Hey tuanha. Only issue I started noticing recently is the CC will try to cleanse a target effected by Hex in arenas. And It will sit there and spam it for the 8 seconds.
I'm also having the above problem with all routines that Tuahna has updated for 5.4 (shammy, pally, hunter). no errors with rogue or dk. Have tried fresh install of HB and all routines. Any help would be great, thanks!
This might seem like a silly question, but ive saw people have trouble with it in the past and made this mistake myself, When you have unzipped the new 5.4 CR's into your routine folder, have you Updated them with new tortoise too "Working copy's" or have you just unzipped them, assumed they are fine and went off Trying too play? i dont know why but, i didnt update my Palla one and HB crashed untill i made it a "Working copy"
I have tried both actually, to see if it mattered. Both ways still cause the error, but thanks for checking.
Yes i'm having same issues with all the CR my self and yes I update them as soon as I unzip them, can you please take a look at what it could be tuanHA
Hoping TuanHA will have a response for us soon regarding some problems we've been facing. His service has always been top notch.
i dont understand how people are getting so many problems im using revision 7 atm im using latest version of HB release, im using tyrael, framelock on/off and i got that error once saying config rewritten, so i restarted HB and it worked fine its owning up raids, bgs/ rbgs/ arena it doesnt use turn evil with tier 2 talent yet but thats not exactly hard to use other than that its great im using windows 7 - 64 bit if that helps at all
The problem I seem to be having is with the Holy profile randomly stopping casting heals like holy light and divine light during a raid when using Sacred Shield. It is 100% doing this also. Its a game breaker really.
i have checked all of the forum to find why. its probably u used Millz CR. mage or warlock. Millz said ensure that Portal/Demonic are in the Routines folder on their own, as other routines using .dlls (Vanguard / TuanHA / Leaves) will not work with these routines. So i think thats the why!
Hello Tuanha, Any way to put eternal flame on prot rotation like WoG? And put WoG to attack with Glyph of Harsh Word?
with the latest version the custom class seems to be crashing Could not load file or assembly 'Honorbuddy, Version=2.5.7936.661, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50a565ab5c01ae50' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) i didnt had this on version 7 ? i dont have that error with singular but with this?
Hi Tuanha, i was using honorbuddy rev 663 with your premium routine rev 7 and i had no problems, today i updated the routine to rev 10 and now it crashes Honorbuddy. I'm absolutely sure that i didn't changed anything except updating the Tuanha Paladin routine. The moment before it worked, the moment after don't. Strange thing is that now even if i try to put in the folder the old version it crashes honorbuddy. When i delete your routine everything run fine.
Glyph of Harsh Word supported, not sure in prot but i'm sure in Holy Eternal Flame on Prot is a bit weird because Prot usually need big heal to save himself or friend when he's really low. Other than that Prot should use all available holy power to attack/defend. Can you explain me more about that? I don't know the real reason.
I'm using now the old version of honorbuddy at it works, but i noticed that in norushen fight it doesn't heal the friendly adds during the personal trial, could you add that?
There's compatibility problem with my CR at the moment. Just make sure cleanse install on Honorbuddy 2.5.7943.663 with lastest revision (revision 11 TuanHA_Combat_Routine.dll Product version 5.4.5012.3675) it should work. Sorry for inconvenience, I'm trying to fix the issue with Honorbuddy, hope I can get better solution in the coming days.
Hey Tuanha, first of all great routines.. I'm a happy owner of all of your CR's But I got one problem: When I'm on my Holy Paladin in the raid: Siege of Ogrimmart at the first boss Immersus, when Immersus dies and splits into Sha puddles, the bot won't heal the Puddle's... Do I have to heal them manually, or is there a way I can make the bot heal them? Edit: Just tested it again on Flex, this time it worked !