Why does this CR keep spamming Lifebloom (and regrowth from time to time) when I'm out of combat and at 100% hp. Edit: I'm obviously resto.
No way around it? I mean, I know I could just pause the bot, or uncheck lifebloom. But it just seems so unhandy that there's no option to automatically stop it when you and your party members are at 100% hp.
Hi my Master Tuanha long time beeing on forum ( like few days) any way we woudl love to fix auto healing touch using by balance druid. He is doing this on every percent of hp dunno why, balance need to ofheal but not casting healing touch of friend on 90 %-50 % hp when we have healer in team Cheer
The feral pvp routine feels a bit... slow? Anyone got any good settings to share for arenas? No matter what I tweak, it does not seem to perform as good as I expect it.
Resto druid need keep keep Lifebloom ALWAYS up because you only get Clearcasting Proc when Lifebloom healing someone. Also Lifebloom use extremely low mana, you should always keep it up or refresh it in PvP on 7 seconds left because who know when a rogue cheap shot you and you can't do anything during that 8 second stunlock, only lifebloom is a life-saving spell. About regrowth/healing touch casting for no reason, it actually cast to keep your Harmony buff up that buff increase 30% healing from HoTs spells About Faerie Swarm, I think it's fixed on last version.
Hi guys, We have new version that increase A LOT damage of Feral Spec in PvP. Now we will use Skull Bash regardless of condition if Tiger Fury on Cooldown because a success interrupt in reset it Smarter use of Rake during Incarnation Minor bug fix and optimization Please svn update and enjoy Happy New Year!
I seem to be running out of mana all the time, whats the settings for resto druid really appreciate if you can help me tuanha paid special edition..thanks
Anyone else with a Problem when using "The Tramper Gatherer" from Roboto and unsing this CR while Mining my Druid always shift into Catfrom 1 Sec. before he loot the Ore. It looks like that he looted, but he need serveral trys to mine and loot. With Singular there is no Problem with Mining/looting.
The same thing happens for a lot of things. Like archaeology. It will shift before it can loot the node and ends up going back and forth between looting and shifting a number of times before it loots it fast enough. Would be great if there was a delay after harvesting/using an item before it would shift back or even an option to only force the shift when in combat.
Ya this has been a problem since WoD, the bot is just too quick. In pve and pvp, instant shifting is nice but for everything else it's really annoying. I'm not sure if turning off "automatic shifting" in settings fixes it or not but I've just gotten used to pressing my pause button before interacting with objects. Not sure if it's possible but it would be nice if the bot had a way of pausing itself for 1-2 sec after interacting with certain objects.
Hey before I purchase I wanted to see how this works for Boomkin in PvP? Right now I am using superbad for feral PvE and it works great. Just need something for Boomkin PvP with people showing they are getting top damage out with great amount of CC's. Right now I don't have a problem keeping damage high but I normally only get like 20 cyclones out.
TuanHA Boomkin has been working really good for me. Hit 2K in 2s (best comp for me is boomkin/brewmaster - Guard is OP with boomkins instants), 2400+ in 3s and 2300+ RBGs. Let Tuanhas do the rotation and I manually control cd's and cyclones.