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  • TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Nov 16, 2012.

    1. ptpiraten

      ptpiraten New Member

      Nov 21, 2012
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      I'm using the donater profile.

      It crashes every time I press start.

      Holy, using Lazyraider :)

      I updated your CC this morning.
    2. rodxuxa

      rodxuxa New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Im having problems here TuanHA, the bot does not start and keep spamming "Building rotation base on current talents and glyphs..." . My 87 paladin did not have any glyphs, so i went and gave him these Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft. Im attaching the log.

      Using other CC worked atm. Thanks for the great work always TuanHA.

      Attached Files:

    3. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Fixed, update svn pls...

      That the part of improved logic for paladin, combat routine no longer Hammer/Fist of Justice unit that immune to stun like Bladestorm, Icebound Fortitude...

      I made the list and forgot upload it into svn :p
    4. Cerbz

      Cerbz New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      So, hello.
      Most of all, I decide to make this short guide to structure my own understandings of settings TuanHa awesome CR.
      So if you do not agreed with some thing or have found better settings you are welcome to suggest.
      The main theme- I use this CR only as PVP healing on arena and RBG on raining 2,2k+
      My current ratings is
      Arena- 2268 on arena KFC (Hunter, warrior, paladin) and TSG (Warrior, DK, Paladin) setups
      RBG -2328

      Part 1. General settings


      Interrupt settings.
      Most of the time you, as a healer, would run around the pillars or make DMG assist while enemy healer is CCed.

      Rebuke So you MUST interrupt enemy healer most of the time to generate pressure and almost shouldn?t any other classes like mage, warlock and so on. So, in my opinion, as a most healers have very short casting time of their spells, settings of rebuke should be around ?1200MS (-) you PING(-) BOT delay? so it is about 800 -700 ms settings, it is mean that you will interrupt enemy healer about 1200-1300 MS cast, may be earlier. It is more than enough for most for most healers even if they are faking coz most time fake cast is around 500-600ms long.

      Hummer of justice in my opinion should be absolutely manual, so I set 0 here. But it can be same settings as rebuke about 800 -700 ms settings same logic.
      Blinding light same as others

      Repentance it is not interrupt cast ability so it can't be used for interrupting because of long time cast. So it is only CC ability. In my opinion it should be 0 here.

      Trinket and burst mode settings.

      DPS trinket can be used with one of you main CD abilities my choice is Avenging Wrath so set here same as Avenging Wrath CD write about it next chapter.
      Trinket 2 is ? PVP trinket. Again, bot is not optimized right now for using it, so I prefer to use it manually.
      Burst mode. I can?t find it useful for Holy. Because it should be some kind of ?Oh shit!!!? button. But in ?Holy?? page we have directly settings for every CD ability. For example: if my teammates are under 40% HP I have already use Avenging Wrath and Divine Favor so using Burst mode do not bring anything coz of CD your abilities. If you need DPS assist, as a holy, there is only one CD will help you - Avenging Wrath but use of Burst mode will activate ALL your CDs.

      TuanHa settings are pretty nice here so most of time I use it as default.
      Devotion Aura ? 50%
      Divine Plea -80%, I recommend you to add macro /cancelaura Divine plea, coz of heal reduction
      Divine Protection -80%
      Divine Shield ? 25%
      HoP ? 35%
      HoS -80% in default but I prefer to use it manually coz it is great spell to prevent CC, so if you want to make it auto then I recommend to make settings about 60-65%
      90 lvl talents - it is lacking now, so 85% time I cast it buy myself. But it works fine any way. So 100% and 80 % is ok for me.
      All others settings in this page are set on default.

      Part 2. Holy settings


      Cleanse - What made TuanHa is really great, dispel logic of ?ASAP? cleansing is really great so please do not touch here any thing :)

      Is set ?only attack when mana above? ? to 50%
      Untick Crusader strike coz it cost lots of mana and do not bring some thing useful, I know it generate additional Holy Power but in case it cost 15% of mana it is to expensive only for HP generation. So I turn it OFF.
      All others are mode ON

      So, most interesting part here.
      Auto Beacon of light ? YES, no explanation just YES, trust me!

      Holy radiance ? on default it is 0 here and it should be OFF on arena. On RBG I set it to 3 units below 85%. It is very expensive on mana. But it is great ability for mass healing! The main and coolest thing about it that BOT will use it in really good situations. There is not much time on RBG when 3 units will go below 85%, most team do not use AOE pressure and they DPS single target. Another thing, that you have normally 3 healers in your team, and they healing too so situation when 3 targets below 85% goes not often and when it comes it means that you is in really bad trouble and there is no much time to think about mana savings.

      Light of dawn same as Holy radiance but without mana spending. So USE it!

      Avenging wrath- 3 minutes CD ability. Most of time I use it as defensive ability. Some times as offensive. CR do not produce any options for us so ? only defensive here. So normaly my Holy Shock heals about 45-49k normal and crit about 90k. So when you use Avenging wrath it grants you additional 20%. So heal becomes 54k normal and 120k crit. Crit chance for holy shock is 40% in my gear, so average healing for Holy shock is about 80k. it is 22% of total HP well geared player. In case of this calculation I set 55%-60% HP for this ability. It mean that in average you need one Holy shock and one Flash heal to make you partner on full HP.

      Divine Favor ? 3 min CD ability. This ability increase you cast speed and grants additional 20% crit chance. That means than almost every Holy Shock will be critical (15+25+20=60%). But cast speed increasing means that you need to cast, so good idea to use Devotion Aura with this to prevent interruption so in this logic settings must be on same %HP ? for me -50%

      Divine light ? this is one of the most mana efficient spells. It has long cast time and heal for really giant amount of health. Average heal for me is about 80-90k. In normal play (with out bot it MUST be used only after Holy Shock using because of chance of proc. Infusion of Light-passive Paladin ability that can reduce casting time of your next Holy Light, Divine Light, or Holy Radiance by 1.50 sec.). Bot use same logic. So it will always cast Holy shock first and Divine Light after. So it means that in theory you can heal for 70k (calculation was before) and 90k ? total 160k if you holy shock not on CD. But this works only in there because you partner still take a lot of damage so your 160k is some kind of investment in their future health. Normal PVP dps in single target is about 20-25k DPS so in next 2,5 sec your teammate will lose 40-50k HP. If it will be burst the DMG amount can be even bigger, add here second DPS class and they can kill target in seconds. So the settings is 85-90%

      Flash of light ? I set it on 75% very non efficient mana/heal spell, but very fast to cast.

      Guardian of ancient Kings ? one of the most powerful 5 min CD. It is really some kind of ?Oh shit!? healer near you. He doubles your heal and grant you 10% haste per each cast. Up to Max 50%. I use hand of sacrifice and GoK in one time. My settings is 40%.

      Holy Avenger ?most short CD we have, 2 minutes only, I use it as early as I can so set is 70?75%

      World of Glory ? 90% by default.

      That?s all
      Thanks for reading and sorry for my English :)
      If you have any suggestions you are always welcome.

      Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
    5. tehfoe

      tehfoe New Member

      May 13, 2012
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      Worth the donation
    6. Soeski

      Soeski Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Donated 40 bucks; I want it all :)
    7. happydado

      happydado New Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      donation done
    8. ptpiraten

      ptpiraten New Member

      Nov 21, 2012
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      I do way more healing while using your old public one.

      Do you know why? I end on 90-100% mana when using the new one.

      PvE Raiding
    9. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yep divine protection doesend works it does help to reduce the damage also in pvp.
    10. Hardy1989

      Hardy1989 New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      donation done 4FR2509261758184J
    11. Froopi

      Froopi New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      I updated svn and get this error

    12. heavygun

      heavygun Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      Hello Tuanha,

      the Bot isn't using Word of Glory infight, so if he pulls 2-3+ Mobs he will keep dying. He's using Flashlight sometimes at like 50%, but its not enough and takes alot of mana.
      Is there a way to change that, or is this a bug? I think its intended not to Heal when Raiding or beeing in a Dungeon, but for questing or Grinding its pretty bad.

      Word of Glory me Below: 90%

      Thank you
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
    13. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Sorry guy for late delay.

      I made a lot of change last 5 hour, there's 20 revision:

      All problem report are fixed, Combat Routine now better and Holy now also attack a lot if he don't need to heal.

      Just update svn and let me know.

      Thank you.
    14. Froopi

      Froopi New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      Error fixed - thx
    15. heavygun

      heavygun Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      WoG Works infight again, Tuanha = tha man :3
    16. Jones2351

      Jones2351 Member

      Oct 1, 2012
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      One question, could you add boss healtargets like second boss in terrace of the endless springs and valithria in icc? would be awesome if this is possible.

      Thanks in advance :)
    17. Benfica

      Benfica New Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      Donated mate ! Cant wait to test it out... 7DE663435W439694J.
    18. balabanbal

      balabanbal New Member

      Jan 25, 2011
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      1. The bot sometimes stop moving to target for no reason even if move to target is selected.
      2. It flash heals everyone and himself even almost at full health. Looks very bot like and annoying.
      3. Staying on target can and should definitely be improved. Most of the time I have to manually get on target. This maybe related to 1st point.
      4. It rarely uses emancipate which frees from slowing effects. Most of the time it sits there in roots or something and tries to do other things it cant.

      Other than that great job. This is the best one I ve seen since ezret. Thank you and keep up the good work.
    19. elvatoloco

      elvatoloco New Member

      Feb 19, 2010
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      Anyone have a decent solo Ret RBG Setup they can share? More focused on keeping yourself alive and doing the most damage/interupts?
    20. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it doesend do only flash of heal only when the target is at that % of hp it does Holy light devine light holy shock to get procs from divine light and flash of light

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