Combat is getting better in the new hb that's coming. Because I can detect the units around you in real time (ish) So, I can then add an fully automated Blade Flurry \o/
Yeah, with 2p bonus and the Assurance of Consequence, Combat is better than Assa even on single target fights! Whats your plan with the auto BF? Just a straight up "if 1 target, no BF, if 2+ targets activate BF", or add it into aoe rotation?
1 target = no BF (Turn off BF if we have it enabled) 2+ Targets = BF Ofcourse there will be a setting to turn this on and off in case of fights where you shouldn't do any AoE.
As assasination: Rupture should always up,no matter how much compo points,always UP! (Huge DPS loss if there are no rupture UP even for 1 sec) All specs: Shiv,evasion,cloak of shadows is very important skills,should to be used.
He fixed Feint. The main reason for dropping Rupture is becouse HB is abit to slow, the routation itself for Assa is more or less perfect and should not be dropping rupture. Also, Rupture should NOT be used on any CPs, but only on 4+, pref only 5+ for best dps. Unless its a situation where you just need to get a rupture going no matter what, like right in the start of the fight or when AoEing. I dont know why you want to automaticly use Shiv or CoS?! Using Shiv is a DPS loss, and if you are raiding you are going to be using Crippling/Mindnumbing poison 99% of the time, and you dont ever need shiv for that. Having CoS on auto is also a major fail, since in alot of the fights in SoO you have to save your CoS for a specific time in the fight, having it on cooldown for that can mean the difference between a wipe and a successfull kill.
The big damage is coming from venomous wounds and energy gain and not from rupture. (check it as assasination in your damage meter) Yeah u have right about shiv & CoS but only in raid mode. If u going to farm ex. in the isle of giants u will need these skills.
If you're raiding as Sub or Assassination rogue use Rev 223. If you're raiding as Combat rogue use Rev 224 Until HB is updated.
Yes, I know thats why you use Rupture, but the reason for using only 5p Ruptures is not for the higher damage of that spell, but the fact that you have to cast rupture less. If you cast less ruptures you have more energy for more Mutilate/Dispatch. Im not a theorycrafter, so I have not done the math myself, im just writing down what I have learned from the elitistjerks forum. Regarding Shiv and CoS, you are right, they are good when farming, but this is not a farming routine, its first and foremost a raiding routine.
Working on getting Sub better on the new HB. Currently working on pooling energy for Shadow Dance New update up! Now pooling for energy to use Shadow Dance when you push the Hotkey / using automated mode. Should increase your dps Changed the CurrentEnergy calls to Lua again..
Cool, I will give it a try when I get the time Is it possible to get Rupture on a On/Off Hotkey for Combat? Right now I run combat for every single fight, But I only use rupture for fights where I dont use Blade Flurry. Even better if it would be something like this: If BF active, dont use Rupture If BF not active, use Rupture Or is HB to slow to react to something like that?
Nice! Hopefully I will get the time to try it out tonight. With my gear and without buffs, I should be doing about 215k with combat (with rupture) and 250k with Sub (Shadow Dance and Shadow Blades together when possible). Lets hope I can get close to those numbers EDIT: That made Combat ALOT better, good job! Sub is having the same old problem still, reaching 5 anticipation and still does combo point generating moves. Its about 18% lower than it should (45k in my gear). Im trying to check every attack it does, rotation seems fine appart from the anticipation and the feeling that its "slow". Perhaps you might be able to find the issue that I cant seem to pin point, here is the elitistjerks guide for sub: Sneaking into 5.4 Raiding - Subtlety DPS Guide (with Pun!) - Rogues - Elitist Jerks
Found the major issue about sub.. changed into Lua for combo points as well. Should give it a new try
[Combat] Just one thing though, since Rupture is only a small DPS gain over Evis, and only if it can run for its full duration, can you make it so the dropdown-menu in the settings has the option for rupture "only on boss/dummy"? b/c if I have Rupture enabled now it will rupture every mob, even if it has too little hp to survive the full 25+sec of rupture. That would be awesome! I really have to say thank you for this incredible CC! Simming for about 280k dps in combat at the moment and the bot lives up to this expectation!
The dps didnt increese, but it stopped capping points. It still feels slow :/ Capped energy a couple of times, might have been the pooling for Shadow Dance tho..