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Is it possible to add an option to pause bot while I am casting a mount? Because it has a small delay to understand that I am mounted and it instantly dismounts me to cast a spell...This is seems very botish at BGs and Arena, when I need to try 4-5 times in order to successfully get mounted... I tried to disable the game option "auto dismount in fight" but it seems it only affects flying... Edit: oops yes, it say auto dismount in flight lol...I read as fight instead... anyway, still have problem on this. Also since I am planning to get the special edition once we learn more about warden and honorbuddy future, is this maybe a special edition feature?
Hi and thanks for the Combat Routine. Is there any way to make the CR only cast Crusader Strike, Judgement and Holy Shock on cooldown? I like to play myself but I lose too much healing due to not generating as much holy power as I could and should, so I would like to use the Holy CR only for that. For Crusader Strike and Judgement I just changed "Only Attack When Mana Above" to 0 so it always attacks on cooldown, but for the Holy Shock I don't see how I can make it. I don't want to enable Holy Shock attack since that would mess with the Daybreak proc. Sorry for asking something that was probably answered already, but it is very hard to search in the 600 pages of this topic.
Is there a way to get this CC to work as holy whilst leveling in dungeons, doesn't work at all Thanks//
can u add a option heal out of combat its annoying sometimes that it only heals in combat and when its out of combat the player with 90% hp wil not be healed til we incombat its like attack out of combat but then heal out of combat it should be easy to implent like the attack out of combat?
i use both i find it that lazyraider perform better in rbg and i heal on 2k rbg but the class doesend heal people that are on 90% and not in combat it wil wait til its in combat then it wil heal them full he need to make an option heal out of combat then it wil heal them full when not in combat i know all of that settings but it just doesend heal people when we are done and they at 90% it wil just wait til in combat cc is awsome i did yesterday 5.5 million healing in a 2100 rbg group i outhealed evryone some times people ask me how i manage the bars to heal so quickly lol
I have a question. In the Options you can choose Full afk, Quest, PvP Helper, Raid, Dungeon What exactly do that Buttons do?
Sorry for the noob question, 7 months already last time I used HB, when I used this CR I used Tyrael as the bot base and it was working good but, not sure if things changed a lot so can you guys tell me which bot base should I use? mainly for PVE but I will also play PVP.
Tuanha - please add the same code for WW monk to pause movement for XXX seconds during fists channel to all hard casted abilities. The code is already there so easy enough to implement or at least give option for every spell over 1 sec cast time. This will really reduce the number of times you accidentally cancel a spell - a good player would only need like 0.2 secs delay to decide to let it finish or not and this little movement reduction will almost never make or break a fight. even on auto-move on full AFK, at least for Turn Evil, it cancels it's own cast all the time. this is a similar concern but my major request is add the ability to stop movement for user defined time like fists for all spells with cast time over 1 sec so we have a choice. we can always turn it all off if no one else likes this ability.
From a thread I started about some features that would be nice for holy paladin routine. - Eternal Flame Support - An option to NOT cast light of dawn when using eternal flame - Illuminated healing tracking - Building shields - Holy Radiance - Divine Light (oracle does this) - Cooldowns - Rapid Shield Building. Have an option when we use cooldowns we start building shields. - The Selfless healer rotation - Judgment, Radiance, Shock, Light of Dawn (Strong on fights like thok; but also very good for fresh holy paladins) - Holy Avenger, and while it is up your rotation is Judgment, LOD, Shock, LOD, Judgment, LOD, Shock, LOD - Boss Support - Malkarok (Oracle has it) - Thok (Oracle has it)
Build 5.4.5337 Improved Interrupt Logic Improve Casting Detection Logic I'm sorry the auto block movement is not really good, sometime it create all strange movement stuff and I'm still trying to improve that part. Once it working well, I may add to all other CRs.
Thanks for the quick reply - this other request should be an easier one and also implemented already on multiple classes but only healers. Can you add the same dispel option for WW and Ret and Prot pallies? I do mostly 2s for fun and there are a LOT of times chain casting this is entirely crippling to the enemy team, especially any DK team which there are plenty of in 2s. (I know 2s are crap, bla bla bla) but I 2 box 90% of the time and 2s are easier for me this way. 1-1.5 sec GCD for Detox/cleanse is ALWAYS worth it to work it into your rotation unless you're about to score a kill. With Detox glyph my monk can literally fight a DK "forever" with my self heals and dispels. It screws up the DK's rotation a LOT more than your own rotation and also heals you. This code should be very very easy to implement, just copy and paste the same exact code and modified whitelist/blacklist from other CR's and it would help us immensely. I manually played my WW just for fun to 2 box cap a timeless geared fresh prot pally last night in 1600s (too much of a pain to keep dropping rating now), and with the chain dispels a healer/UH combo which is currently considered very powerful, just cannot kill my monk. The cross heals and chain dispels and self heals is just too much to dmg through for 1 DK.
addendum: as a side complement i got reported for botting because 1 team couldn't believe it was physically possible to heal that much playing prot pally/WW monk for 15 minutes lol. They claimed to FRAPs the match to prove that no human could cross heal, self heal, self dispel that much for 15 minutes (and win) against a geared MW + UH combo. that's how good this would work if implemented right, i can do it manually but i want it done by itself maybe i'll get a ban from it though from being too good lol.
That a very nice idea and I'll try to bring it on. It's really worth to trade 1 GCD + 20 energy for 5% heal