Hey guys, I am a holy paladin 667 equipped and I am doing well with the profile. However I feel I can have a level of higher performance, is that you can help me build my evaluating and suggesting changes? Thank U! Build: Calculadora de Talentos - Jogo - World of Warcraft
I also feel like I am under performing with this CR lately. A paladin in my group is wrecking charts, and I am always at the bottom. Currently ilvl 681, doing heroic blackhand, can someone please share some good settings I can import that will work a bit better then 30k HPS.
So, can anyone see the issue? I attached a log two pages back, it sometimes dose not attack same faction teams in arena. Z.
I use this settings - i do a lot on my own because hc/myth needs it. NEVER target a player with this settings, if your mana is not good so make HolyRadiance changes (6players<60%HP) - NOT the scrollbar, let it be on 20! Talentrechner - Spiel - World of Warcraft I am a 572 holypala and ranked very often now Kromog was working on wednesday
Fixed last week, all you need to do is download in my website and svn update... @Other guys posting bug: Sorry I can't see any log, there's nothing I can do
Um, ok. Here is the same log from 2 pages back. CR stopps attacking in arena. I have only noticed it do this against same faction teams - however it dose work sometimes.
Am I the only one who can not use judgement? I mean, my character just ignore this spell in the rotation... Edit: In free version I've not problem but with ultimate it doesn't work.
Not Bad Not Bad but it still sucks pretty hard on AoE fight on bosses or trashpacks. Im Losing nearly like 10k-12k DPS. When u go on a boss and there are many short small add phases, the routine goes to pump up 5 hp useing Final Verdict than goes to get 5 hp again for DS. But it should start to get Final Verdict as fast as possible (3HP) and than fast as possible DS (3HP or Procc) So it means 3HP->Final Verdict->3HP->(DS Procc -> Final Verdict) DS->3HP->Final Verdict->3HP->DS Its the same like Single Target Rotation (but here it is 5HP) 1st Rule: DIVINE STORM INSTANT(Proc) or at 5HP IF LAST VERDICT BUFF IS UP! And the correct useing of Mass Exorcsm Glyph on AoE Phases And a mouseover for Lights Hammer would be awesome too!
Fixed last week, all you need to do is download free version (paid version using guess mode, no login = public release) in my website and svn update... I see it attack then a few second later not sure what happen, I'll try to debug, thank for the log.
I'll fire it up a few times from cold and see if I can get a log of it not working with no other fights where it is - would incresing the log detail help? Z. EDIT - Ok, I have a log of two fights here. First pone it works fine, the seccond arena it dose nothing except what I manually do (which is very little).
Pls fix judgement spell for pulling and on cooldown in ultimate version...my character ignore this spell
Two questions on holy settings in pvp 1 - how do I turn off juking? the CR has a tendency to cancel cast extremely fast, faster than any hostile to even react to. Seems better to just manual juke. is there a way to turn off auto fake cast? 2 - in rbgs i prefer to cast more light of dawn over eternal flame, however i'd like to set eternal flame as a o shit single target heal. does the word of glory friendly hp threshold apply to eternal flame? Thanks in advance