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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. MDurner11

      MDurner11 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      In PvE I wouldn't mind HoJ just being used on cooldown, or even if the target is casting anything at all.

      And Hand of Salvation on yourself can reduce your healing aggro if you pull threat from adds or etc.

      EDIT: And make the CC use Crusader Aura whenever mounted and switch back to conc when unmounted.

      Haha sorry I am getting really picky :p
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
    2. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      the crusader aura is alrady in.. (whatever)_wanna_crusade
      check the settings pls.. :p
      hand of salvation it seems a little useless to me..
      HoJ is useless on a boss, on trash.. useless too? :p
      remeber that every option slow down the CC (a little bit, but still..)
    3. Jvidia

      Jvidia Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      Everytime i load healerbt with the latest release it crashes my Honorbuddy :(
    4. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      log? error?
    5. assassin

      assassin New Member

      Dec 29, 2010
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      As a suggestion of format might I request something along the lines of FPSWare's classes. I like how he sets out his options. You could lay out a tab for each environment i.e. PVE/Raid/PVP etc...It seems like some things could be set up conditionally like mounting...Dismount only when ______. Just some initial thoughts. If I have more I'll come back. BTW I love the mounting code. Makes life in instances like ZG/ZA that have a lot of riding much more tolerable.
    6. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      i halready have the variables, i wanna know how to organize them :p every variable you see in the XML file will be on the gui, the problem is, how? witch variable where? :)
      @assassin: good to ear you enjoied the mounting code ^__^
      BTW, rev 119 is onlyne, SVN only couse is a test release
      it is an _UNTESTED_ _FIRST_ for _TEST_ purpose only version of selective healing.
      to implement the selective healing you must start the cc once, close HB then go to the XML setting.
      you will find a Selective_Healing varibale.
      if that variable is True AND you are in a Raid selective healing will kick in.
      after the selectvive healing you will find a list of units
      i still do not know how HB orders the unit in his memori, so i must go for frials and errors, that's why the test version
      when the gui will be done there will be a tab with the names of all people in your raid and a checkbox near the name so you can check the unit to heal and uncheck those that you do not want to heal
      to make that work i must do 2 things.
      testing this release until she work when setted by hand in the XML file
      Learning better how the hell a gui is made :p
      if you want to help that's fine and appreciated but i'll ignore anyone caming here sayng "i activated selective healing it's not working! this suck! fix it! you bad!" or anything along the line :p
    7. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      So, after a LOT of test with my three accounts i can say, selective healing work! ^__^
      ok it is not intuitive to set up and not fast to set up but work and you have to set it up once per raid.
      how does it work?
      first, you put Selective_Healing on True.
      start HB. every 10 sec you will get a list of people in your raid that will tell you if the selective healing is active or not
      The list will ve something like this
      [03:48:04:266] index 0 unit Shaman Shaman Sh**** will be healed True (hp: 100)
      [03:48:04:266] index 1 unit DeathKnight Tank Ir**** will be healed True (hp: 100)
      [03:48:04:266] index 2 unit Paladin Myself will be healed True (hp: 100)
      ok, now you close HB and you go to the XML file
      let's say you want to heal yourself and the tank but not the shaman.
      what you do is search for
      and put it to
      save and restart HB.
      Now you will get
      [03:48:04:266] index 0 unit Shaman Shaman Sh**** will be healed False (hp: 100)
      [03:48:04:266] index 1 unit DeathKnight Tank Ir**** will be healed True (hp: 100)
      [03:48:04:266] index 2 unit Paladin Myself will be healed True (hp: 100)
      And the shaman will not be targetted by any single target spell.
      Any unti exdluded in this way will not be directly healed.
      Will still be cleansed and buffed and will count for HR and LoD.
      I hope you enjoy this :p
    8. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      What purpose does selective healing have ?
    9. MDurner11

      MDurner11 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm still having movement issues where my character wants to stay frozen where it is standing. And I am getting dismounted still (this is corelated to the getting stuck in one place issue).
    10. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @mdurner11: log? BTW movement is handled by HBcore and not the cc..
      @xlegendx: "pls make a feature so i can only heal group1!" and "pls make a feature so i can only heal the 2 tank and ignore the raid!"
      that kind of purpose..
    11. psylar

      psylar Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      hey gild..

      getting an error on load of HB..

      Could not compile CC from C:\Users\john\Desktop\pink\CustomClasses\uphcc!

      File: CombatLog.cs Line: 21 Error: The namespace 'UltimatePaladinHealerBT' already contains a definition for 'CombatLogEventArgs'

      any idea what i have done wrong?
    12. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Delete UltimatePaladinHeaerBT folder
    13. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      as tozededao said, you need to have only 1 folder with BT at the end, the newer ans spelled right one
    14. Jvidia

      Jvidia Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      This is what i meant!


      //Inspired by Sm0k3d CC for paladin healer
      //Inspired by Sm0k3d and Gilderoy UpaCC
      //UPaCCBT the BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class
      //A bilion thanks go to Sm0k3d for his exellent work on the paladin healing class
      //aggiungere lifeblood
      //addon trinket?
      //mount up dopo buff in pvp
      //FIXME se compagno muore in arena arrendersi o passare a solo mode
      //FIXME non si possono passare argomenti, solo usare variabili globali!
      //FIXME Cambio del tank in arena
      //FIXME per il PVP potrei fare se sono in combattimento e non ho nessuna bless casta la king (contro i dispell)
      //FIXME riaggiungere Hand of Freedom anche per slow oltre che per snare
      using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using System.Diagnostics;
      using System.Drawing;
      using System.Linq;
      using Styx.Combat.CombatRoutine;
      using Styx.Logic.Combat;
      using Styx.WoWInternals;
      using Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects;
      using TreeSharp;
      namespace UltimatePaladinHealerBT
          partial class UltimatePalaHealerBT : CombatRoutine
              private WoWUnit lastCast = null;
              private WoWPlayer fallbacktank = null;
              private WoWPlayer tank;
              private WoWUnit Enemy;
              private Random rng;
              private WoWPlayer x;
              private WoWPlayer tar;
              private WoWPlayer mtank;
              private WoWUnit Epet;
              private WoWPlayer BlessTarget;
              private WoWPlayer RessTarget;
              private WoWPlayer CleanseTarget;
              private WoWPlayer UrgentCleanseTarget;
              private WoWPlayer UrgentHoFTarget;
              private WoWPlayer luatank;
              //From here for the gui
              private int Judgment_range = 0; //for me..
              private bool PVE_want_urgent_cleanse = true;    //Do you want to cleanse critical stuff like Static Cling or Polymorph? (used)
              private bool PVP_want_urgent_cleanse = true;    //Do you want to cleanse critical stuff like Static Cling or Polymorph? (used)
              private bool PVE_want_cleanse = true;           //Do you want to cleanse debuff?
              private bool PVP_want_cleanse = false;           //Do you want to cleanse debuff?
              private int PVE_max_healing_distance = 40;      //Ignore people more far away
              private int PVE_ohshitbutton_activator = 40;    //Percentage to click 1 OhShitButton!
              private int PVP_ohshitbutton_activator = 40;    //Percentage to click 1 OhShitButton!
              private bool PVE_wanna_LoH = true;              //wanna LoH?
              private int PVE_min_LoH_hp = 15;                  //LoH will be cast on target below this
              private bool PVE_wanna_HoP = true;              //wanna HoP?
              private int PVE_min_HoP_hp = 25;                //HoP will be cast on target below this that are not the tank
              private bool PVE_wanna_HoS = true;              //wanna HoS?
              private int PVE_min_HoS_hp = 65;                //HoS will be cast on the tank if he drop below this
              private bool PVE_want_HR = true;                //wanna HR at all?
              private int PVE_min_player_inside_HR = 3;       //HR will be cast when we have that many player that need heals inside it
              private bool PVE_Inf_of_light_wanna_DL = true;  //when we have infusion of light do we wanna DL? if false will HL instead
              private int PVE_Inf_of_light_min_DL_hp = 70;    //max HP to cast divine light with infusion of light buff
              private int PVE_min_FoL_hp = 35;                //will cast FoL un unit below that value
              private int PVE_min_DL_hp = 70;                 //same, with DL
              private int PVE_min_HL_hp = 85;                 //same, with HL
              private bool PVE_wanna_DF = true;               //do we want to use Divine favor?
              private bool PVE_wanna_AW = true;               //do we want to use Awenging Wrath?
              private bool PVE_wanna_GotAK = true;            //do we want to use Guardian of ancient king?
              private int PVE_do_not_heal_above = 95;         //at how much health we ignore people
              private int rest_if_mana_below = 60;            //if mana is this low and out of combat then drink
              private int use_mana_rec_trinket_every = 60;    //use the trinket to rec mana every 60 sec (for now only support Tyrande's Favorite Doll couse i have it :P)
              private int use_mana_rec_trinket_on_mana_below = 40;  //will use the trinket only if mana is below that
              private bool use_mana_potion = true;            //will use a mana potion? (not yet implemented)
              private int use_mana_potion_below = 20;         //% of mana where to use the potion
              private bool PVE_wanna_DP = true;               //do we wanna use Divine Protection?
              private int PVE_DP_min_hp = 85;                 //max hp to use divine protection at (will use on lower hp)
              private bool PVE_wanna_DS = true;                      //wanna use Divine Shield?
              private int PVE_DS_min_hp = 35;                 //at witch hp wanna use Divine Shield?
              private bool PVE_wanna_everymanforhimself = true; //wanna use Every Man For Himself?
              private bool PVP_wanna_DP = true;
              private int PVP_DP_min_hp = 85;
              private bool PVP_wanna_DS = true;
              private int PVP_DS_min_hp = 50;
              private bool PVP_wanna_everymanforhimself = true;
              private bool PVE_wanna_Judge = false;
              private bool PVP_wanna_Judge = false;
              private int PVE_min_Divine_Plea_mana = 70;
              private int PVP_min_Divine_Plea_mana = 70;
              private bool PVE_wanna_HoW = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_HoW = true;
              private bool PVE_wanna_Denunce = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_Denunce = true;
              private bool PVE_wanna_CS = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_CS = true;
              private bool PVE_wanna_buff = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_buff = true;
              private bool PVE_wanna_mount = false;
              private bool PVP_wanna_mount = false;
              private bool PVE_wanna_HoJ = false;
              private bool PVE_wanna_rebuke = false;
              private bool PVE_wanna_move_to_HoJ = false;
              private bool PVP_wanna_HoJ = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_rebuke = false;
              private bool PVP_wanna_move_to_HoJ = false;
              private bool ARENA_wanna_move_to_HoJ = false;
              private bool PVP_want_HR = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_move_to_heal = false;
              private bool ARENA_wanna_move_to_heal = false;
              private bool PVE_wanna_move_to_heal = false;
              private bool PVP_wanna_LoH = true;              //wanna LoH?
              private int PVP_min_LoH_hp = 15;                  //LoH will be cast on target below this
              private bool PVP_wanna_HoP = true;              //wanna HoP?
              private int PVP_min_HoP_hp = 25;                //HoP will be cast on target below this that are not the tank
              private bool PVP_wanna_HoS = true;              //wanna HoS?
              private int PVP_min_HoS_hp = 65;                //HoS will be cast on the tank if he drop below this
              private int PVP_min_player_inside_HR = 2;       //HR will be cast when we have that many player that need heals inside it
              private bool PVP_Inf_of_light_wanna_DL = true;
              private int PVP_min_FoL_hp = 70;
              private int PVP_min_FoL_on_tank_hp = 80;
              private int PVP_min_HL_hp = 85;
              private bool PVP_wanna_DF = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_AW = true;
              private bool PVP_wanna_GotAK = true;
              private int PVP_do_not_heal_above = 95;
              private bool PVP_wanna_HoF = true;
              private bool PVE_wanna_target = false;           //do you want the cc to target something if you do not have any target?
              private bool PVP_wanna_target = false;           //do you want the cc to target something if you do not have any target?
              private bool wanna_face = false;                 //do you want to face enemy when needed?
              private float PVP_min_run_to_HoF = 5.05f;         //if target speed drop below this, HoF
              private float PVE_min_run_to_HoF = 5.05f;         //if target speed drop below this, HoF
              private bool PVE_wanna_HoF = false;             //wanna HoF in PVE
              private int PVE_HR_how_far = 12;
              private int PVP_HR_how_far = 20;
              private int PVE_HR_how_much_health = 70;
              private int PVP_HR_how_much_health = 85;
              private int PVP_mana_judge = 50;                //will start judging on cooldwn at this mana
              private int PVE_mana_judge = 70;
              private bool tank_healer = false;
              private bool debug = false;
              private bool PVP_wanna_crusader = true;         //wanna switch to crusader aura in pvp when mounted?
              private bool PVE_wanna_crusader = true;        //wanna switch to crusader aura in pve when mounted?
              private int last_word = 1;                      //0 1 or 2 point in the talent Last Word
              private bool Solo_wanna_move = false;
              private int Solo_mana_judge = 100;
              private bool Solo_wanna_rebuke = true;
              private bool Solo_wanna_HoJ = true;
              private bool Solo_wanna_move_to_HoJ = false;
              private bool Solo_wanna_crusader = true;
              private bool Solo_wanna_buff = true;
              private bool Solo_wanna_face = true;
              private bool PVE_use_stoneform = true;
              private bool PVP_use_stoneform = true;
              private int stoneform_perc = 80;
              private bool PVP_use_escapeartist = true;
              private bool PVE_use_escapeartist = true;
              private bool PVE_use_gift = true;
              private bool PVP_use_gift = true;
              private int PVE_min_gift_hp = 40;
              private int PVP_min_gift_hp = 40;
              private bool PVE_use_bloodfury = true;
              private bool PVP_use_bloodfury = true;
              private int PVP_bloodfury_min_hp = 40;
              private int PVE_bloodfury_min_hp = 40;
              private bool PVP_use_warstomp = true;
              private bool PVE_use_warstomp = false;
              private int PVP_min_warstomp_hp = 50;
              private int PVE_min_warstomp_hp = 50;
              private bool PVE_use_bersekering = true;
              private bool PVP_use_bersekering = true;
              private int PVE_min_bersekering_hp = 40;
              private int PVP_min_bersekering_hp = 40;
              private bool PVP_use_will_forsaken = true;
              private bool PVE_use_will_forsaken = true;
              private bool PVE_use_torrent = true;
              private bool PVP_use_torrent = true;
              private int PVE_min_torrent_hp = 50;
              private int PVP_min_torrent_hp = 50;
              private bool ARENA_wanna_taunt = true;
              private int PVP_min_DL_hp = 0;
              private int ARENA_min_FoL_hp = 95;
              private int ARENA_min_DL_hp = 0;
              private int ARENA_min_HL_hp = 95;
              private bool chimaeron = false;
              private bool chimaeron_p1 = false;
              private int aura_type = 0; //0 for concentration 1 for resistance
              private int PVE_torrent_mana_perc = 80;
              private bool gottank;
              private bool isinterrumpable = false;
              private string lastBehaviour = null;
              private string actualBehaviour = null;
              private string usedBehaviour = null;
              private double maxAOEhealth = 85;
              private double dontHealAbove = 95;
              private bool castedDL = false;
              private string lastbless = null;
              private bool Global_chimaeron_p1 = false;
              private bool Global_chimaeron = false;
              private int Global_Judgment_range = 0; //for me..
              private bool Global_debug = false;
              private int Talent_last_word = 1;                      //0 1 or 2 point in the talent Last Word
              bool _should_king;
              bool should_king { get { return _should_king; } }
              private string fallbacktankname;
              private string urgentdebuff;
              private int tryes;
              private bool specialhealing_warning=false;
              int i;
              public WoWUnit CastingSpellTarget { get; set; }
              public string LastSpellCast { get; set; }
              public string LastSpell { get; set; }
              public Composite _combatBehavior;
              private Composite _combatBuffsBehavior;
              private Composite _healBehavior;
              private Composite _preCombatBuffsBehavior;
              private Composite _pullBehavior;
              private Composite _pullBuffsBehavior;
              private Composite _restBehavior;
              public override Composite CombatBehavior { get { return _combatBehavior; } }
              public override Composite CombatBuffBehavior { get { return _combatBehavior;/*_combatBuffsBehavior;*/ } }
              public override Composite HealBehavior { get { return _combatBehavior;/*_healBehavior;*/ } }
              public override Composite PreCombatBuffBehavior { get { return _combatBehavior;/*_preCombatBuffsBehavior;*/ } }
              public override Composite PullBehavior { get { return _combatBehavior;/*_pullBehavior;*/ } }
              public override Composite PullBuffBehavior { get { return _combatBehavior;/*_pullBuffsBehavior*/ } }
              public override Composite RestBehavior { get { return _restBehavior; } }
              public List<WoWPlayer> NearbyFriendlyPlayers { get { return ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(true, true).Where(p => p.DistanceSqr <= 40 * 40 && p.IsFriendly).ToList(); } }
              public List<WoWPlayer> NearbyUnFriendlyPlayers { get { return ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(false, false).Where(p => p.DistanceSqr <= 40 * 40 && !p.IsInMyPartyOrRaid && !p.Dead).ToList(); } }
              public List<WoWUnit> NearbyUnfriendlyUnits
                          ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(false, false).Where(p => /*p.IsHostile && */!p.IsFriendly && !p.Dead && /*!p.IsPet &&*/ p.DistanceSqr <= 40 * 40).
              public List<WoWPlayer> PartyorRaid { get { if (InParty()) { return Me.PartyMembers; } else if (InRaid()) { return Me.RaidMembers; } else { return null; } } }
              private static Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
              private static Stopwatch select_heal_watch = new Stopwatch();
              private static Stopwatch combatfrom = new Stopwatch();
              private static Stopwatch noncombatfrom = new Stopwatch();
              private string version = "1.2";
              private string revision = "121";
              public override sealed string Name { get { return "UltimatePalaHealerBT v " + version + " revision " + revision; } }
              public override WoWClass Class { get { return WoWClass.Paladin; } }
              private static LocalPlayer Me { get { return ObjectManager.Me; } }
              public override void Initialize()
                  slog(Color.Orange, "Hello Executor!\n I\'m UPaHCCBT and i\'m here to assist you keeping your friend alive\n You are using UPaHCCBT version {0} revision {1}", version, revision);
                  Global_Judgment_range = (int)SpellManager.Spells["Judgement"].MaxRange;
                  slog(Color.Orange, "Your Judgment range is {0} yard! will use this value", Global_Judgment_range);
                  //slog("attach event ha funzionato");
                  if (!CreateBehaviors())
                      //slog("create beah ha fallito");
                  //slog("create beah ha funzionato");
              }       //if you need to run something just once do it here (will put up talent check in here)
              public bool CreateBehaviors()
                  tryes = 0;
                  while (!unitcheck(Me))
                      slog("i'm not valid, still on loading schreen");
                  while (usedBehaviour == "WTF are you doing?")
                      slog("No Valid Behaviour found, tryand again! that's try numer {0}", tryes);
                      if (unitcheck(Me))
                          slog("party {0} raid {1} instance {2} pvpstatus {3} valid {4} behaviour {5}", Me.IsInParty, Me.IsInRaid, actualBehaviour, Me.IsValid, usedBehaviour);
                          slog("i'm not valid, still on loading schreen");
                  slog(Color.HotPink, "{0}", usedBehaviour);
                  _combatBehavior = Composite_Selector();
                  _restBehavior = Composite_Rest_Selector();
                  slog(Color.HotPink, "{0}", usedBehaviour);
                  lastBehaviour = usedBehaviour;
                  return true;

      Attached Files:

    15. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      i'm sorry i watched the video, i cannot see what do you mean..
      can you explain? with simple words? (i'm Italian, english is not my main leanguage as you can see :p)
      or if someone has understood can try to help me? :)
    16. Jvidia

      Jvidia Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      He turns to use judgement i dont wish for it to do this.
    17. Jvidia

      Jvidia Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      i cant find that anywhere.

      Found it in settings
      Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
    18. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      no no do not use the settings, you need to go in you CustomClass folder, inside you will find a Config folder, inside you will find a XML file
      you need to change the value there
    19. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Path is ---> Botfolder/CustomClasses/Config/UPaHCCBT-Settings-Charactername
    20. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      BTrev214 is online!
      Ok, part of the GUI is online, for now the only WORKING part is the selective healing (last tab) play with it and let me know what do you think about
      (to make the setting show up you need (when you are inside the GUI) to select the Selective Healing from the last tab or setting will be hidden ^^)

      Remember that settings will not take effect until you click Save button! :)
      Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
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