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  • TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Nov 16, 2012.

    1. xio8up

      xio8up New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      Hey was wondering if anyone out there who is good withi a holy paly if you could. Shoot me some %'s you use. For holy paladin. With the public release one. For 10m tot raids if anyones done them.. I seem to only pull like 50hps in lfr with 498 ilvl :[
    2. Pixxel

      Pixxel Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      where can i get the paid version!?
    3. fosheezy

      fosheezy New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I would like to know where to get paid version too. Love this routine!
    4. Drizzt1990

      Drizzt1990 New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      Tryy searching tuanha and wordpress on google
    5. xio8up

      xio8up New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      In the pve attonement is that 22% haste buffed or unbuffed we need to be.
    6. Reflex11

      Reflex11 New Member

      Jun 23, 2012
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      Some arena feedback as promised:

      Seems to work pretty damn well, I've only had to manual a few things.

      Similar to what we did for DK, burst should usually be triggered by recognizing a trinket proc. Rets kind of do a swifty-1shot thing like warrior a few patches ago now, looks like:

      1) Trinket proc
      2) GotA
      let stack for 10s
      3) Avenging Wrath
      4) Holy Avenger

      Only use holy power for Templar's Verdict. Weight for rotation should be something like Templars>Prism>Hammer>Exorcism/Crusader

      I think a solid option for Ret PVP would be something similar to what's available in the DK CR for grip/icy veins: Judgement when target >X distance. I find myself spamming Judgement quite often, to proc Long arm of the Law so that I can stick to my target.

      I may be forgetting that this was in there; but Divine Protection needs to be coded as a stun-break now, since as of 5.3 it can now be used while stunned.

      I'll continue some more games tonight and over the weekend, but I pushed over 1700 w/o issue and undergeared.
      Last edited: Jun 15, 2013
    7. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      It been so long for a feed back on Ret, I think it's a forgotten spec :D

      I'll play with ret some game this week and try to improve as you suggested.

      Thank Reflex11
    8. xxrazorxx

      xxrazorxx New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      Please can something be done about special edition for holy? I've had to revert back to public release for Pve because the SE version seems so laboured and unresponsive, the heals so low compared to how it was before the update a wk or two ago. Not only that but the out of instance spamming of holy shock is just doing my head in, just looks so bottish. The cc was. Far better a few wks ago and now it's just impossible to 10man raid with and have competitive heals.
      Thnx, hope this gets fixed.
    9. cassianpry

      cassianpry New Member

      Sep 20, 2012
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      Hello tuanha! I have all yours Special Routines. You do a great job :D

      A few weeks ago (since 5.3 patch more or less), I noticed that the routines Protection Paladin and Monk Brewmaster doing the rotations are slower. Different from what I see in the rotations of the Death Knight and Priest.
      I use LazyRaider and already tested with Tyrael to see if would be faster, still the same.

      I used the PQR for comparison, and the rotation for PQR is very faster.

      I don't know if the problem is LazyRaider / Tyrael or Honobuddy itself or routine.

      The time to use each skill is approximately 1s.

      Everything is configured according to your first post. Run withou a Tank and fps / plugins disabled.

      I hope you help me :D

    10. SeriousPanda

      SeriousPanda New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      So i bought this quite awhile ago and the monk CC, but when ever i run either of this i get Latency issues regardless of having a constant 60+ FPS on wow, i don't tend to run either of these CC's with Plugins/addons on nether wow/HB
    11. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I didn't change the holy code, how come it getting slower? It there other factor?
    12. macVsog

      macVsog New Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      I've noticed this as well. Depending on the boss encounter I use to average between 60 - 100+ HPS and now I'm doing 30 - 65 HPS. I wish I could give you something to look for TuanHA but I can't pinpoint it. As the previous poster stated it started about two weeks ago. I know you haven't changed anything but HB has that is slowing it down. I haven't raided with the current HB release since this mini patch so not sure if it was corrected or not.

      Sorry for not providing a log. I will post one from raid on Tuesday.
    13. Drizzt1990

      Drizzt1990 New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      I do like 50k average with raid preset with only 470 gear, not reforged/gemed
    14. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Well, let me raid again tonight and hope I can fix that new bug.
    15. xxrazorxx

      xxrazorxx New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      Would be great if you could pinpoint what the problem is, there's several encounters that virtually stops the cc. e.g. tortos stomp, jin roq, lei shen.. those especially. I did let you know a couple of wks ago that theres was a delay and you did adjust the incoming damage to react faster which was great work, but it seems to of gone back to a delayed reaction.. The other problem is in a heavy aoe situation, there is almost a 2 second delay before it casts anything aoe, by then other healers have used cd etc and virtually nothing to heal by the time the cc kicks in. I dont mind the fact that it doesnt use Lights hammer as much as it used to as I can use it manually more often now. I'm 534 geared on my pally now and using the public version im doing on average about 80-140k easily, on the SE version im doing between 50-80k. As I already mentioned and from what ive noticed, the main issue is the response time in heavy aoe damage encounters. With the special edition obviously on just 1 or 2 encounters i enable dispells and I do realise that this does cause a slight delay as it scans 10 people, but mainly i disable the dispells and use manually if and when required. I also use it on the default settings with mana useage set to 0, i have tried on higher settings but get the same results with the delay. I have done a fresh install of hb and both special edition and public releases with Lazyraider, I dont use tyrael becasue i dont get great results with that. Also, please please please make it stop casting holy shock when not in an instance lol.
      I love this cc, I think you've done a truly remarkable thing with it, its a work of art..

      P.S. please make a resto druid cc that even its as half as good as the special edition or even public release it would be better than anything else availible.. I have leaves but it never works lol

      Keep up this amazing work you do, your a legend
    16. macVsog

      macVsog New Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      Mirabis with his Resto Druid is like Bobby with his Resto Shaman and TuanHA with his Holy Pally Amazing. Mirabis is a god with his Resto Druid CR's "Leaves." I'm not sure why it isn't working for you but it just literally blows every healer out of the water in my raids. My gear is only 493 on my alt druid and he averages 100 - 160 HPS. I was hoping TuanHA would do the Shaman since it is pretty much retired from Bobby.

      I agree with you on the pause which is really slowing the pally down. Hope TuanHA solves it :)
    17. Mirabis

      Mirabis Community Developer

      Jun 14, 2010
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      What exactly doesn't work ?
    18. xxrazorxx

      xxrazorxx New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      There is nothing that it doesn't do, it's just the delay that's the main cause of the problem that I can see. There's many times that everyone is on about 30-40% hp and the cc does nothing for 1-2-3 seconds and by the time it responds there is nothing except 1 or 2 players that need topping up. It's gone from being the main healer to a gap filler healer. That's the best way I can put it. Obviously there are those times is say LFR when u have 5 other low ilvl players that do almost nothing and the cc takes over but in the same situation with the public release the cc would just go oooom and be doing 120k heals. The Special edition mainly has problem in ToT and not so much in old content. I am raiding on Wednesday so il find out how to attach a log, I will try with both versions.
      Is it best to use tyrael or to stay with lazy raider?
    19. xxrazorxx

      xxrazorxx New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      Sorry Mirabis, I've had some help from another leaves user and using tyrael now and it's working ok, still trying to figure out how it works and getting ok results so far, not getting amazing results as yet but I think that's because I'm unfamiliar with settings etc.
    20. jw505

      jw505 Member

      Oct 24, 2012
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      Hi Tuanha, I really like your monk and pala and am proud as a SE user (have recommended CCs to friends of other classes). so far I mainly use the holy spec Pala CC but sometimes I need to tank and I'm planing to switch to pala tank as my main because it is so powerful in this tier.

      May I make two suggestions for the pala prot spec? Really hope to see them in the logic. I know near to nothing about coding so I hope it's not too difficult to put them in the logic.

      1. Could there be a setting: use Shield of the Righteous at holy power "N" (1-5 or maybe 3-5, 1/3: as soon as it's available use it; 5: only at 5hp use it.) so we can control when to use the spell. This way (say i set it to 5) it will only use the shield on 5 HP and often it's at 3 or 4 where I can use it manually to block some damages. it's very crucial at some boss encounters like during heroic horridon, tortos, ji-kun and sha in TOES where they have frequent massive attack and I dont have enough haste that can cover all the time. During other encounters where the damage is very intense all the time (heroic Council, and Iron Qon) it can be set to 1/3 so it's used ASAP.

      2. Another setting for Shield of the Righteous: Use SotR at Health below N%. This way when we are off tanking, the CC can heal others or do more dps with the HP and not waste them. And by setting the value to 100% it's trying to minimising all the damage as before.

      Sorry about my English, I hope you can understand what I meant.
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2013

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