What you suggest is implemented already. The "Attack out of Combat" option in this routine works exactly that way if you're a Holy Paladin, meaning it will both attack and heal out of combat. If you don't want it to cast out of combat disable/uncheck that option.
I would really like a pause feature just like Superbad or Pasterke's. ONE keybind with option for RAIDWIDE warning and noise so it's super fast and obvious. you may laugh about 1 vs 2 keypress difference like ALT-X versus just LEFT ALT, but it makes a difference mid-fight at least for me. The RAIDWIDE + NOISE thing is really helpful too. one example is for placing markers during Malk as tank - i know i'm talking about a 0.5 sec difference at most, but dynamically move, pausing, placing marker, un-pausing is just that tiny bit smoother with 1 keypress and a super obvious warning. And you have to do this repeatedly throughout the fight, just a big QOL addition for me.
Hey man iv been using your 25m sh for lfr and flex10 and it's awsome. Slightly tweaked for me ilvl 522. lowered it to 0-2 and lowered LoD to 95. Just owning everyone. Been looking for a profile for a long time
noob question, but to test this out all you did was press "LOAD FILE" in the tuanha settings, clicked on the attachment and it was gtg with those tiny tweaks?
thank you for your impressive insight on this discussion you twat sh > ef in 25m because in 25m you raid with other rolling HoT classes meaning your mastery bubbles will heal smarter than their hots
[Public Release] TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience Yea load it make your tweak and play. Ilvl 522. And on jug I was getting 118k hps on flex. And in lfr I avg. 80ish but 85% of the time I'm top heals. Have no mana problems. But on the odd chance I do I scale the bar back to 0 pause for a min or 2 for mana(low Dmg phases ofc) and try again
Im going to test this tonight against my settings we are 11/14 heroic! Something definitely needs to be done about the malkorak healing on this routine. Its just horrible. Dk's are outhealing me lolz!!
Yea i have to use Oracle for Heroic Malk.. Its not great but its better for that fight. It likes to do whatever it wants tho and ignore any and all of your settings which is why i normally do not use it. Im guessing it just has better shield logic. Like most people say SH is better for 25M healing but EF is still better for Malk. When i set Tuans up it just casts EF on the same targets over and over and heals the shit out of myself. I was at like 15 mil healing to myself and 4 million healing to the tank. GG.
if you need to heal yourself that much you are clearly doing something wrong, unless that 15mil healing is all overhealing, tanks should get most to all dmg not healer, EF is superior in most fights except thok there you would want SH imo then again i play 10man hc, but even on my 25man nm run i didnt heal myself that much (3.28mil on self and 10.2mil, 8.94mil on tanks)
It seems the logic is set to prioritize judgment instead of crusader strike or hammer of right. This shouldn't be the case. If you can update so it prioritizes crusader strike over judgment that would be great! also, if you could do it so it will only refresh eternal flame at 5 bastions of glory
You do not know what your talking about. The only situation where ef is better than sh is on malk. When it comes to raid composition if you run 25m with ef against a sh that knows the rotation you going to get walked on. That's just facts. Why you think the best pallies in the world run sh? Because its far superior and you don't need but like 10k spirit at most.
He's Prot. While this is a strong routine for holy, its about as bad as it gets for prot. Use YourRaidingBuddy or PureRotation and they are free. Turn CD usage off and do it manually and get a dynamic weak aura that updates EF with vengeance to know when to refresh manually if you have the 4pc buff, it will be much better. Did I mention they are free? I used Tuan's for a lockout and never again. His priorities lie with holy and pvp. Unless prot got some major overhaul recently which i doubt it did. Im 13/14H and rank in the top 100 every week on multiple fights using YourRaidingBuddy/PureRotation. If you are using Divine Purpose which you should if you are over 30% haste then use PureRotation, if you are under 30% or solo soaking malk's blood rage and using Holy Avenger use YourRaidingBuddy, if you are using Sanctified Wrath as prot go read a guide because you are doing it wrong.
Ive noticed people are out bursting me with this cr on boss first and we have the same item lvls is there a setting I should be using for Ret that I dont know about