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  • TuanHA Hunter - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Mar 1, 2013.

    1. cmavo87

      cmavo87 New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      What didn't work for you in duels? Be more specific please...was the person you were dueling in your group? If so, it has already been said many times that the CC don't attack people in your group.
    2. destor@th

      destor@th New Member

      Jun 4, 2013
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      it use deff cds and heal but didnt attack..
    3. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      that mean you dueling party/raid member, please read FAQ about dueling.

      Do I need to pop up a message "this CR do not support dueling party member" every-time you start a HB?

      Look like people never read FAQ and just complain :)
    4. Thegoon

      Thegoon New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      Any idea about my problem at the previous page? =)
    5. ridder654

      ridder654 New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      the only thing that sux is if you are in a party with a friend from another server you cannot duel because after u initiate duel and leave party he is automatically transferred back to his server.
    6. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      Quick pro tip for 2k+ 2v2
      Find a decent disc. mine just clicks every ability and hes not that amazingly great but hes decent.
      Now to be able to hit 2k you simply need to follow this strat and it will litterally be faceroll (took us 60 games total for 2k)
      First you need to change a couple settings and make a couple macros
      Macros : They are all listed by tuanha in the first page
      Settings : The way I PREFER TO PLAY (my opinion) is to set my focus trap on demand to E, turn off any type of automatic trap on scatter/cc or anything.
      I turn off scatter as interupt, turn off silencing shot, turn off pet ability, basically you dont want the CC to use Scatter/Silencing shot/Webwrap or trap without you asking for it or doing it.
      Other settings you can disable but not necessary are Master's call i made a macro to be smarter with it to help my disc. and bestial wrath to use as a trinket. Also i like to turn off deterence and only do it when my priest tells me to.
      Now there are 2 important things you need to keep in mind to make it to 2k, All you have to worry about is your positioning, and to eat other hunter's traps off your healer. Be mindful of LoS for polymorphs and Fear and Hex (especially hex since a priest can't dispel that)

      Now that you have the macro's and the settings tuned to your liking, macro's keybound to easy to reach places (you only have about 6 buttons to remember, thats really easy considering you are aiming for 2k) we can move on to strategies vs enemy teams and how to set up a proper CC chain using this CR and a disc partner. you don't even need skype to pull these off as they are linear and easy.

      Lets go with kill order on most common comps and a general rule :
      Always CC healer and kill dps. This CR cannot solo a healer other than maybe a bad resto druid on a hard switch, other than that it never happened for me and i am extremely good at CCing and positioning. (this is for 2k+ bad 1500 kills don't count at all dont argue lol)
      So you dont waste your time training a healer, now thats established, just kill mages first, or rets, against double dps teams u always want to kill something easy, so a rogue, a pally, a mage, against stupid teams like Ele/Boomkins i just train the ele and CC the boomy, its a really easy to kill comp they just have alot of healing. Same goes for warlocks, depending on the situation i usually keep them for last, because they have great defensive abilities and i would prefer to train a mage and trap a lock over the oposite. Also warriors, hunters, ferals dont generally speaking make a great first kill target, hunters are just easy to counter as Disc/hunter (again unless theres a healer with them) beating them is only a matter of stacking on top of your healer to eat the traps other than that u can trap them/LoS them and kill the partner. Ferals can survive really well and warriors are just too long to kill compared to other classes.

      My other tip is concerning the burst on the CC, simple rule of thumb : when facing double DPS, i set it to blow it off on cooldown, against healer teams i like to choose when i do it.

      I wont do a complete strategy guide vs every comp out there but its rather easy to pick a target, as disc/hunter bubble and iceblock is no concern you need to take that in consideration, after iceblock and bubble mages and ret pallies are basically free kills.

      Now the very best CC chain you can achieve as this comp is this : Narrow escape >trap on the healer > Fear > mind control out of LoS > when he comes back instant silencing shot > into a scatter > into a web wrap > now if you are close to a kill you might readiness trap or simply wait for the next trap to be off CD and do it again every 30 seconds (without webwrap)
      Again im not a gladiator, if you disagree feel free to comment and let me know as this is generally what we do. and we have that established and its worked well so far, we made a couple youtube videos but i dont want to be known as a botter in the community so i wont link it here, i can PM the video if you wish to see it, theres a montage of our climb to 2k from the disc point of view

      All this is situational, when u get a trinket you can choose to wait for the next full chain or to continue the chain ignoring the one he trinketed out of. So if he trinkets trap you fear, if he trinkets fear you should silencing shot or webwrap into a MC to prevent healing from being done during the MC cast.

      Basically what i hope to show with my post is for all the people expecting the CR to trap on its own, it would be terrible if it did that, the sheer fact that you get to pick when you trap is what makes this CR so great.Also help people that This CR as it stands is 2200 capable in the hands of a good player, this is what i am aiming to achieve in the next few days, also will be doing some Ret/Hunter/Disc 3v3 and getting my 2200 achievement.

      Remember : All you need to manage is the CC and positioning, this alone gives you the edge over 2200 teams that need to pay attention to their dps rotation on top of everything. Please be smart and dont ask why the CR isnt trapping on its own its almost a slap to the face when this CR is designed to be used in high end arena.

      Thanks for reading guys and remember, this is just my personal favorite way of playing, its how i do it, and its how it has been working for me. I tried Hunter/Enhance to 1900 but we could not pass 1900, got a disc and got 2k in a day.
      I hope it helps a little even if what i said is pretty obvious to some.
    7. Ineffablemystery

      Ineffablemystery New Member

      Oct 30, 2012
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      I'm having trouble getting the CC to use camouflage when out of combat. I've tried checking Camouflage Out Of Combat and Camouflage When My HP Below, tried unchecking the HP Below option and only having Camouflage Out Of Combat checked, but still nothing is making me camo when I'm not in combat. I have the Special Edition, obviously. Any help? This CC is awesome other than that! Thankyou so much.
    8. cedricdu94

      cedricdu94 Member

      Feb 2, 2012
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      Exhilaration no work for me since last rev and he try kill died unit
    9. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I see nothing wrong in the log, maybe you get the wrong one.

      When you got "Eat/Drink/Dead/Not in Game/Resurrection Sickness" the CR will do nothing as intended. Have you got Resurrection sickness?
    10. snt76

      snt76 Member

      Aug 27, 2012
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      I did not use the Cr for two weeks, today I made an update and wanted to use it but my carakter won't do anything during a fight, it just stands there doing nothing.
      I made a log, maybe you can find somthing there...

      View attachment 98716
    11. destor@th

      destor@th New Member

      Jun 4, 2013
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      can u add a checkbox for use binding shot on my target with cooldown?
    12. M3th0s

      M3th0s New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      I have noticed since last rev. a few issues when doing arenas. Running with Tyrael:
      -CR is no longer using Exhilaration
      -CR is no longer using Pet abilities like the spirit beast heal, etc
      -CR is not pulling readiness when Deterrence is used
      -CR not using explosive trap even when selected (against melee)

      I will try and upload some logs later on. Is anyone else experiencing this or is it a botbase issue (Tyrael)?

      Thanks in advance
    13. Thegoon

      Thegoon New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      No it has been like this for a week. Well, a fresh install maybe will help

      Edit: Have done a fresh install with only this routine and lazyraider. Even deleted my UI if there was something there that did this but its the same.
      So I have no clue what it can be. Is it something you need from me to understand the problem better?
    14. cmavo87

      cmavo87 New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      Tuan is away for a few days, he has communicated with me via skype and is aware of these problems and will begin fixing when he is back home.

      He also looking into adding two new features for SE which will make this CC even more Gladiator capable - on-demand ice trap and explosive trap on current target for peels for your partner! At the moment the CC have no way to peel on demand, it only spam conc shot, this will make the CC do everything a Gladiator hunter would:

      *perfect traps off any CC (thanks to on-demand CC on focus)
      *perfect DPS rotation
      *auto or manual handling of burst and defensive cd's
      *auto or manual handling of target and set focus
      *on-demand CC and peels for your partners when you need to play defensive

      To get high rating with this CC, you have to manually choose when to burst and handle the targetting and focusing by yourself, and of course have to co-ordinate CC chain with your partners.

      This is without doubt best CC I have ever used for PvP

      His Survival AoE rated BG setting always get me top damage and most of the time top KB playing with 2k rated RBG team.

      Can't wait for the new on-demand feature to be implemented then I will get 2.2k+ with this CC easier than I can imagine.
    15. M3th0s

      M3th0s New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Thanks for the update, looking forward to it!
      How does on demand trapping and CC work? Hotkeys set on CC or macros in game?
      Thanks for your help!
    16. cmavo87

      cmavo87 New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      You need to make the macro's set out on the front page in Tuan's directions, then open up HB > select TuanHa hunter special edition > make sure using tyrael (i use 40 tps and everything unticked except the first box) > open up class config and select "load setting" in the left hand corner and the file I have uploaded.

      Download BM Arena.xml from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

      Up to you whether you want to download this or not, it is my edit of Tuan's Arena settings, which I have used to get 1900+ in 2s running with bad players and 2k+ in 3s playing with friends who have only been 2k once before.

      My on-demand CC for focus is: E
      My on-demand scare beast is: 5

      So when I want to scare beast (bm hunter pet or feral) I hold down "5" in-game and it will scare beast on the closest beast to me.

      When I want to trap off a CC on my focus target (only trap off a CC which keeps them in place: stun, snare, blind, disorient) I hold down "E" in-game and the CC will throw freezing trap at my focus.

      The only things you have to do yourself in my settings is control when to burst (I have it set to ctrl+f), targetting and setting focus (use Tuan's focus set macro for easy focus setting), I very often use Silence shot as a blanket silence to overlap a CC I have on a healer in the CC chain, and calling / ressing pets (as hunter you can get all 5 major buffs from all your pets, so depending on who you are playing with you summon and manually use your pets party buff then dismiss and repeat).

      Hope that helps.
    17. Oyoyewi

      Oyoyewi New Member

      Aug 15, 2011
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      @cmavo87 could you share your settings.xml for arena / bg?
    18. cmavo87

      cmavo87 New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      They are in the post above yours, you need to download that file then load it in the CC (it will only work for special edition).

      You still need to have some knowledge of arena to get high rating even with this CC (who the best kill target is, when to swap to healer, when to play defensive, and no point trying to trap healer when they are standing on top of their partner!)
    19. cmavo87

      cmavo87 New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      Hi sorry only saw this post now,

      Basically, this CR will make getting to 2k and higher a LOT easier than it would normally be - there will still be some work.

      You will have to still know what certain classes can do, which class is easiest to kill when facing a 2s or 3s team, you will still have to co-ordinate with your partners when they should CC and what CC chains you can do.

      Positioning is very dynamic, what I mean by that is - if you are certain to get a kill and have the other team on the back foot, it is alright to push in and chase a kill and LoS from your healer (only do this if you 100% sure of a kill though), but most of the time you want to be staying close to your healer, close to a pillar or object that you can LoS from CC or enemy casters if you need to.

      When you vs other hunter teams, you should stay ON TOP of your healer at all times to help him eat traps.

      Like I have said in other posts, you will still need to control the CC a little bit - but that is mandatory if you are wanting to get the most out of this CC - only the human can see if the enemy healer trinket and you are close to getting kill on their partner, you would use Readiness to get a quick 2nd scatter > trap > silence off to secure the kill...the CC don't do that for you because it's impossible to code in.

      Basically bottom line is, there is no CC out there that will literally play the game for you, you still need to have decent knowledge of both the game and your own class, but THIS CC is the best there is (for PvP).
    20. Oyoyewi

      Oyoyewi New Member

      Aug 15, 2011
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      @cmavo87 Thanks! Have to admit, never ever done arena's. Got the specialedition, think your file will help me out a bit!

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