Hi, I am finding that the sniper marksmanship single target rotation has about 700 dps less than my rotation on the lvl 55 ops dummy on my ship. routine rotation dps 2030. My starting rotation Orbital Strike, shattershot if no armor debuff, ambush, followthrough, target acquired, relic, series of shots, followthrough, sniper volley, series of shots, followthrough Main rotation snipe, laze target on cd, snipe, followthrough, corrosive dart, (ambush, followthrough > 30% hp else takedown, followthrough), relic on cd, target acquired on cd, series of shots, followthrough, (sniper volley on cd, series of shots, followthrough, orbital strike adds >= 3 ) psst if you want my tor parse logs to view
It the OOC function you will see how you can turn it off. I will post exactly when I get home. I am out atm not near a computer on my phone. Walter
Hey, after a long break I'm finally back How's everything going with this, need any help testing anything Walter? (Has this even had it's been update yet? )
I have updated it at times and have new routine in some places. I just had a lot going on last few months with the FDA (I work for a medical company) and its been quite a trip we will say . Walter
i cant seem to get this to work. i downloaded the routine (not the test one) via svn. now i copy the DefaultCombat Folder into my Routine folder. After that i start buddywing. All bw is saying is that there is no routine loaded. how to fix that? Sorry if this is a trivial question but i am pretty new to bw. Greetings
Delete old Defaultcombat folder, copy Walters in routine folder, delete CompiledAssemblies just to be sure, fire up the bot. It should work.
Sounds good baby, i will test it btw when it works Perfectly you should refresh your status at first page
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I cant seem to get this to work with the movement turned off. I loaded up a combat profile and started the bot, it will work when the movement is turned on but as soon as I turn off the movement it doesn't attack anything. Any suggestions?
Walter could you please take a look at Powertech plz? When bot use a vent heat and shield it lose target and do nothing.
Walter can you please look at operative concealment. it crouches like a sniper , whilst fighting. Casts corrosive dart way to much does not cast fragmentation grenade through the fight does not use orbital strike at start of fight There is no routines that currently work for operatives.
Any update on this? Also any chance for a Combat sentinel routine? Mine is still a 20s toon so Pure is not working (don;t have the abilities on their rotation) and Joes drop my FPS from 60 to 12 when i run it, so help me Walter, you're my only hope
It is pretty confusing to know which one is your combatroutine as it also has the name DefaultCombat. Tested 'both' of them, and noticed that the DefaultCombat of BW simply doesn't work. Walters works for reactivating buffs etc. but it doesn't attack or casts spells whatsover. I couldn't find any instructions about how to correctly use lazyraider so I load the Combat Bot.xml from Pure. In the log of the bot, I see things like Killing this or killing that but it does not do it as it says. Could you explain the steps for using this bot please? Thanks in advance!
I just read that is intented for questing but doesn't it support player-based movement and just taking over combat?