Build 5.4.5240 Fix Low Level Rotation Error on Retribution Sorry for that nasty bug stay alive for so long xD
tuanha can we skype please??? have a few things that id like to talk about in voice??? it would be faster and more helpful
I play 10man HC with my pally now, everything is good but only Malkorok HC is fail. in november i had my first Malkorok hc kill (10man) also with tis CR and i can´t remember that i was so bad. Then i played in an 25man raid and there my pala was on malkorok hc never seen place 1-4. thats bad for me, because when i play malkorok with hand, i am more better. I use the special edition. is it possible to tell the CR to cast always ? and don´t stop when the miasma is full? or can someone give me instructions for better setup? for me it is the same HPS when playen EF blanket mode or not. glg (sry for my english)
Hi, i tried out EH and SH. on my HPS it doesn´t matter. The CR stand so often in the room and do nothing . i don´t have manaprobs or somthing else.
Hi Tuanha, 2 days ago I have bought the donor version. Now, when i logIn (German Honorbuddy) i get an Error when honorbuddy is trying to load the tuanha special routine. The Error says "Cant Process Managed Ressources!". The free Routines worked without an error. Here is my Logfile: [EDITED 29-May-2014 by chinajade]: HIGHLY abusive cut-n-paste of log deleted. DO NOT do this again! Learn to attach your log instead. Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log
Seems that it still doesn't work for me. Bot is not casting Crusader Strike and sometimes does nothing. Updated via SVN after you replied that it should work :-( EDIT: will attach log when I'm back home and bot is running on your CR. Currently using Singular.
When you hit a Raider's training dummy tuanha rotation simulationcraft rotation, the same result with it?
Hello are you stacking mastery only for healing in HC? or are you also hitting a haste cap? I am about to start SoO HC so would you mind sharing your basics settings? I normally use base CD by hand as well Thanks for the Ret explanation rather easy to follow V
I am Healing Hard modes with Selfless Healer as well due to the increased mana usage of Eternal Flame. I personally don't go for any Haste breakpoints with SH as its only really needed if your running EF so you can hit the second EF haste BP: Stats: Spirit to 13500 > Intellect > Mastery > Haste = Crit. I cheat by using AMR are using the Mastery build then changing my Spirit to 13.5K, and making Int and Mastery the same lvl 0.75 i think there sitting at. I am 558ilvl keeping up with a 566 Resto shammy and disc priest with no mana problems. Using these settings posted from Rosek (Thank you for posting this)
Easy: Step one. Load your character( i am using the generic build so i dont show my toon ) then click Edit Weights, this will open up a new window. Step 2. Here you may need to click on Show advanced settings on the upper right side of the window then simply enter the 17K haste BP and hit save. and your done. from there AMR will set up the "best" (take with a pinch of salt) reforges/gems etc for your toons settings
I don't understand 100% what you mean there sorry bud, but as i did say in the pic post that the settings should be taking with a "pinch of salt". this is the basic settings but if you are wanting to MIN/MAX your output, use this, then run your toon on Simcraft with a few different settings (but lets face it, unless your in a High-end HM guild) i don't think a 1% increase in dps will worry us. PS i actually run main spec holy so RET isn't my specialty. but i use these same settings to get my healing stats sorted.