Update your SVN i've made a couple of little changes, im worried though as it doesnt seem to cast renewing mist at all which is a huge error
I see, not bad, but you save too more mana, i try in Garalon HC and always have more that 50% mana and last in Skada HSP
That is with my old settings, try the new one i was like 10% mana with 20% of fight left. on Garalon.
I read you MP, but where i can find your new settings? I update SVN and have the result that i say you
Ok My final update has been uploaded. Its melee based healing for 25man heroics and works a treat. Dont worry about mana
Always need go melee? Ok i try but hate go melee whit a healer. Can you give yours glyphs and talents?
TuanHA Monk 2.0 Public Release is ready. Please download at page #1. Some options are "gray out" and reserved for Special Edition but Public Release is more than enough for questing, leveling, afk farming. Just test a Heroic Dungeon healing and my mana never drop to 80% so I guess you guys don't have any problem using Public Release. Thank you for your support. Enjoy!
Club...that maybe one of the issues keeping you the last healer in your 25 man...if I am not mistaken the monk was designed to be a melee style healer...thus the need to jab to generate Chi on occasion
Revision 92, I need buddies help on translation. If you have time, please help me translating the GUI into your language. How do you help? Just copy the code below, translate to your language (pay attention to the length of the words) then paste here to me, I'll include it to the GUI. And remember let me know your hb nickname for credit. Thank you. Code: Logging.Write("Using English Language Set"); tabPage1.Text = "Welcome"; tabPage2.Text = "General"; AFK.Text = "AFK"; Quest.Text = "Quest"; PvP.Text = "PvP"; Raid.Text = "Raid"; Dungeon.Text = "Dungeon"; Apply.Text = "Apply"; OK.Text = "OK"; groupBox3.Text = "Control"; label17.Text = "Turn Left"; label16.Text = "Backward"; label15.Text = "Turn Right"; label4.Text = "Strafle Left"; label5.Text = "Forward"; label6.Text = "Strafle Right"; label10.Text = "Toggle Pause Mode"; label7.Text = "Override Hotkeys\r\nPush these to take control of movement."; AttackOOC.Text = "Attack Out Combat"; AutoFace.Text = "Auto Face"; AutoRacial.Text = "Auto Racial"; AutoBuff.Text = "Auto Buff"; AutoMove.Text = "Auto Move"; AutoTarget.Text = "Auto Target"; tabPage3.Text = "BrewMaster"; tabPage4.Text = "MistWeaver"; tabPage5.Text = "WindWalker"; tabPage7.Text = "Special Thank"; HealthStone.Text = "Health Stone && Battle Standard"; FortifyingBrew.Text = "Fortifying Brew My HP Below"; GrappleWeapon.Text = "Grapple Weapon Friend HP Below\r\n(or Disarmed)"; PickChiSphere.Text = "Pick Chi Sphere Max Distance"; PickHealingSphere.Text = "Pick Healing Sphere Max Distance"; Provoke.Text = "Provoke Min Distance"; Disable.Text = "Disable Player && Fleeing Mob"; EnergizingBrew.Text = "Energizing Brew Energy Below"; FlyingSerpentKick.Text = "Flying Serpent Kick Min Distance"; FistsofFury.Text = "Fists of Fury Max Energy"; Roll.Text = "Roll Min Distance"; TigereyeBrew.Text = "Tigereye Brew on Stack"; TouchofDeath.Text = "Touch of Death"; TouchofKarma.Text = "Touch of Karma My HP Below"; SpinningCraneKick.Text = "Spinning Crane Kick on Units"; SpinningFireBlossom.Text = "inning Fire Blossom Min Dist"; tabPage6.Text = "Talent"; TigersLustCaster.Text = "Caster"; TigersLustMelee.Text = "Melee"; TigersLustMe.Text = "Me"; LegSweepMe.Text = "Charging Ox Wave - Leg Sweep\r\nIf Friend HP Below"; ChiBrew.Text = "Chi Brew at Number of Chi"; label2.Text = "Unit Below"; ChiBurst.Text = "Chi Burst\r\n(MistWeaver)"; label1.Text = "Unit Below"; ZenSphereDetonate.Text = "Detonate\r\n(MistWeaver)"; ZenSphere.Text = "Zen Sphere Friend Below\r\n(MistWeaver)"; ZenSphereMe.Text = "Zen Sphere Me Below\r\n(BrewMaster && WindWalker)"; ChiWave.Text = "Chi Wave Friend Below\r\n(MistWeaver)"; ChiWaveMe.Text = "Chi Wave Me Below\r\n(BrewMaster && WindWalker)"; LegSweepInterrupt.Text = "Charing Ox Wave - Leg Sweep \r\nEnemy Casting at Ms Left"; LegSweepEnemy.Text = "Charging Ox Wave - Leg Sweep\r\nIf Enemy HP Below"; TigersLust.Text = "Tiger\'s Lust"; groupBox7.Text = "Talent"; TigersLustHealer.Text = "Healer"; DampenHam.Text = "Dampen Harm Me Below"; RushingJadeWind.Text = "Rushing Jade Wind on Number\r\nof Enemy (Brew && Wind)"; label3.Text = "Only At This Number of Magic Debuff"; DiffuseMagic.Text = "Duffuse Magic Me Below"; RushingJadeWindMist.Text = "Rushing Jade Wind (MistWeaver)"; label8.Text = "Friendly Unit Below"; InvokeXuenTank.Text = "Invoke Xuen Tank Below\r\n(BrewMaster)"; InvokeXuen.Text = "Invoke Xuen Enemy Below"; ChiTorpedoMist.Text = "Chi Torpedo (MistWeaver)"; label9.Text = "Friendly Unit Below"; ChiTorpedo.Text = "Chi Torpedo on Number\r\nof Enemy (Brew && Wind)"; groupBox8.Text = "Survive"; label11.Text = "Max"; InvokeXuenBurst.Text = "Only Invoke Xuen on Burst Mode"; BlockInputRoll.Text = "Roll"; BlockInputFSK.Text = "Flying Kick"; BlockInputFoF.Text = "Fist of Fury"; label19.Text = "Block User Input Total Milliseconds"; UseFoodDrink.Text = "Use Food - Drink Below"; label22.Text = "______________TALENT 90______________"; label25.Text = "______________TALENT 75______________"; label24.Text = "______________TALENT 60______________"; label23.Text = "______________TALENT 45______________"; label21.Text = "______________TALENT 30______________"; label20.Text = "______________TALENT 15______________"; DropHealingSphereCombat.Text = "Drop Healing Sphere My HP Below"; DropHealingSphereMovingToEnemy.Text = "Drop Healing Sphere Moving To Enemy"; groupBox1.Text = "Interrupt && Trinket"; ParalysisInterrupt.Text = "Paralysis Ms Left"; label18.Text = "Burst"; label12.Text = "Trinket 1"; label13.Text = "Trinket 2"; label14.Text = "Prof. Buff"; SpearHandStrikeSilence.Text = "Spear Hand Strike Silence\r\nHealer / Caster HP Left"; *****lingJadeLightning.Text = "*****ling Jade My HP Below"; SpearHandStrike.Text = "Spear Hand Strike Ms Left"; ParalysisMeLowHP.Text = "Paralysis My Friend Below"; Transcendence.Text = "Paralysis My Friend Below"; label26.Text = "When Image Not in LoS or Distance >"; InvokeXuenElite.Text = "Elite"; InvokeXuenPlayer.Text = "Player"; InvokeXuenAll.Text = "All"; InvokeXuenBoss.Text = "Boss"; SummonJadeSerpentStatue.Text = "Summon Jade Serpent Statue"; label29.Text = "Unit Below"; LifeCocoon.Text = "Life Cocoon Unit HP Below"; ThunderFocusTeaSurgingMist.Text = "Thunder Focus Tea before Surging Mist"; label28.Text = "Units Below"; ThunderFocusTeaUplift.Text = "Thunder Focus Tea before Uplift"; label27.Text = "Units Below"; Uplift.Text = "Uplift"; RenewingMist.Text = "Renewing Mist Unit HP Below"; HealingSphereMistTank.Text = "Healing Sphere Tank Every Sec"; HealingSphereMist.Text = "Healing Sphere Unit HP Below"; SurgingMist.Text = "Surging Mist Unit HP Below"; EnvelopingMist.Text = "Enveloping Mist Unit HP Below"; SoothingMist.Text = "Soothing Mist Unit HP Below"; TigerPalmMist.Text = "Tiger Palm Mana Above"; BlackoutKickMist.Text = "Blackout Kick Mana Above"; JabMist.Text = "Jab to this amount of Chi"; label31.Text = "Units Below"; *****lingJadeLightningMist.Text = "*****ling Jade Lightning Mana"; Revival.Text = "Revival"; label30.Text = "Units Below"; SpinningCraneKickMist.Text = "Spinning Crane Kick"; ExpelHarm.Text = "Expel Harm My HP Below"; ManaTea.Text = "Mana Tea Below"; label33.Text = "Renewing Mist All When Mana Above"; label32.Text = "When Mana Above"; TigerPalmMistTigerPower.Text = "Keep Tiger Power"; TigerPalmMistVitalMists.Text = "Keep Vital Mists"; label34.Text = "Units Below"; AvertHarm.Text = "Avert Harm"; Clash.Text = "Clash"; BreathofFire.Text = "Breath of Fire on Units"; DisableBrew.Text = "Disable Player && Fleeing Mob"; DizzyingHaze.Text = "Dizzying Haze"; ProvokeBrew.Text = "Provoke Taunt"; PurifyingBrew.Text = "Purifiying Brew"; SummonBlackOxStatue.Text = "Summon Black Ox Statue"; Guard.Text = "Guard When My HP Below"; KegSmash.Text = "Keg Smash for Debuff or on Units"; SpinningFireBlossomBrew.Text = "Spinning Fire Blossom Min Dist"; TouchofDeathrew.Text = "Touch of Death"; SpinningCraneKickBrew.Text = "Spinning Crane Kick on Units"; label35.Text = "Summon Again If Out of Range"; LeeroftheOxBrew.Text = "Leer of the Ox"; label36.Text = "Summon Again If Out of Range"; DetoxCC.Text = "Detox Crowd Control Immediately"; DisableMist.Text = "Disable Player && Fleeing Mob"; DetoxDebuff.Text = "Detox Exceed Number Debuffs"; LoadSetting.Text = "Load Setting"; SaveSetting.Text = "Save Setting"; ElusiveBrew.Text = "Elusive Brew When My HP Below"; label37.Text = "Units Below"; ZenMed.Text = "Zen Med"; PathofBlossomsMist.Text = "Path of Blossom Mana Above"; label38.Text = "Max"; RollBrew.Text = "Roll Min Distance"; ElusiveBrewStack.Text = "Elusive Brew When Stack Above"; label39.Text = "Toggle AoE Mode";
Ask nicely and you will receive Diffuse magic or Dampen Harm it doesnt really matter as you change them depending on boss fight. Minor talents choose at your own desire. Obviously dont use blackout one. http://www.wowhead.com/talent#nL^|ksa
PT-BR translation, no credits please. Ps.: Some strings get way too lenghty when translating to portuguese, there's not really much you can do about it... Code: Logging.Write("Usando idioma: Portugu?s (BR)"; tabPage1.Text = "Bem vindo"; tabPage2.Text = "Geral"; AFK.Text = "AFK"; Quest.Text = "Quest"; PvP.Text = "PvP"; Raid.Text = "Raid"; Dungeon.Text = "Dungeon"; Apply.Text = "Confirmar"; OK.Text = "OK"; groupBox3.Text = "Control"; label17.Text = "Virar a Esquerda"; label16.Text = "Para tr?s"; label15.Text = Virar a Direita"; label4.Text = "Andar de lado para a Esquerda"; label5.Text = "Para frente"; label6.Text = "Andar de lado para a Direita"; label10.Text = "Alternar Modo Pausado"; label7.Text = "Ignorar hotkeys\r\nPressione estas teclas pra tomar conta da movimenta??o."; AttackOOC.Text = "Atacar fora de combate"; AutoFace.Text = "Virar automaticamente"; AutoRacial.Text = "Racial Autom?tica"; AutoBuff.Text = "Buffs autom?ticos"; AutoMove.Text = "Mover Automaticamente"; AutoTarget.Text = "Dar Target Automaticamente"; tabPage3.Text = "Mestre Cervejeiro"; tabPage4.Text = "Tecel?o da N?voa"; tabPage5.Text = "Andarilho do Vento"; tabPage7.Text = "Agradecimento especial"; HealthStone.Text = "Pedra de Vida && Estandarte de Batalha"; FortifyingBrew.Text = "Cerveja Fortificante, meu HP abaixo de"; GrappleWeapon.Text = "Tomar arma, HP de aliado abaixo de\r\n(ou desarmado)"; PickChiSphere.Text = "Pegar Esfera de Chi (dist?ncia m?x)"; PickHealingSphere.Text = "Pegar Esfera Curativa (dist?ncia m?x)"; Provoke.Text = "Provocar Min (dist?ncia min)"; Disable.Text = "Desabilitar Jogadores e Mobs Fugindo"; EnergizingBrew.Text = "Cerveja Energizante abaixo de"; FlyingSerpentKick.Text = "Chute Voador da Serpente (dist?ncia min)"; FistsofFury.Text = "Punhos da F?ria (Energia m?xima)"; Roll.Text = "Rolar (dist?ncia m?nima)"; TigereyeBrew.Text = "Cerveja Olho de Tigre com X stacks)"; TouchofDeath.Text = "Toque da Morte"; TouchofKarma.Text = "Toque do Karma, meu HP abaixo de"; SpinningCraneKick.Text = "Chute girat?rio da gar?a, m?nimo de unidades"; SpinningFireBlossom.Text = "Flor de Fogo Girat?ria (dist?ncia m?nima)"; tabPage6.Text = "Talento"; TigersLustCaster.Text = "Caster"; TigersLustMelee.Text = "Melee"; TigersLustMe.Text = "Eu"; LegSweepMe.Text = "Onda de Boi - Rasteira\r\nSe HP de aliado abaixo de"; ChiBrew.Text = "Cerveja de Chi em X quantia de chi"; label2.Text = "Unidade abaixo de"; ChiBurst.Text = "Estouro de Chi\r\n(Healer)"; label1.Text = "Unidade abaixo de"; ZenSphereDetonate.Text = "Detonar\r\n(Healer)"; ZenSphere.Text = "Esfera Zen, aliado abaixo de\r\n(Healer)"; ZenSphereMe.Text = "Esfera Zen, meu HP abaixo de\r\n(Tank && DPS)"; ChiWave.Text = "Chi Wave, aliado abaixo de\r\n(Healer)"; ChiWaveMe.Text = "Chi Wave, meu HP abaixo de\r\n(Tank && DPS)"; LegSweepInterrupt.Text = "Onda de Boi - Leg Sweep \r\nCast do inimigo faltando (ms)"; LegSweepEnemy.Text = "Onda de Boi - Rasteira\r\nSe HP de inimigo menor que"; TigersLust.Text = "Lux?ria do Tigre"; groupBox7.Text = "Talento"; TigersLustHealer.Text = "Healer"; DampenHam.Text = "Atenuar ferimento, meu HP abaixo de"; RushingJadeWind.Text = "Vento impetuoso em\r\nx inimigos (Tank && DPS)"; label3.Text = "Somente nesta quantia de debuffs"; DiffuseMagic.Text = "Magia Difusa, meu HP abaixo de"; RushingJadeWindMist.Text = "Vento Impetuoso de Jade (Healer)"; label8.Text = "Unidade aliada abaixo de"; InvokeXuenTank.Text = "Evocar Xuen, abaixo de\r\n(Tank)"; InvokeXuen.Text = "Invoke Xuen, inimigo abaixo de"; ChiTorpedoMist.Text = "Torpedo de Chi (Healer)"; label9.Text = "Unidade aliada abaixo"; ChiTorpedo.Text = "Torpedo de Chi em\r\nx inimigos (Tank && DPS)"; groupBox8.Text = "Sobreviver"; label11.Text = "M?x"; InvokeXuenBurst.Text = "Somente evocar Xuen no Burst Mode"; BlockInputRoll.Text = "Rolar"; BlockInputFSK.Text = "Chute Voador"; BlockInputFoF.Text = "Punhos da F?ria"; label19.Text = "Bloquear comandos do usu?rio por X millisegundos"; UseFoodDrink.Text = "Usar Comida - Bebida abaixo de"; label22.Text = "______________TALENTO 90______________"; label25.Text = "______________TALENTO 75______________"; label24.Text = "______________TALENTO 60______________"; label23.Text = "______________TALENTO 45______________"; label21.Text = "______________TALENTO 30______________"; label20.Text = "______________TALENTO 15______________"; DropHealingSphereCombat.Text = "Esfera Curativa, meu HP abaixo de"; DropHealingSphereMovingToEnemy.Text = "Esfera Curativa indo para o inimigo"; groupBox1.Text = "Interromper && Trinket"; ParalysisInterrupt.Text = "Paralisia em x ms faltando"; label18.Text = "Burst"; label12.Text = "Trinket 1"; label13.Text = "Trinket 2"; label14.Text = "Buff de Prof."; SpearHandStrikeSilence.Text = "Golpe m?o de Lan?a\r\nHealer / Caster HP sobrando"; *****lingJadeLightning.Text = "*****ling Jade, meu HP abaixo de"; SpearHandStrike.Text = "Golpe m?o de Lan?a, x ms faltando"; ParalysisMeLowHP.Text = "Paralisia, meu aliado abaixo de"; Transcendence.Text = "Transcedence, meu aliado abaixo de"; label26.Text = "Quando esp?rito em vista ou dist?ncia >"; InvokeXuenElite.Text = "Elite"; InvokeXuenPlayer.Text = "Jogador"; InvokeXuenAll.Text = "All"; InvokeXuenBoss.Text = "Boss"; SummonJadeSerpentStatue.Text = "Evocar Est?tua da Serpente de Jade"; label29.Text = "Unidade abaixo de"; LifeCocoon.Text = "Casulo da Vida, HP da unidade abaixo de"; ThunderFocusTeaSurgingMist.Text = "Ch? do Foco do Trov?o antes de Bruma Ascendente"; label28.Text = "Unidades abaixo de"; ThunderFocusTeaUplift.Text = "Thunder Focus Tea before Uplift"; label27.Text = "Unidades abaixo de"; Uplift.Text = "Corrente Ascendente"; RenewingMist.Text = "N?voas Renovadoras Unit HP abaixo de"; HealingSphereMistTank.Text = "Esfera Curativa Tank Every Sec"; HealingSphereMist.Text = "Esfera Curativa Unit HP abaixo de"; SurgingMist.Text = "Bruma Ascendente Unit HP abaixo de"; EnvelopingMist.Text = "Enveloping Mist Unit HP abaixo de"; SoothingMist.Text = "Bruma Calmante Unit HP abaixo de"; TigerPalmMist.Text = "Palma do Tigre, mana acima de"; BlackoutKickMist.Text = "Blackout Kick, mana acima de"; JabMist.Text = "Jabe at? essa quantia de Chi; label31.Text = "Unidades abaixo de"; *****lingJadeLightningMist.Text = Raio de Jade, mana acima de"; Revival.Text = "Reviver"; label30.Text = "Unidades abaixo de"; SpinningCraneKickMist.Text = "Chute Girat?rio da Gar?a"; ExpelHarm.Text = "Expelir o mau, meu HP abaixo de"; ManaTea.Text = "Ch? de mana abaixo de"; label33.Text = "N?voas renovadoras todo mundo quando mana acima de"; label32.Text = "quando mana acima de"; TigerPalmMistTigerPower.Text = "Manter Poder do TIgre"; TigerPalmMistVitalMists.Text = "Manter N?voas Vitais"; label34.Text = "Unidades abaixo de"; AvertHarm.Text = "Evitar Amea?a"; Clash.Text = "Colis?o"; BreathofFire.Text = "Bafo de On?a em X Unidades"; DisableBrew.Text = "Desabilitar Jogadores e Mobs Fugindo"; DizzyingHaze.Text = "N?voa Estonteante"; ProvokeBrew.Text = "Provocar Taunt"; PurifyingBrew.Text = "Cerveja Purificadora"; SummonBlackOxStatue.Text = "Evocar Est?tua do Boi"; Guard.Text = "Guarda quando meu HP abaixo de"; KegSmash.Text = "Pancada de Barriu debuff ou quando X Unidades"; SpinningFireBlossomBrew.Text = "Flor de Fogo Girat?ria (dist?ncia m?nima)"; TouchofDeathrew.Text = "Toque da Morte"; SpinningCraneKickBrew.Text = "Chute Girat?rio da Gar?a em X Unidades"; label35.Text = "Evocar novamente se fora de range"; LeeroftheOxBrew.Text = "Olho de boi"; label36.Text = "Evocar novamente se fora de range"; DetoxCC.Text = "Desintoxicar CC imediatamente"; DisableMist.Text = "Desabilitar Jogadores e Mobs Fugindo"; DetoxDebuff.Text = "Desintoxicar quando execeder n?mero de Debuffs"; LoadSetting.Text = "Carregar Configura??o"; SaveSetting.Text = "Guardar Configura??o"; ElusiveBrew.Text = "Cerveja Elusiva quando meu HP abaixo de"; label37.Text = "Unidades abaixo de"; ZenMed.Text = "Medita??o Zen"; PathofBlossomsMist.Text = "Caminho de Flores, mana acima de"; label38.Text = "Mpax"; RollBrew.Text = "Rolar (dist?ncia m?nima)"; ElusiveBrewStack.Text = "Cerveja Elusiva ,quando stacks acima de"; label39.Text = "Alternar AoE"; Ps.: Will it heal tsulong properly now?
my mistweaver monk is broken... really broken... tested holydiscords 10m HC settings and tweaked the %'s a bit up. so for Mogu HC the result with 12k base spirit + int flask and int food is: melee healing most time, tier 90 talent: Xuen 92 Renewing Mist, 90 Soothing Mist, 2 @ 90 Uplift (used it manually sometimes too) Stone Guards HC: 80k HPS, around 85-100% mana all over the fight, 94% mana when boss was down. Uplift, Renewing Mist, Eminence top3 spells Feng HC: 69k HPS, around 75-100% mana all over the fight, 86% mana when boss was down Uplift, Renewing Mist, Spinning Crane Kick top 3 spells Gara'jal HC: 48k HPS, around 80-100% mana all over the fight (without the the mana buff from the ghost phase), 92% when boss was down Renewing Mist, Eminence, Uplift top 3 spells. i think i have to go uber-roflcopter-lolol-#YOLO settings to go down to 20% :/
Please update your setting to folder User Settings along with short description on Talent, Glyph, Heal style... if you can And yes, I think your Spirit-Mana is broken xD