Hero with Weapon try to attack stealthed units in a loop until the turn is over. ex: My shaman had stormforged axe (2*3) equipped and try to attack a Jungle panther (4/2) during an entire turn until time was up, suspicious :/ Of course the weap have 2 attack and the jungle panther is 2 HP so it's fine, but not when it's stealthed ^^
After a quick search i noticed that Bane of Doom wasn't mentioned. It should prioritize 2 or less HP minions so it gives you a demon. nice thread keep it going
Which bugs me the most is that HB uses "Inner Fire" before "Göttlicher Wille" (german name, couldnt find translated card should be something like "Godly Will"?) So it basicly sets the damage of a minion to its health before doubling it's health on a priest. Would have +10% Winrate if that would be fixed
Card: Ironbeak Owl - doesn't check for freeze mechanics on your minions when you have potential lethal from frozen minions.
Bot doesn't do very well with hunter traps. Turn 1: Leper gnome, end turn Turn 1 enemy: trap, end turn Turn 2 me: summon mana wyrm, attack to face. trap kills leper gnome and leaves wyrm at 1/1 Turn 2 enemy: summon trap Turn 3 me: bot summons loot hoarder to field, attacks into bot's face. trap kills both of my minions. Edit: wut That was hard to watch.
Bot playing mage should use fireblast to kill 1 hp minions. Instead of killing 1/1 whelp from leeroy he attacked face with fireblast.
Bot should use weapons to kill minions and save its own minions. Scenario: I have a 2/2 creature, he has a 2/2 creature. I put out the 2/3 Shaman axe, trade creatures, then hit his face with the axe for 2. Not good D:
1. Enemy played 5/1 Magma Rager, bot had 5 mana and 3/6 Water Elemental on board and instead of killing that 5/1 with hero power he choose to play 4 mana Sen'jin Shieldmasta. Bot should always kill 1hp minions with mage hero power. 2. Turn 1 bot have coin and Amani Berserker in hand for 2 mana. He chooses to not to play that card and just skips turn. <edit> 3. Enemy had 19hp + empty board, bot had 10 mana, 12 dmg in minions on board and Pyroblast and Fireball in hand. Bot didn't noticed it is lethal and played Sunwalker instead. 4. Playing Leeroy on turn 4 isn't a good play most of the times. Is there anything we can do to avoid that? I know he has High priority and that's good when you are in late game but not necessarily on turn 4, especially if you have another 4 drops in hand.
Oww ? Actually, i dont know if you get it, but the bot has some unexpected behaviors due to variable mapping : some variables adresses can change during computations. Thats the biggest Hearthbuddy issue currently and we are working on more viable systems. But thats a price for a non-injected bot... 90% of current issues or bugs reports are due to this fact. Conceretely, we cant just fix this kind of bug due to unpredictability of it... And i think you can understand - in this case - a report of an single occurence of a bug is due of this error and cant be used to fix anything.
.81 warlock uses Drain Life on opponent even when my own health is at 30. i would say unless the enemy is close to death to not do this.
Warrior's Execute Card. It's mechanics need to be tweaked a little. Why it wouldn't target this card is beyond me. Execute is a card that destroys any damaged minion. This is definitely a minion that should have been executed, but it didn't do it. So I stopped the bot and did it myself. View attachment 135723
Enemy had 2/2 taunt bot had 4/1 knife juggler and 3/2 shattered sun cleric and yet he attacked with knife juggler into the 2/2. Why would he do that? I would understand that if it was plain 4/1 but it was knife juggler. Code: Checking hand cards priorities : No target for Shattered Sun Cleric Attacking Spirit wolf with Knife juggler