Alright so the new logic for off-GCD spells is in. It made a definite improvement (especially with Monk) so thanks for the advice. New version in the OP. Will try to get the movement logic dealt with before I leave for the holiday. Although Jump is still first priority, it's now (barely) more DPS to just use Jump and Power Surge on cooldown rather than holding either 20 seconds due to the patch 2.4 Dragoon buffs. So {Power Surge > Jump > Spineshatter} > {Jump} > {Power Surge > Spineshatter} > {Power Surge > Jump > Spineshatter}). So now with the cooldown reduction to Spineshatter dive, is it worth it to save Power Surge for Jump, or just use it when either Spineshatter and Jump are available? : ffxiv Supposedly it's a 10 potency difference over 4 minutes and doing it the way Ultima currently does it feels a lot smoother. Let me know if you find any conflicting information (I do want Ultima doing MAX DPS as it says in the OP lol). Right now it's hard-coded for all classes/jobs. For Bard specifically it's set to stop and rest until the player has 70% HP and 50% TP. Once it reaches those numbers it will start moving again. For now if you really want to change it it's located in Ultima > Rotations > Behaviors > Rest > Class/Job.cs.
I have the Checks disabled for the Cross-Class skills that I don't have working with Ultima yet (I went ahead and made the full spell library and the entire form, but I don't have the spell logic to back it up yet). Sorry for making it so confusing. I will fully enable all those Cross-Class skills soon though, as soon as we get the foundation all ironed out. So to reiterate, the only Cross-Class skills that currently work are the ones you can check and uncheck.
Ohh la la, customized for each class. That's good haha. I was just wondering what it was set at, didn't need to change it. I think it's fine as it is!
Can we get it to use feint on Lancer? IMO slowing damage output of enemies while botting is important, also noticed it only regens up to 75% health, which is okay, but maybe make it an option to have it wait until 100% as we as set what health percent to stop and regen at.
IMO feint as of now is useless. Nothing you can solo is that dangerous you'd have to worry about slowing down. You'd be better off just doing the extra damage and ending the battle quicker.
Currently Feint is set as a Pull spell (it will use it once if possible, as the first spell, and then move on with the rotation). However it may not always cast it if it ends up casting Piercing Talon instead. I'll look into making stuff like that more consistent (although as you can see most people are probably glad it doesn't always cast Feint anyways lol). *As a note (just so there's no confusion), Pull spells are only used with "Automated" bot bases (Fatebot and Orderbot). ExCombat won't use the Pull logic. As for the regen, I'm still changing stuff around trying to find the best values. I know that 100% isn't the best as no human player would rest to 100% after every single mob and we wouldn't want it to waste time resting when it could be regenerating on the way to its next target/fate anyway. 80% or so might be better than 70% though. Let me know if it becomes an issue (you think if it would have rested to 80-90% instead of 70% you wouldn't have died or something).
Will WHM and SCH eventually be able to actually heal parties? I tried out WHM in a trials roulette yesterday and it didn't really seem concerned about anything except DPS and keeping me alive without doing anything for party members.
Yeah, right now there's no party logic. Tanks and Healers will only do their DPS rotation (and healers will use the most basic heal on themselves). Basically you can only grind (Fatebot and Orderbot) with Tank/Healer classes right now. I do plan on putting in full tanking/healing support, I just haven't been able to yet (I finished the single target DPS rotations for every class literally just hours before release lol). Hopefully soon.
What exactly will your healing logic be like? With magitek, it automatically heals the party when the conditions are met. That is fine, but in end game content when you are in charge of healing a certain tank, it doesn't seem as optimal as it can be.
I'm trying to get healing logic in general improved: As far as healing specific targets I'd have to dig through the code. Off the top of my head, if the Rebornbuddy API supports it, I'd think something like "Focus Target Gets Priority Healing" would work (I just don't know if Reborn knows what a Focus Target is). If it worked, you could just set your main healing target as your Focus and the CR would know what to do. If RebornBuddy doesn't support a Focus Target maybe we can petition mastahg for that feature (I wouldn't imagine it would be too difficult to implement but who knows lol).
Magitek uses Behavior Trees, Ultima uses CoRoutines. That doesn't mean that you can't adapt the code from Magitek, but it's a very different style of CR. I think Endus wants to implement a much smarter Healing Manager than what Magitek is currently doing. Having the CR have the ability to select what healing spell to use based off of what is actually happening in game instead of a straight priority list will make the healing in this CR way more effective than what is currently available elsewhere right now. The biggest problem is that to do healing right, you really have to be able to predict how much your spells are going to heal for and when there is going to be a lot of damage about to hit the party/raid/tank. Being able to use formula's to calculate how much a spell will hit for would be ideal, but unfortunately Mastahg doesn't have any plans on implementing Player Stats into RB anytime in the future, so it probably won't happen for awhile.
No healing logic has been implemented as of yet. I believe all it does is single target dps and healing yourself.