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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. bambam922

      bambam922 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Instead of editing my last post, just doing a new one so it gets noticed.
      I got home from work last night and the conquest reset so I decided to do some 2v2 with my partner. We were coming off of a 13 game winning streak from last week. I decided to update UPH before we started. Note: I am playing my character only, no other accounts active.

      We start up the game and buffing goes fine. The match starts and I notice that the bot is acting slow. It is having a VERY hard time keeping my and my partner alive.
      Usually when we get a double DPS team going against us, we eat them alive because normally I can outheal their burst. In this case, the bot was hardly trying at all to keep me up, even using the speed combat system.

      In one instance it was trying to cast a spell that could not be used in arena. I don't think it was me because I don't have a spell such as LoH mapped to any of my keys.

      We ended up on a 9 game losing streak because of some change to the bot. To me, it is extremely slow and doesn't have the capabilities it used to.

      I uploaded all of the logs from the times I was restarting HB/trying different revisions.

      If you can remember the revision everyone was stuck with when you took that adsence in august, that would be awesome. for me that worked flawlessly and I would go back to it if I could remember the revision. Was it 154?

      Attached Files:

    2. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      pm'Ed you
    3. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @crowley: Lol.. no idea where did he got Highland Spring water from realy.. I think HB messed up some names of items :D
      @Venus112: well i do not know :D there will be more test needed to understand it..
      @dirtdog: do not forgot to give feedback! ^__^
      @bambam922: I'll look at all your log and try to understand what the hell was going wrong..
      In the meantime, i think the revision you are refering to is rev170 since is of August 6 while the new one rev 171 is of August 27
      @Stormchasing: yes I read it and responded, again thank you for your time, I'll try to make that work :)

      for everyone else: ok I'm a bad boy :p instead of implementing more on the pala healer or the priest healer I took 2 hour of time to do a Retribution LazyRaider Raiding modul for UPaHCCBT :p
      It's very very very very very basic, only work at level 85 and have no configuration. At all.
      But I did this to test if I can do a DPS CC that is better then the other option given ATM that are not very satisfing (for me at least)
      Also, it was quite easy..
      So, is there anyone that have the time to take his pg to a training dummy and test this? see if she is better/worse then playng by hand and of the others CCs out there?
      Maybe do a comparative dps run with the other CC/by hand?
      She has no movement, only work in lazy raider and work only if you start the bot when you already are in Retribution spec.
      Let me know!
      PS: if you are going to test this I'll list here some basic statistic rules to make the test equal
      1: pls let her run for at least 7 min (standard dps time on a boss)
      2: Test on a PG with Hit cap and Expertise cap or the random number generator can realy kick you :D
      3: when starting a new test (with a different CC on the same PG) make sure all your cooldown are up and ready to use
      I do not have a pala with hit and expertise cap or I would have done it by myself ^^
      Still, I'll test on a regular trainig dummy and post my results here
    4. Dawn

      Dawn New Member

      Aug 19, 2011
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      So i i updated to the new HB with this and did FL10M last night, amazing heals.

      I have a question, i popped Potion of Concentration and the bot breaks out of it, is there a way like to implement the bot to stop activities when i'm using pots?
    5. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      Never thinked of it.. well I can add a manual check to make she stop do anything if she detect a Potion of Concentration buff BUT do we need an escape? like do not do anything, unless tank is under X% hp? or something like that?
    6. Koldun

      Koldun Member

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Man.... really really thank you for your work!
    7. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Pally PTR changes! Look glider nerfs for you to play with!

      Holy Radiance now has a 3.0-second cast time, no cooldown, and requires a player target. That target is imbued with Holy Radiance, which heals them and all group members within 10 yards instantly, and continues to heal them by a smaller amount every 1 second for 3 seconds.
      Seal of Insight, when Judged, no longer returns 15% base mana to the paladin. Judging Seal of Insight still causes damage, and melee attacks will still restore 4% of base mana.
      Talent Specializations
      Clarity of Purpose now also reduces the cast time of Holy Radiance.
      Illuminated Healing (mastery) now also applies to Holy Radiance.
      Infusion of Light now applies its cast time reduction from Holy Shock critical effects to Holy Radiance, in addition to its current effects.
      In addition to providing haste, the effect from Judgements of the Pure now increases mana regeneration from Spirit by 10/20/30% for 60 seconds.
      Light of Dawn now affects 6 targets (base effect), up from 5.
      Paragon of Virtue now lowers the cooldown of Divine Protection by 15/30 seconds, up from 10/20 seconds.
      Speed of Light no longer triggers from Holy Radiance and no longer lowers the Holy Radiance cooldown. Speed of Light now only triggers from Divine Protection.
      Tower of Radiance, in addition to its current effects, now also causes Holy Radiance to always generate 1 charge of Holy Power at all times.
      Glyph of Light of Dawn now lowers the number of targets to 4, instead of increasing targets to 6, but increases healing by 25%.
    8. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @koldun: you are welcome :)
      @xsilverdicex: Thanks for the report!
      i hate HATE HATE the holy radiance changes.. sigh.. ;(
      if it's true that will only heal Party members (and not raid members) I'll have to adapt Prayer of Healing code to it (Yay I have already it coded once!)
      Still a terribad change for the CC.. sigh and again sigh :D
      I realy hope those changes do not make it to the live server
      Pls keep me informed about that :D and any other changes to pala healer.. i realy like your report! ^__^
    9. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      im playing on the ptr so i will report anything thats changed, Priest got some NICE chnages though :p
    10. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bit of a read to help you better understand the -_- changes.
      We changed Seal of Insight to no longer return 15% base mana and then changed Judgment of the Pure to provide mana regeneration so that Holy paladins would not need to Judge every eight seconds. With these changes, they will want to Judge every 30 seconds, which seems more reasonable. Judging every eight seconds is hard to ask someone who is also targeting players a lot to heal them.
      We made several changes to Holy Radiance to make it a cast time spell. We felt like Holy paladins couldn’t go into a group healing mode because Holy Radiance had a long cooldown and in the absence of a cast time, didn’t compete with any other spell. With this change (and the Light of Dawn change below), paladins can opt for an AE healing “rotation” (insofar as healers can ever have a rotation) of using Holy Radiance -> Light of Dawn instead of Holy Light et al. -> Word of Glory.
      Several Holy talents changed to support the change to Holy Radiance, such as allowing it to benefit from Illuminated Healing, Clarity of Purpose, and Infusion of Light. It didn’t make sense for Speed of Light to be triggered by a cast-time spell, so we caused the Paragon of Virtue talent to lower the cooldown on Divine Protection, so that Holy wouldn’t lose quite so much functionality of Speed of Light. Speed of Light has definitely been nerfed compared to 4.2, but we feel it’s an acceptable change given the entire package.
      We reversed the glyph for Light of Dawn. Instead of providing an additional target to Light of Dawn, the glyph now reduces the number of targets but increases the throughput. Light of Dawn was not a very useful spell in 10-player raids or similar small groups, like Arena teams. This glyph should allow paladins to tailor Light of Dawn for their group size.
    11. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      how much $$ to make me a druid healing cc.....lol
    12. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      with the PTR changes around the corner isn't this a very bad momento to make a new CC? ^^
      I hope the priest changes are on the line of "you do not need to code anythuing so complex as a holy radiance healing only party member" :p
    13. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Divine Hymn now affects 5 targets, up from 3.
      Talent Specializations
      Atonement will now account for the target enemy's combat reach when calculating proper range, enabling it to be used on large creatures such as Ragnaros and Ala'kir.
      Divine Aegis has a new spell effect.
      Spirit of Redemption has been rebuilt to address a few functionality issues and make it more responsive. Spirit of Redemption otherwise remains unchanged.
      State of Mind has been redesigned and is now called Heavenly Voice. Heavenly Voice increases the healing done by Divine Hymn by 50/100%, and reduces the cooldown of Divine Hymn by 2.5/5 minutes.
      Glyph of Circle of Healing now also increases the mana cost of Circle of Healing by 20%.
    14. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yeah yeah, 4.3 is not here yet will take about 4 weeks if not more to iron every single bug out.
    15. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      Yep and then another 2 weeks to me to code those changes :p Priest changes do not seems hard to code, thanks Cthulu! ^__^
    16. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      well the prt usually has a stable pre-release like 1-2 weeks before Live release...Glideroy+PTR+HB+VB = cc ready for live? :p
    17. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey Glider Would it be possible (mainly for dungeon settings) to add an option for NON-urgent cleanses to Only cleanse myself and the Tank, i ask this because i still find that allowing the bot to Cleanse everything still effects healing speed/priority. i usually run with it disabled its just some non urgent debuffs really can have an effect on healers and tanks For example Haste reduction on a healer or tank means super slow heals and Super slow weapon swings resulting in lower threat output. Just an option to cleanse myself and tank of NON-urgent debuffs would be nice. Leaving Urgent the way it is ofcourse.

      Also small thing iv noticed in the latest Revision is sometimes it ignores settings like "mount to follow tank" or move in range etc, its not often but sometimes even with them disabled the bot will still do it (rarely) its not a big deal just thought i would mention it.

      Also sent you a small donation.
    18. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      As always xsilverdicex you are the man! Thank you Big Time! :D
      I'll add an option to only cleanse non urgent debuff on self and on tank for dungeon and raid settings ^_^
      for the mount up, are you using latest LazyRaider build? couse in build after there is automonting code to lazyraider that i cannot overwrite.. so i think that's that that make you mount, does the log show "mounting up to follow the tank" or not? if the log did show that message is my CC fault and i messed up somewhere, if the log did not then it's the botbase that is mounting you :)
      Again Thank you! :)
      You need an award as sponsor #1 of this project :p
    19. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It says in pink writting "mounting up to follow tank" i noticed the CC makes two Setting files for the same toon in /config could that be the problem?
    20. dirtdog

      dirtdog New Member

      Jun 12, 2011
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      Tested up to baelroc yesterday Glide! 4bosses down! I had the selective healing window up during beth fight and checked in the guys who went upstair with me, and unchecked when we went down..rince and repeat ....worked wonders so far mate ;)
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