Ok. I see where the problem is I just need to figure out what that problem is with it lol. I'll check out the code when I get home or glideroy might beat me to it lol
Code: Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWPartyMember.Role returns a Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWPartyMember.GroupRole which can be "Damage", "Healer", "Tank", "None". Code: Lua.DoString("CancelUnitBuff(\"Player\",\" + WoWSpell.FromId(12345).Name + "\"")); (not precise because spell != aura , but you could lookup the localised name by id and then use it) and why are you using lua to cast spells here? Code: private void ChainSpells(params string[] spells) { string macro = ""; foreach (string s in spells) { macro += "CastSpellByName(\"" + s + "\", true);"; } Lua.DoString(macro); }
because is the easyest way to do what we need that's the PVP oh shit button that press all a holy pala cooldown at once, if we did not use lua we should wait a global cooldown even if they do not trigger a global. for the rest, we know how to change it not to use lua, mainly, but as sm0k3d said it's just a massive amount of work (every single cast and cancast must be changed, changing only the lua portion is not enought for it to work on any language) Maybe we will get to it, somewhere not in the near future, maybe not.. is not a priority for me at least if you wanna do it i can give you SVN access rev65 is online, all it does is add the debuff of the eagle boss in ZA to the list of the debuff to dispell ASAP (noone mentioned it early -.-) the blessing broblem is still there
Yea the macro hits all the big CDs at once. Since 2 of them don't trigger a cd then it works great. If we were to do it where just cast spell, it would take much longer and not be instant
Isn't it pretty useless to have healer beacon it self in Arenas ? as you always go healer and other dude go dps/tank
in arena you have to selct the other dud as tank in lazyraider.. -.- you should never let the cc beacon herself -.-
yes . but what's the point. Why should you have to select the tank in ARENA.... it's just you and the other dude ! Should be possible to have it select the tank codewise.
and if you go in 3v3 or 5v5? and it's needed for the code that switch the beacon on you if enemy focus you and switch back the the other one otherwise, i'm not going to code different behaviour for every arena type, just use lazyraider configuration
quick question should we be using kings or might? I know its based on who is in the group but I am only casting might. this is 5 mans that I am talking about
Depends.. If you got a druid in your group you'll buf Might (Since kings is same as motw nowadays) Other than that just buff Kings
Bug report : I am in combat and someone dies in the group, it tries to res instead of carrying on healing.
UGGG yes.. It stops healing everyone else and goes into a infinite loop trying to res a dead guy while everyone else needs healed. /edit Was using Rev 61, just updated to 65, will see if it still does it. /edit again Yep, still does it. But only in instances, not BG's.
rev 66 is online, should fix the bug for the ressing loop while not in battleground, will no more attemppt to ress someone if we are in combat (may performe strange if we are not in combat, someone need a ress and someone else is in combat but this should never happen..) try to fix the buff issue, let me know if she still perform in a strange way, since the way in witch battleground are played the check in battleground are less strict than in party/raid and should King more often even if there are druids in group (but not if Motw has been casted) if in battleground and mounted will switch to crusader aura you can turn this off with PVP_wanna_crusader. You can instead turn this on for PVE with PVE_wanna_crusader.
rev67 is online, this is a small change, now also the talent Last Word is weighted in the WoG calculation, set the new variable private int last_word=1; to what fit you (0,1,2) are the only accepted value, that are the points that you have in the talent last word, will check for it by herself in a future update (when i will understand how talent/glyph checks work..)
You guys are doing a fucking fantastic job! Really glad that this is going so well for you 2. Thanks for the updates