A couple of days ago, in raids: Blackrock Foundry and Highmaul bot was able to stand idle, attach the logs. View attachment 8800 2015-02-11 14.00.zip
It depends how much spirit you have and mostly how much avoidable dmg your raid takes. I've had 0 mana problems in HC Imp with those settings.
I guess only you because most other including myself don't have that problem... BTW, just try new version with HB cleanse install to see if the problem still there?
Download a new clean version seems to have gotten better, thank you, but the reason was botbase and Hardlock
Can anyone recommend using this for Mistweaving Monk? (considering changing to healing spec, but only if theres a good CR for it)
any reason why Windwalker isnt using Rushing Jade Wind anymore? on 3+ Targets? Also SEF doesnt sems stable anymore,.. sometimes hes canceling and doubleusing SEF on 2 Targets. all of that happend since revision 100
ok here is a log. AoE is set to 9+ units and RJW on single target is disabled. it used RJW on single target. I respecced to Invoke Xuen and next combat it started spamming spinning crane kick on 1 unit.
You misunderstand what that option does. If you set AoE to 3, it will always do the AoE rotation that is ideal against 3 enemies. It does the 3 enemy AoE rotation against 1 enemy, it does the 3 enemy AoE rotation against 3 enemies, it does the 3 enemy AoE rotation against 10 enemies.
Anyone else having poor results with the WW CR on Hans'gar and Franzok? It seems like the perfect fight for us (spread cleave like twins) but it seems the CR seems to have issues with SEF, I look at my kill (which ranked in the 30th percentile, whereas on darmac/gruuls I'm high 90's) I don't know much but when I look at my logs for Twins my Chi Ex uptime is 80% and my SEF chiEX uptime total is 80%, I can assume therefore I have a spirit on the other boss 100% of the time. When I check my kill on Hans'gar my chi explosion uptime is 66%, my SEF chiEX total uptime is total 21%, now I know the other boss spends alot of time jumping around but it seems awfully bad at keeping SEF on the other boss, resulting in the really poor dps? I had aoe set to auto with SEF enabled and the range option not enabled Not sure if a log helps or not but here is the one for the fight (trimmed out the rest)
It doesn't mean that if you speak English, I will try again but, I prefer to use a single target rotation on 1 or 2 mobs but when there are more than 3 or more in melee range, I want an AOE rotation. Why would you use RJW + SCK on 1 target? It's not effective
That option is not supported by the cr. You can make a profile that turns off AoE, and a profile that turns on AoE, and use the hotkey switcher to manually switch between them. Then don't set the option that makes the bot use RJW + SCK on 1 target.
What the new Area of Effect Rotation option mean? The new Area of Effect Rotation option help you Automatically chose best damage rotation (Auto) or set specific rotation depend on what you need. There are 10 available selection: Auto (Auto count enemy around you and use rotation do best damage - Recommended for PvE) 1 Target (AoE OFF) (Always use Single Target rotation - Recommended to PvP) 2 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 2 target) 3 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 3 target) 4 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 4 target) 5 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 5 target) 6 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 6 target) 7 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 7 target) 8 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 8 target) 9+ Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 9+ target)
the SEF logic seems off with the new update. I'm doing butcher right now and it keeps summoning adds to dps the boss, which is a big dps loss on this boss. This is with Auto selected in the AoE rotation.
can we stop speculating as to what the AoE behavior should or shouldn't be doing? It's f***ing broken. Load up the f***ing routine, put it on whatever setting you want, and observe that it's broken. It's been broken for 3 days. "1 Target (AoE OFF) (Always use Single Target rotation - Recommended to PvP)" Wrong. It's doing AoE spam with this setting.