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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      i changed a lot :) but nothing special with pala-heal.
      Fine means in this case that the pala is healing how he healed the last revisions, cause Venus said his toon is doin nearly nothing.
      The mainfpcus with the last change was on stability (hope i coud fix crashing on loading screen, tested it on 2 different machines (a fast one and a slow one)), changed the judging a little bit to judge on nearly on CD, changed some dependicies of Holy Light to be able to disable using of holy light.

      Some changes for priest where done, so that they can configure a little bit mor
      So ... there where no performance tweaks for 25m Healing atm. But i'm still trying to figure out where the lack of performance is coming from. But i've to do a lot more of testing.
      I've seen some cycles where nothing was decided, but the target needed definitly heal

      i encountered some problems on the slow machine with the judging, but i've to check if this really only occurs their, or if i've written a little bug :D
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
    2. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      May i ask? Why change it so it judges on nearly every cooldown?

      Wouldn't it be better to almost never judge in pve environments and only to keep up Judgements of The Pure?
    3. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      This judgement change is a personal feeling of increase in mana regeneration.
      I haven't found anything that will prove this, but in 10m raiding i feel to regenerate more mana with judge on CD then without judge or judge if buff is gone.

      But it shouldn't influence the healing performance in any way, it is only a global cooldown and heal goes before judging
    4. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Judging doesn't give any mana back now though... the buff is the only thing that gives mana back. It would waste more mana to Judge every time in any PvE scenario because of the mana cost of Judgement itself.
    5. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      I'll test it bit more, but it's no problem atm, because u can disable judgement if u feel wasting mana.
    6. serowix

      serowix Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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    7. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Revision: 252
      - Judge revert back to last version after reading some guides and comments from community
      - fixed movement bug after Tank not in healrange and movement disabled
    8. serowix

      serowix Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      Theres a schreibfehler means We are on a loading schreen or dead or a gost, CC is in PAUSE! "We are on a loading screen or dead or a ggost, CC is in PAUSE!"
    9. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      i'm german and i think a little bit of denglish is okay :p
      but ... i'll put this on the todo list with the next release ;)
    10. serowix

      serowix Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      :O Bildschirm isnt like screen lulz ^^ if you want denglish you have to call it LoadingBildschirm or LadeScreen :p i know my sentence makes no sense but it's funny.
    11. JeffKing1989

      JeffKing1989 New Member

      Feb 16, 2010
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      Can you make the CC a bit more customizable? Like disabling / enabling defensive CDs?

      In normal DS (10 man), I need to disable Hand of Sacrifice / Hand of Protection for certain fights, such as Madness. At Madness, I need to manually cast HoS on a tank before an impale hits him or he will die, causing a wipe. On the 4th platform of Madness, everything is A LOT tougher - Before the Bolt explosion, I need to use my defensive CDs (Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Aura Mastery + Resistance Aura, etc.) to reduce AOE damage from the Bolt explosion and immediately cast HoS or HoP / LoH on the Tank that's about to get hit by the 2nd impale after the Bolt explosion. Because if he doesn't have 100% health during the Bolt explosion, he will die by the impale within a few seconds... it doesn't matter if he already have my HoS... his health needs to be full for the 2nd imaple on 4th platform.

      But sometimes we raid with 1 Tank for madness. So in that case, I HoS him for 1st impale... and HoP on him for 2nd impale (if the tank was a pally, I just BoP on him for 2nd imaple.) This appiles on every platform. During 4th platform, if my HoP is on CD... I simply HoS on him and LoH on him. However if we raid with 2 tanks, I either HoS on 1st tank or 2nd tank for an impale. Because the other tank will use his defensive CDs anyway. Hope this helps.

      Maybe you can add such logic for Madness but I can imagine it'd be a bit complicated... Part of this logic should gather 2 tanks names and the CC should ask you which tank to use defensive CDs on (checkboxes on the CC or something) for impales from 1st / 2nd / 3rd platforms / the stack explosion + 2nd imaple on 4th platform. The only disadvantage to this logic is that the general checks (if tank < 40%, use defensive cds on him, etc.) all need to be disabled for Madness.... because HoSing / LoHing tanks whenever they reach below certain % health is useless... as they will die before the CC casts defensive CDs on them anyway - because the impales deal WAY WAY more than 100k damage if nothing is uses. On one occassion, 1 tank had no CDs, and he was hit for 600k damage by an impale.

      Also, maybe add logic for Warmaster... during P2, if tanks don't use CDs when the boss's health is low, they will die... the boss deals very high DMG when hes low health. =/ it's almost hard for the CC, if not impossible, to cast CDs on him and then heal him to full health in time.

      Another suggestion... maybe you can make the CC automatically use the Dream buff when the char is about to get hit by Sharpnel during phase 2 of Madness. This Dream buff works exactly the same as Heroic Will on Ultra. Some PQR profiles have code that automatically presses the Heroic Will button to prevent Fading Light / Hour of Twilight. This is the code:

      local fadingtime = select(7,UnitDebuffID("player",110070))
        if fadingtime and fadingtime - GetTime() < 1.3 then RunMacroText("/click ExtraActionButton1") end 
      local channelSpell, _, _, _, _, endTime = UnitCastingInfo("boss1")
        if channelSpell == GetSpellInfo(109417) and endTime/1000 - GetTime() < 1.3 
        then RunMacroText("/click ExtraActionButton1") 
      of course you'd have to port this code for HB.

      well, good luck!
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
    12. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      - HoP and HoS can both be disabled / enabled (look at raid tab for raiding), on all tabs there's a misspelling Hand of Salvation should be Hand of Sacrifice
      - Warmaster: i'll have a look into this, but i'm not sure if this is possible in a way where it is efficient
      - Ultraxion / Madness (Shrappnell): i'll add a tab for enabling / disabling pressing this special button for the different bosses
      - Madness (platforms): i'll play a little bit, but i think it is toooo slow, what if the tank who should use a CD, doesn't use it?^^ and the tank that shouldn't use CDs, use CDs? than all of the protection goes on the second and the first will die ..... i think for this fight it is much more efficient if the player of the HolyPallyis doin this by himself ;) ... but i'll have a look into this, if i can provide an efficient way
    13. serowix

      serowix Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      Storm do you have any experience using it in Pug 10 man DS ? or probably 25 man?
    14. serowix

      serowix Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      Brw could you improve using judgement on arenas
      ill play 1500 rating with warrior im only using bot working very well ( feedback)
      so it feels like he doesnt use judgement every time like when a priest manaburns me im fucked and i always look on judgement never casted i attach log later when i finished playing arena
      Edit:And look over hand of freedom sometimes he doesnt cast it for any reason while he says im in arena seems little buggy i post logs later when i finished arenas
      Edit2: I figured out hes using judgement but like when i get manaburned hes not using it 1 Time
      Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
    15. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      - i'm using it in DS10 and it's working well, sometimes i'm behind the second pala heal, sometimes i'm in front of him, so ... it's working quiet well :)
      - if there's a Drood in grp, he is doin much more healing, but much more overhealing too, so with my settings it is working very efficient. for different bosses i need different settings, but after a while, u know your settings and can change them very fast. for ds10 there are atm no problems with healing. Couldn't test it in 25m atm.
      - i still try to find out why it is sooooo slow in 25m lfr, but maybe i should remove the overhealing protection (interrupt casting) for the 25m version. this should result in much more healing.
      - i'm still not very satisfied with target finding (especially the tank-priorising -> this destroys some performance, cause it's targeting the tank overall the others and there's nothing to heal... but i'm working on this, and i'm trying to boost the performance and the decisions made)

      but while i'm looking at all these minor problems, i'm still working on the priest settings ... you wouldn't believe how much settings gilderoy implented but noone can see them^^
    16. serowix

      serowix Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      Tell gilderoy to come back and you both develop it :p so i wanted to try ds10 with pugs ill give it a try ^^ but on my server its like theres no one in german "Dorf(Valley)" everybody knows everybody if i do 1 time bad i never get into a raid again xD

      Edit: Which build is the best for the Bot? btw the best for use Holy Paladin PvE Spec Builds, Glyphs (4.3) - World of Warcraft Guide
      Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
    17. Ama

      Ama New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      I raided with this rev 252 and it worked really well. I do have a question though.

      What is the condition for casting judgement?

      I do another run tomorrow and post log. It never casts judgement for me. I never had any mana problems, but the 9% haste would be nice.
    18. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      this seems to be a HB problem, i encountered this too, it judget only in 5 of 100 possibilities or something like that.
      But i think i've a solution for that.
      Instead of finding the "target", i'll first try to take the tanks target :) this should fit the needs for judging

      does anyone have crashes on loading screens, with the last revisions? no one reported back atm :)
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2012
    19. chamzii

      chamzii New Member

      Aug 14, 2011
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      its working so good in new instance etc , i was wondering if they could uppdate the healing class - Holy radiance spamm in raids :d
    20. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      explain a little bit more, what could be changed?
      In my opinion it's using enough HR, if i raise the priority for that, its possible that the tank is dieing, that's not a change i would do.
      Change your settings for HR if u want it to be used more often
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