It is because the latest update was denied due to having sql in it. I will upload a new version tomorrow and that should fix it.
Hi Phelon, I bought your Ultimate PVP plugin from the buddy store, meant to keep it for later usages. Originally I wanted to refund another purchase but accidentally requested your one instead. Could you please look into this issue and help me out? Thanks bro!!
Unfortunately I can not help you. I do not have access to refunds, etc. You will need to contact Tony with HB Support and they should be able to help you out.
Is it possible to use Ultimate PvP Suite with Tuanha's CRs for example. I'm playing feral and I'd like to use auto move sometimes but the high movement speed of ferals makes it look shitty. I hope it's possible to use the strafe movement option from pvp suite in combination with CRs. Regards
how to set this up for a moonkin if i want to use automove. its a bit weird cauz it doesnt stayfurther away from the enemys it mostly moves very close and keeps circling them is this normal? cc movement and bgfarmer movement is off. facing enabled in bgfarmer.
You should be able to as long as CR Movement is off. I know his free stuff doesn't have that option, I am unsure of his paid stuff. As long as you can turn off movement in the CR.. you should be fine. Movement is meant for melee only I am afraid.
How do i gain access to my uPvPsuite? I'm an old svn user ( i still have pms from original purchase )
Hi Phelon, i tested your plugin and would buy it but, - i just need the movement function , mainly follow target/stay on target. It works good but i cant use A&D Keys for strafing. I am playing Rogue and it is mandatory to control the char. What i need is just follow the target automatically but keep A&d key working. Control char is only possible using mouse for movement :-(, what i never done. Can you help me? What should i do to strafe manually like it is in the tuanha cr? Thanks
Hello - I'm an old SVN user, paid in full, but now it's on the store. How do I re-gain access to this please? I have kept your PM's showing I did pay waaaaay back when etc. Tried PM'ing you but it says I MUST post in this forum. Thanks.
Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'ph3l0n_muffuser'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home2/ph3l0n/public_html/keys/index.php on line 62 Connect failed: Access denied for user 'ph3l0n_muffuser'@'localhost' (using password: YES) When trying to use that key generator.
I PM'd you but got an auto reply. Like said before, your generator is showing a the username that tries to connect. You should consider turning warnings of so PHP doesn't show this again. Also, because of the error, I can't retrieve my key. Can you assist me on that, please?
I bought in October 2012 the PVP-Suite-Plugin. How can I migrate my SVN-Account to the BuddyStore? Your Migration-Link dosn't work for me. Thanks
Any news please after almost 2 weeks, looks like nothing? I have already paid so would be nice to get access. Thanks.
That is pretty funny. I will go change the permissions. I hope I didn't delete the user 0.o Edit: Fixed. Enjoy.
Thanks for the fix, but now I get the message that my email is not found. Sure everything is okay? I still have a PM of you telling me my SVN user and pass, so it should be able to find my paypal address..
I do have exactly the same situation. The old svn does not work anymore, so i tried to get the key via "", but with my paypal address i do only get "Sorry no member found matching provided email address!". What can i do now? I still do have my Paypal Donation ID.
Sent you a pm via forums, I just started botting again and had donated in 2012 let me know if I can get a redemption code, thank you!
Couldn't download plugin using a 2013 year info you sent me. Details in your pm inbox. Thanks in advance.