewalk and the damage/pressure descrepency in PVP (me doing it manually vrs the bot) really isn't all that much. I think it's actually fairly easy to manual the current UH rotation, as long as you're running roiling blood, just spam every blood rune into BB, every frost into IT, macro /cast bloodtap onto your necrotic strike, pool 4 death runes from your rotation - dump 4 necrotics + bloodtap 2 more and watch nerds panic. Of course this is all while your dots are hitting everything on the map because the bot does pretty well with casting Outbreak on people out of your bloodboil range, and anyone inside BB range is getting pummeled with pestilence procs from roiling blood.

      I'd still like to see the PVP portion of the CR to refuse to use death runes for anything other than necrotic strike/soul reaper/IT(but for very high priority dispels, essentially the ones you posted). Let everything else be user controlled - honestly if you can't be bothered to cast icy veins or the like, you're not going to get far into PVP anyways lol.

      Personally, I wish I could figure out how to properly edit the routine myself, but it's so deep and well coded that it hurts my brain. The option to turn certain skills off is nice (by turning them to False in the actual doc), but it's not as desirable as it just spamming bbs and its. I only say this because when I turn part of the rotation off, I often make mistakes with runes because the bots turning over other ones and making it even more confusing, so I end up accidentally using a death rune for an IT or something.

      Anyways, initial feel is that its better and there are more necrotics and less festers - just wishing it would forget about all the checks its doing and just spam BBs and ITs when their runes are available. Something like:

      Frost Runes
      1) Check list for dispel -> if true, dispel
      2) If no dispel and >0 frost runes available -> IT target

      Blood Runes
      1) Check for diseases, if none -> if uh rune available, then plague strike; if no uh rune, outbreak
      if 1+ -> BB
      2) if all of that is impossible, and >0 blood runes, spam BB anyways so we turnover a death rune

      UH Runes
      1)No diseases -> plague strike
      2)2 diseases, >0 UH runes, scourge strike

      Death Runes
      1)>0 Death Runes -> Necrotic Strike
      2)Target under X hp -> Soul Reaper (i believe the game will auto use an UH rune if avail)

      It really is that simple, with the current way UH DK is working in PVP and how strong Necrotic Strike is - everything revolves around primarily turning over death runes and dumping them into Necrotics, all the DOTs/dispels/debuffs are just icing on the cake. The real impressive stuff with the CR is the pet logic (healing it, huddle, leap/gnaw), the dark sim is nice, auto interrupt, auto strangulate/asph, the AMS and AMZ logic, presence stuff (will need come 5.3) is top notch.

      That said, as long as you're geared you should have no problem pushing real rating in arena, 1800+ as long as your teammates are competent (or botting, lol) and also properly geared. What's he's done so far, is good enough for that for sure - I can't remember a single instance in my under 1800 games where an enemy DK outperformed me in either damage or healing (and its pretty much impossible to beat in interrupts). But perfecting the rotation, and getting it away from the PVE logic (i know it's weird how wildly different rune use is for PVP rather than PVE) and there would be really nothing, besides your teammates and pvp experience (knowing when to peel, trinket blahblah) that would keep anyone back from using this CR in honest to god gladiator runs.

      I just also wanted to quickly say it's awesome that you let the user customize timings for interrupts, it's really nice to have an option that makes it not instant cast, as that can be a pretty obvious bot in arena.

      Anyways, here's another rambling feedback post :)
      Last edited: May 10, 2013
    15. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank for the feed back Reflex11.

      This rotation is not hard and I definitively can code it.

      The only problem is it will screw up PvE rotation.

      All I need to do is to code the whole new PvP rotation totally separate from PvE one... get ready to test for me soon :D
    16. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      just like how you have seperate holy pally rotations... one for pve and one for pvp?
    17. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well this sounds amazing old friend!
    18. exdeus

      exdeus Banned

      Aug 18, 2012
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      don't forget frost rotation pliz, i think it does not do enough ns, there are holes in rotation especialy when death rune is up after blood tap.
      i only talk about pvp....
    19. redatim

      redatim New Member

      May 2, 2013
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      I think you forgot to add the Necrotic Strike support on Blood DK.

      Since you added also in Blood PvP configuration, but not in source code.
      Locally I added the support in THBlood.cs and it works greatly, especially on arenas with healers :)

      Another strange thing, in commit 197, you changed all the PvP configuration to remove nerfed Death Strike support, but you changed LastSavedSpec to Unholy for Frost and Blood.

      Thanks for your beautiful work! :cool:
    20. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Start rewriting the whole rotation for PvP... that Necrotic Strike cause a lot of trouble as it useless in PvE.

      Bad think is my CR Design mix PvP and PvE mode in 1 rotation, now I have to make 2 separate rotation and it take time :S

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