I had a quick look at Ur problems and stumbled upon the following. Focus Fire: PHP: private static bool ShouldFocusFire() { if (Target == null) return false; return Me.GotAlivePet && !Me.HasAura("The Beast Within") && (Helpers.GetSpellCooldown("Bestial Wrath").TotalSeconds > 9 || !Helpers.SpellOnCooldown("Bestial Wrath") && (Target.HealthPercent <= 200000 || !Me.HasAnyAura("Rapid Fire","Bestial Wrath","Heroism","Bloodlust"))); } So it seems Target.HealthPercent has to be Target,CurrentHealth. Rapid Fire PHP: Spell.BuffSelf("Rapid Fire", ret => CooldownSettings.RapidFire && Lists.TargetIsBoss(Target) && (Helpers.SpellOnCooldown("Bestial Wrath") || !CooldownSettings.BestialWrath) && !Me.HasAnyAura("The Beast Within", "Bloodlust", "Heroism", "Time Warp", "Ancient Hysteria") && Target.CurrentHealth > 400000), seems alright to me , make sure u have it on at Ur CooldownSettings. Commited a fix to the Dev. svn for Focus Fire.
Great but i have no idea how to apply what you told me , could you give me basic instructions on how to access and alter this PHP code
No need, just update the developer version. If u were using public, I suggest temporarily switching to the developer SVN.
Hey thanks for the time you are taking to reply to me and I know I am a little slow. I lost tracks of what I am using. I believe I downloaded the 1.0.5 from the front page in zip. but now i see the public available is 1.0.10 ? where do i get this from. I am told this is the faster one and doesnt drop the DPS. Also If i am to switch to the temporary developer that means using the ones from the SVN link correct?
Yes, I'm at college so I'll update the main thread in about 2 hours if I have enough time in my break. But using the svn is recommended. EDIT: Might take a bit longer, travelling time increased by snow...
I appreciate this alot. I will check the page tonight. I will download both the public and the SVN and update you on how its going. I am undergeared so i Can give feedback to the hunters that are still not as geared.
it works fine for me, anyways: crouching tiger, wyvern sting, aspect, direbeast, crows, and last but not least - glaive toss.
Any luck posting the latest public version Mirabis is it the 1.1.7 in the svn folder ? also i still cannot find focus fire on the class config. could you help me locate it.
It doesn't use my grenade belt even though I have use belt enchant clicked. Only thing i noticed it doesn't do for me.
So, question is, since this is the new Falldowns CC, is this better than his previous at the moment? as far as DPS?
Mirabis friend i have a few questions for you and i hope you can answer them 1) Please post the lastest Zip file for the public beta. What i have figured out is in you svn the TRUNK is public the branches/developer is the developer one. Which should i use? 2) in 1.0.5 you have an option to choose between your rotation and falldown. what happened to that in the recent version.? 3) Last but not least please tell where i can find the focus fire option in the class config so i can enable it. thank you so much for everything
As far as I know, falldown has not yet coded that in. Will put it on top of the to-do list. It's a rewrite and should outdps the old one yes. A few posts ago I posted a comparison between the two by a ilvl 500+ HC Hunter. 1) I want to, but can't for the next 3-4 days. cannot access my pc. 2) Dev= Dev, trunk = Public PvE & PvP are both supported, this version is Bowman & Beast Mastery in One actually.