Ok, also wanted to report getting heavy stuttering with the latest build off the svn, I reverted back to 253 which is a build from yesterday and it's fine again.
Infusion of Light proc - Can you enable this proc to be set to either Holy light or divine light. I actually out healed My new GM who was 15 ilvls higher then me. I was pretty much begged to join the guild after the trial run lol - but I see this being a step up if you can enable divine light instead of holy light for higher mana use.
I agree. How do you revert? Edit: I found the revert button, but for some reason i can't revert? It says list is empty?
just want to say really great CC . using this CC as pro lv 85 , but can solo lv 90 medium gear , or 2x lv 87 :X
Yea, its definitely the bot. It lags in RBG when i engage in combat. Lots of lag, when I turn the bot off, it stops.
Latest svn w/ latest beta(also tried with latest normal) for me with lazyraider as ret pve doesn't use Crusader Strike or Templar's Verdict at all. It's as if it thinks it's not in range of the boss or something... edit: Also reverted back to 253 and seems to have fixed this problem too! edit2: or not, see this post, but 253 does seem to be alot more stable than latest revision.
Maybe I'm missing out on something here, but it seems people are recommending setting Eternal Flame on 1 HP for pvp (and pve for that sake) with the 4-set pvp bonus. This I don't quite understand, as making it cast Eternal Flame everytime you have 1 HP will cause the 4-set bonus to be irrelevant, right? (as it only triggers an extra HP when EF is used with 3 HP). Can someone make it clear to me why exactly we're doing this? Oh and btw, I'm having major lag with the new build as well. Everything was fine before it though, the bot seems to react so fast at the moment
Also, Tuanha, After some more testing it seems as though something as changed with melee range detection. Some raid bosses it doesn't register that it's in melee range and hence doesn't use Crusader Strike or Templar's Verdict.
New svn update FIX THE LAG ISSUE (remember to enable framelock in LazyRaider) Also add Hand of Freedom yourself in Holy (only use when you need to move)
ye, had the same problem with ragnaros just a few minutes ago. he just did not attack him with meele spells.