I'm taking into H-HM now.. I'll report back Edit Don't have time to post logs, but a definitive DPS increase.. 675 iLevel 33k on Heroic Koragh up from 28.5K on Monday.
What are your settings? I saw on icy veins that on 2 targets, it should be single target rotation with serpent sting and explosive trap on the 2 targets. While only at 3 targets, should you use multiple target rotation like barrage, multi shot and explosive trap.
Also, Tuanha, is it possible for you to add in a setting to "Pull more"? Like in Singular CR. Where in farming for rep, it can pull up to 5 mobs at a time and AoE them down. This will greatly increase questing and rep farming speed. Thank you
Tuanha broke it down in a previous post. Auto for PVE, 1 (off) for PVP. If it's an aoe heavy fight I take thrill, murder, barrage, and focusing shot. However, I would like to see check boxes for 2/4pc T17 as there is a slightly shifted priority. BA procs L&L with 2pc, shouldn't it go ES-BA-ES-ES? And the 4pc increases multistrike damage while the ES debuff is active on any target, so ES should be used during heavy aoe to keep the debuff active...right? Rather than dumping procs back to back, weave in MS or AS between ES.
TuanHa, I havent tested it with your new AoE option, but I dont understand what youre doing here.. Why is there still an option for Barrage to be used on Burst/Cooldown, when in reality it should just be bunched into the MultiShot logic and only be used when there are 2 or more targets. It makes absolutely no sense to have it on Cooldown or Burst, which forces us to turn it off completely and do workarounds like swapping profiles mid fight whenever there are 2 or more targets.
Setting it the way you have with the AoE rotation set to Auto will only ever use if there are two or more targets in range. The new multi-shot logic is rad as well, its in line with the sim craft target sizes.
Hey Tuanha, if i check the auto target box in the settings i think right that ur routine targets npcs and players in pve and pvp right ? If i´m right pls check ur target db, while the bossfight with Thogar i cannot switch to the Iron Gunnery Sergeants man cannons on the train cars and destroy them. Every time i try to the routine switch back to Thogar or trash and don´t attack the cannons. If u need a log pls let me know, then i try to create a logfile for this fight only. Ah, i forget to tell that i use the premium version.
Sometime people don't need/like Barrage on trash mobs, only on Boss, that why the option is there. I always set it use on cooldown, CR smart enough not to use it on single target rotation, so I guess there's no problem here ;D
Just turn auto target off? the only possible cr do not attack cannon is HB API saying that cannon is not attackable and that not my CR fault xD
Upcoming Hunter Changes..... Do we think Survival is going to stay King, and have you been working on the other rotations Tuanha? Personally I think Marksman Lone Wolf is looking good again...
Hi Tuanha, i have attack out of combat unchecked yet it still attacked before the dbm timer is up. Can you please check and fix it? thank you
Just bought Donor version, How it can be such a huge diffrence i cant understand. Tested donor version for 15 min on dummy, 29k dps and simcraft states 30k raidbuffed. Epic routine.
Is this Routine more suited for Thrill of the hunt or Steady Focus? Because by WoW Talent Calculator | DPS Estimates - 6.0.3, it says that steady focus actually has more dps than thrill of the hunt
It's still doing this really weird thing in single target which you really need to fix, as it's a 2-3k DPS loss, believe it or not. If you end up with 10 or so focus and Explosive Shot is off cooldown, it WAITS and does NOTHING until you have 15 Focus so it can cast Explosive Shot, then it does the Focusing Shot (which it should've done straight away instead of waiting for the 5 additional focus for ES).