It's terrible for arena, when you are getting trained it blows through ironbark, barkskin, and NS. Once those are over it will try to cast a heal get kicked and then die. I've used it in ashran and it puts up big heal numbers according to recount, so it would probably be good for pve and ashran, maybe bgs but I think rbgs would be pushing it. It needs to prioritize it's heals by the likelihood of a kick happening, it's also bad at keeping up hots on the druid as well as the main target. It's not really set up to deal with swaps or kicks.
As far as Combat Routines go, none that I know of. The Gladiator suite will probably be pretty good(they focus on arena) but it hasn't been released yet. Seems like healing routines are much harder to get right for arena.
PS you should be using all of the above mentioned manually since the CR cannot predict swaps nor burst.
Wouldn't change the fact that it tries to cast regrowth while getting trained by a roque and dk with their kicks up. I mean sure I could try to juke manually but then I might as well not even use the routine since I'm already doing the hard stuff myself. Basically the biggest weakness of the routine is it doesn't hard cast heals enough when the enemy team can't kick, but it casts them too much when they can. It's also not great at pre hotting the druid with germination to help with swaps.
I agree, it also falls way behind against dot cleaves, heals teammates and forgets to heal itself. Also, doesnt heal pets
Is there a fix for the Solar Beam problem? My boomkin doesn't seem to be casting Solar Beam on it's own even when the option is checked.
im getting kicked every time is there a way to avoid it with a routine? other heal crs cant be kicked
[Resto Druid] Issues+Requests: 1. Heal Pets! this is important for challenge mode and pvp. 2. Auto-Rebirth ANY/ALL deaths, option besides just tank/healer. useful for ashran, bg, dungeons... 3. Tranquility support. self explanatory, more for pve than pvp
[Resto Druid PvP] Request: Auto use of Displacer Beast, I notice it will use Wild Charge automatically but not displacer.
i dont know whats wrong with this cr this season as feral. it do no dmg, just spam heal, doesnt do the routine pretty well and random sheit. not sure if its my settings etc but ???? anyone that can confirm they are over 2.2k atm?
Its not you, seems like none of his CR's are really on par anymore. Druid is just about useless in any type of pvp.
Boomkin and Feral are lacking but i feel Resto is OK i control the CCs but i do go OOM kindof quick even though i have that scale slider all the way to the left for less heals.
Its how the CR uses Genesis that makes you go oom. Turn that off or turn the setting down to around 60% hp and you will see your mana stay up.
I use the Hunter routine in arena to pretty good success. But yeah in general most are pretty far off where they were at the end of mop. I think he just has too many CRs on his plate and is trying to please both pve and pvp, it's a lot of work. He ought to hire some help or something.
There isn't any sort of kick avoidance built into the routine, until there is I wouldn't use it for arenas.