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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm using the holy pala.......

      if priest was selected there must be some real error in the implementation of the priest !
    2. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hmm, I'm unsure if it's a pala error then gilderoy must help.
    3. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      [17:00:27:808] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      [17:00:34:477] Chose UltimatePalaHealerBT v 1.2 revision 161 as your combat class!
      [17:00:34:478] Hello Executor!
      I'm UPaHCCBT and i'm here to assist you keeping your friend alive
      You are using UPaHCCBT version 1.2 revision 161
      [17:00:34:485] Your Judgment range is 30 yard! will use this value
      [17:00:34:710] All green! building behaviours now!
      [17:00:34:714] Solo
    4. sparks

      sparks Active Member

      Apr 23, 2010
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      couple of questions.
      is there a way to turn off healing when I try to drink.
      He keeps bouncing up and healing people with 99% hp

      My priest is only level 83 and wanted to do some healing on him...changing to holy.
      I have him speced disc but I can change....this is soooooo much fun
      when will the DK healer be complete LOL
      Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
    5. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      waht do you mean mate:)?

      you mean it doesnt drink normally?
    6. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      Quite a lot of activity this evening yeah?
      Will try to respond in order :)
      First things first
      @hi1674: still no full log? sorry you are behind my possibility to help you. realy. sorry.. maybe do a full reinstall of .net3.5?
      for what i can see from the little thing you posted there must be something going realy bad in your .net..
      @TranceAddict: this is the spec i'm using while developing, I'll Add it to the first post
      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
      I have opened a thread in the priest forum but I'm not sure cheking 2 places is good, on the other hand people reporting bug without sayng if Pala or Priest are useless so..
      @tozededao: thnak you!
      @HB189V14: yes I'd love it! but can you give me some logic? when should she cast aura mastery? I cannot figure it out :) for what i understan aura mastery (with concentration) will prevent applycation of silencies but will not remove silcen already on the pala and the CC cannot predict future to know if someone is about to silence her..
      @panyama: to place lightwell I need the bot to click on a point, near the tank is not enought, 5y behind the tank? 5y on the right side of the tank? and if there is (for example) a pillar in that spot? when messing with points of the world you must be realy carefull.. and cast it when? remember that the CC has no way to tell when the tank is about to pull, she can only tell NOCOMBAT or COMBAT nothing more.
      Shadowfiend: this puzzle me, should i say something like (if noone need urgent healing and my mana <50 cast shadowfiend and immediatly cast hymm of hope for max mana back) or should i go with something like (when my mana is <80% use shadowfiend no matter how people heath are to use it 2 times on long fight) or with (when my mana is <20% use shadowfiend no matter how people health are)? what of this 3 logic you want implemented?
      Iner will: casting inner will consume a GCD, the CC has no way to tell if you will move for 200 yard or for 0.5 yard if you are controlling the movement with LazyRaider (she does not know where you want to go) so I cannot say if there is lot's of movement or not.. so when to cast inner will?
      Fear ward: will be added but on self or on tank?
      Power Word Shield: again, the CC has no way to tell if the tank "is about to pull" or if he will pull in 5 minuts.. I will implement it to cast as an emergency on people below a certain theresold (like 20% since is realy mana ineffective as holy)
      Divine Hymm code is already in, as default will be fired if 3 or more people are below 50% health, you can change that in the confix.XML
      for leap of faith sorry i'll not implement it, I do get mad when people use it on me, and the bot can realy use it at the wrong moment.. expecialy if on tank.. brr.. :D
      @Peenut: thank you man :)
      For the levitate error I have a simple solution: do not use Levitate!
      Seriusly now, if you are levitating the bot will frek out couse he cannot calculate distance from you to other players so he think everyone is too far away to be healed, nothing I can do about it sorry
      Also bot will not heal people that have levitate buff i believe, no workaround that I know of..
      @Haxed: logic for POM is this, i'll tell it so everyone can make is how opinion and suggest improvement.
      If out of combat and tank has no POM cast POM on the tank (again couse CC cannot tell if tank is about to pull or will pull in half an hour only way is to keep it up all the time or to never cast it out of combat)
      If in combat check all nearby players. If someone have your POM on him do nothing. If noone has your POM cast POM on tank.
      I can add a (if tank has someone inside 20y (so POM WILL jump)) but will take a lot of more checks (1 check for every unit in raid)
      BTW will put options for disable POM, one to disalbe it out of combat and one to disable it in combat
      @HB9806B90: thank you a bilion time! yes you made me a realy happy man!! ^_____________^
      @sparks: are you using priest or pala? there is code to ensure she keep drinking if everyone is out of combat and her mana is <95% but if someone enter in combat the CC will start healing no matter if she was drinking, this to prevent people dieng near you while you drink, expecialy after a battle ress
      For the Disc priest CC / Druid CC.. one thing at a time.
      Paladin healer is still 95% and priest healer is more or less 10% so first let me finish what I have on my hands right now, when Holy Priest will be finished I'll see what else to do :)

      Just got a little idea on how to tell if a tank is about to pull.. maybe i can check if the tank is targetting a mob, if the tank has no target he is not about to pull, if the tank have a target he is about to pull.. will make some try in next revision problem is it may look waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to bottish, imagine, a tank target a mob, BOOOM POM on him! everytime.. too bottish?
    7. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      rev163 is online!
      Priest: Improuved logic on targetted AOE (circle of healing before onli checked for unit near tank, now check every unit to see if is a good target for the Circle), POM casted only if tank has a target (and the target is not friendly), added fade and desperate prayer logic
    8. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ill download and test now^^
    9. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      for the mana regen Do this one 50% or less cast shadowfiend and immediatly cast hymm of hope for max mana back, But can you add a check like you have with divine plea, if Tank or 2+ people drop below 60% cancel Hym?
      For PW:S 100% uptime in combat No casting out of combat, for POM 100% uptime in combat, no casting out of combat.
    10. dirtdog

      dirtdog New Member

      Jun 12, 2011
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      Glideroy....amazing work you put down into this child of yours :) youre Updating and following 24/7

      More donations inc.! :D
    11. shaorinor

      shaorinor New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      As long as shadowfiend gets cast, I don't think hymn of hope is that important. You would definately need there to be little activity as far as healing goes in order to be able to cast hymn of hope since it is a channeled spell. Shadowfiend is instant cast, so that can be used at any time.
    12. dirtdog

      dirtdog New Member

      Jun 12, 2011
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      in a perfect world...all classes would have his kind of followup! Would be awesome :)
    13. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Here's the log.

      reinstalled .NET framework.

      Strange that it worked prior to rev. 161.

      Framework must have been broken then too.

      Gonna test with 162 and fresh framework.

      Attached Files:

    14. shaorinor

      shaorinor New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      Did a quick test run thru heroic deadmines. Worked well enough, but some suggestions (feel free to ignore me if I'm wrong):

      Use Binding Heal instead of Flash heal when you need a quick heal. It's just as fast, with pretty much the same mana cost, but you have the added benefit of it healing yourself as well as the other person.
      This could be me, but it didn't seem to take advantage of the "Surge of Light" proc (think that's what it's called anyway). Gives you a free flash heal, and since it is such a short proc, I'd use it on anyone with the lowest health at the time.
    15. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @xsilverdicex: I can add a check to interrupt hymn of hope if people start getting low, that's not a problem, problem is with that logic the CC will start using Hym of hope on thrash pull basically on cooldown and is a quite long cooldown..
      You do not like how POM work in rev 163? :)
      @dirtdog: I do what I can :)
      @hi1674: have you tried going back to a precedent version of lazy raider? like 0.0.06 or something that worked? maybe that's the problem.. (i didn't upgraded to latest lazyraider myself :p)
      Binding heal is already used any time you and someone else health drop below PVE_binding_heal_min_hp if you want it used more go in the config file of your priest and put a big number there :) default is 85 i believe.
      She is using surge of light procs but are not first priority, before surge of light se check renew, HOW:S, binding heal and circle of healing, then use the SoL procs, should i move proc usage up the priority list?
    16. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'd prefer not since i also tank with Lazy raider.

      Might be possible to use 2 dif. versions simultaneous if i edit the name in the older one tho.

      Also can it check for tank every 30 seconds or so while not in raid or instance.

      At some point you're rallying the party.

      Stopping the bot is a big chance of crashing wow to desktop.
      Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
    17. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      I'll disable the check while rallyng a party will only check if actualy inside an istance :)
      Desperate prayer and fade logic where coded but i forgetted to activeta them in rev163, will bve activeted in next rev so do not be surprised if you did'nt see she use them ever :p
      hi1674 likes this.
    18. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You just earned a +rep for outstanding support.
    19. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the bot can Detect BOSS correct? how about to logics for mana, if no BOSS target just use shdowfiend, if BOSS target Shadowfiend + hymn with interrupt logic.
    20. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      So i was wondering ( i don't know if this is already be mentioned somewhere in this thread), if we are in a raid and most raids/encounter need two tanks. does this cc think about this? we heal tank a and tank b gets beacon? i never raided with my pala (crappy gear), so i don't know if this behaviour is already in.


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