Any ETA on the next update you guys have planned ? Not be inpatient, I really appreciate the work you guys do.
Any word on the Chim fight logic? No rush just wondering if it was implemented and I missed the notes.
im trying to figure out a buff/debuff that the CC can see if you have to tell that it is doing the chim fight and only heal to 10k hp. im pretty sure there is one but i cant find it right now.
I see, thank you for the reply. Also, an option for the GUI I think would be nice is to only LoH the tank. Figured I'd suggest it.
Any reason why it would prefer Holy light on tank when hes hp is 50%?. Should be Divine light tbh Edit: Thats just not the tank. Goes for everyone aprently
Low Health - Spell - World of Warcraft && Finkle's Mixture - Spell - World of Warcraft If both Buffs are present you're not in AoE healing phase and target is below threshold. If only Mixture is present target doesn't need heals. Problem might be determining which tank to top off for double attack. No idea how to do that. Otherwise standard healing logic should do, shouldn't it?
chimeraon logic to add should be somehing like Code: where !gotbuff(finklw's mixtur) || istank ||( gotbuff(finkle's mixtur) && current healt<10.000) Problem with this code is the istank check, cannot put it in a where statement, i searched for a different way to check if someone is a tank but it seems that there is no way besides LUA call..
rev75 is online, is a test revision with an initial chimaeron logic, my guild do not do that boss (yes i know we suck..) so please someone that do it try rev 75 and post a log remember that for this to work your tank must be checked as tank with a RoleCheck (or she will not know who is tanking) also the AOE heals check for now does not check for the buff to be present, working on it
You get a debuff if you drop below 10k health Then there is finkles mixture, a buff that prevents you drom dropping below 1hp when you had 10k+ before, which occasionally fades for a few seconds when the bot is offline. And of course there is the final phase below 20% hp, where no healing is possible anymore. primarily, all healers are damagedealers in this phase, trying to burn him downbefore your raid dies. i do a few things in that phase though (holy paladin dps is not comparable to a holy (disziplin) priest doing dmg. You can use hand of protection on chimaerons primary target when it is about to die, so he drops target. I havent tried if we have something to taunt him and use divine shield for 8 seconds too. I would also use light of dawn and holy radiance during the system shutdown where everybuddy hugs together.
rev 76 should also wait for phase 2 to start before kicking in Holy radiance, i hope at last we have 2 spell for taunt, but i wouldn't advise it, problem is how to understand if chimaeron is under 20% in a way that do not slow down every single other encounter is there any buff going around in that phase?
yes there is, the anti.healing debuff on everyone in the burnphase BUUT: Mortality – Chimaeron goes into a rage, rendering him immune to Taunt effects but increasing the damage he takes by 10%. In addition, he reduces healing effects done to players by 99%.
Suggestion you can put on the 1st post since this CC are so awesome in raids UPH revision: Rev74 Dungeon/Raid: Bastion Of Thunder Normal/heroic: Normal 10/25: 25 Gearscore: 5500 Successfully done it with UPH: Almost Discription: Could not heal through Furious Roar - Spell - World of Warcraft Suggestion: Save Holy Radiance - Spell - World of Warcraft for this part.
and i also think you can use a divineshield+speedbuff+divine light combo for this you need fast casting with good healing amount (maybe even holyshock) to get your cast done between two roars
i think this is the best CC for the paladin healer in the heroics but i find it slow in the raids anyone can see that ?
Whenever a mage or lock makes food or cookies I stop summoning and ruin the summons. Is there a way to fix that.
@que and xlegendx: log or it didn't happen @imfat: we wheretryng to track that down for a long time, was the same bug that interrupt you the first time you try to mount by yoursef.. no solution that cames to our mind as of now.. @gogogaga: no @kayes: i cannot cast during a furios roar by hand, just wait for the three roar to inish and then resume healing, when i'm doing it by hand so.. Chimaeron phase3 what do you want the bot to do? focus healing as a mad the tank tanking? or dpsing with holy shock+judgment+exorcism spam?
Here you go. Tell me if you need another one or more details. From what I have noticed it only does it here and there not all the time. Update: Did it again when tank was about 20% and caused us to die. (that log is the larger file.) Here is an example: Code: Topping people off: casting Holy Light on Tank Le**** at distance 5.1 with type Heal at hp 52.73 Topping people off: casting Holy Light on Tank Le**** at distance 13.2 with type Heal at hp 44.57 Topping people off: casting Holy Light on Tank Le**** at distance 16.61 with type Heal at hp 44.53 Topping people off: casting Holy Light on Tank Le**** at distance 14.47 with type Heal at hp 16.64 (This is where we died) Hopefully, this can get fixed.