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  • Walter's Waltz Combat Routine

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by walter, Jun 8, 2013.

    1. Mrozik91

      Mrozik91 New Member

      Mar 21, 2012
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      First of all I would like to thank you Walter for your job with this routine. I downloaded it a while ago, but now i finally decided to give it a try with my new Marauder Annihilation. Im very happy how it is doing, however i have some questions, coz it could do better :)

      -First of all, and the most important thing. Don't know why but it interrupts casting of Ravage. Usually about 1.1-1.2s before it should end. I think Force Choke has the same problem.
      -Secondly, could you tell me where can i change the amount of HP(%) when bot starts to heal (Channel Hatred). I would like him to heal only when he is <60%.
      -And the final thing, is there a way to use Field Repair Droid with this routine?

      I'm on Stable version of routine, and here is my log.
      View attachment 119494
    2. Lexxer

      Lexxer New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      TestBuild with Jedi knight , jedi Conusual, and droper ( maybe more but not saw it until now

      If enemy have exatly 1 HP he stop attack and let hiim kill you without any movement/action/attack
    3. walter

      walter Active Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      I will take a look. More or less just swtor being stupid happens at times.
    4. cylak12

      cylak12 Banned

      Oct 13, 2012
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      Walterz does your rutine use the legacy repair bot to sell? or if you need to do something to make it work can you tell me?
    5. walter

      walter Active Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      I need to see if I can call that "skill" and what its listed under. I don't think its in core buddywing logic though. I will see what I can find out but I am 80% sure you can't currently as I have tried in past.
    6. FreemanBAEM

      FreemanBAEM New Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Hi walter,

      First of all, thx for your great work! I'm running your stable version and it works pretty well. Only problem i got is my tele sage isnt looting anything at all. rotation works fine, buffs and shields are fine, healing works well...

      Only thing is he doesnt loot anything from dead enemys. can you help?

      Thanks alot!
    7. FreemanBAEM

      FreemanBAEM New Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Nevermind, i got it ;) looting was "false" in settings... no idea why, tried joe's combat routines before and loot was ok.
    8. cylak12

      cylak12 Banned

      Oct 13, 2012
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      how did we go with repair bot, i think joes drops it, but wont use, i have tried to put its name were repair bot is but it wont dump target with bw, so i cant get it to register.
    9. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
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      Walter, is there a way i can let your routine use mounting?
      I see your code contains parts of pressing a button in a form of an address.
      Can i reactivate this in some way and when it needs to pressed or something?

      Also, maybe you can answer this question:
      Im currently encountering a mob on Nar Shaddaa called Ako Domi with buff "Gather Strength" that takes around 12 secs.
      When he casts this, he is immune to all attacks and cant be stunned.
      Your routine however doesnt 'see' this and just tries to nuke him down, what obviously doesnt work.
      When he comes out of this my companion is already dead and i got 3 NPCs banging on me.

      In the routine at lines 399/400 you got this:
                      CT = Helpers.Targets.OrderBy(t => t.Health).Where(t => t.HealthPercent > 0 && !t.IsStunned && !t.IsFrozen).FirstOrDefault();
                      if (CT == null) CT = Me.CurrentTarget;
      Is there anything that i can put in there so current target is not the NPC with this buff active?
      If its the last npc alive it should be waiting, as the questpart is not completed yet.
      Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
    10. thebleh

      thebleh New Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      I've tried mounting as well, which I've been able to get to work on Joe's alone, but not here. I've edited the MercHelper.cs where the mount part is by:

              //private static string MountName = Buddy.Swtor.Mounts.GetFastestAvailableMount();  // For use with DoRandomGrind (since the OOC pretty much overrides any 'idle time' for normal profile operations)
              private static string MountName = "Longspur STAP";                                  // For use with MountByKeyPress(); case sensitive
              private static bool useMountByKeyPress = true;                                      // For use with MountByKeyPress();
              private static bool initialized = true;                                            // For use with MountByKeyPress();
              const UInt32 WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100;                                                   // For use with MountByKeyPress();
              const int VK_F10 = 0x79;                                                            // For use with MountByKeyPress();  You can change your key used here to match you in game mount hotkey
      I mapped out F10 (0x79) in swtor on my main action bar to mount and it works when I press manually. Any suggestions? I have tried both with and without "initialized" to true.

      Also, is there a way to have this start looting? I remember Joe's used to loot, but then stopped. I've deleted out the compiled binaries folder many a times and restarted, but the bot never seems to loot.

      Finally, getting errors when trying to do Bio gathering, not sure what setting I need here... "Error in HarvestIfNec." is the error.
    11. cylak12

      cylak12 Banned

      Oct 13, 2012
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      mounting works with joes, not 100% sure with this though
    12. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
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      That i know...
      But Walters also had some mounting support pre fix attempt late last year.

      But I think Joe is not updating his routine anymore...
    13. cylak12

      cylak12 Banned

      Oct 13, 2012
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      just need that dammn repair bot to sell
    14. Bobaddy

      Bobaddy Member

      Sep 1, 2012
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      This is working great for me, much better than every other combat routine available. I'm having one issue though, the bot initiates combat fine, but on the last remaining mob, it won't path to it, just stands back ranging (even though its a sith warrior) while the companion finishes it off. Its not terrible, but it does bring some closer than desired encounters with death.

      Any idea what I can do to fix this?

      [07:08:24.388 N] Buddy Wing running in multi-SWTOR mode!
      [07:08:25.393 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1092.493
      [07:08:42.292 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1092.493
      [07:08:46.912 N] Logging in...
      [07:08:47.534 N] T: 5247034723697804622 H: 2434110658
      [07:08:47.534 N] Login Success!
      [07:08:48.708 D] First CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor           
      [07:08:48.708 D] OS Version: Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
      [07:08:48.708 D] App Path: V:\buddy\Buddywing.exe
      [07:08:48.822 D] Current build number: 990722
      [07:08:48.823 D] Loading client.gom..
      [07:08:48.885 D] Loaded client.gom!
      [07:08:49.397 D] Took 480ms to get the nodes list.
      [07:08:49.397 D] There are 68648 nodes.
      [07:08:49.397 D] DomList has 68990/98317
      [07:08:49.800 D] _BaseClient handled.
      [07:08:49.800 D] utlStaticDefinitions handled.
      [07:08:49.802 D] strOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.802 D] _InputHandler handled.
      [07:08:49.802 D] gmOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.802 D] chrOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.802 D] qstOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.828 D] spnOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.828 D] ablOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.828 D] cnvOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.828 D] ctlOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.833 D] mapOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.833 D] scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.833 D] Debug Draw Oracle added.
      [07:08:49.833 D] dbgDrawOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.942 D] ablTrainerOracle handled.
      [07:08:49.946 D] prfOracle handled.
      [07:08:50.655 D] guiApiGfx handled.
      [07:08:50.692 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3BAF5C72
      [07:08:50.692 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.693 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3BAF5C7F
      [07:08:50.693 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.693 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3BAF5C83
      [07:08:50.693 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.694 D] Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3BAF5C98
      [07:08:50.695 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.695 D] Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3BAF5CA7
      [07:08:50.695 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.697 D] Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3BAF5CCA
      [07:08:50.697 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.699 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3BAF5D29
      [07:08:50.699 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.700 D] Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3BAF5D5B
      [07:08:50.700 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.701 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3BAF5D6D
      [07:08:50.701 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.701 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3BAF5D73
      [07:08:50.701 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.701 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3BAF5D75
      [07:08:50.701 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.701 D] Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3BAF5D80
      [07:08:50.701 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.702 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3BAF5D82
      [07:08:50.702 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.702 D] Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3BAF5D8E
      [07:08:50.702 D] sysInputLayer handled.
      [07:08:50.864 D] Took 1467ms to process the node list
      [07:08:51.322 N] User is a Warrior
      [07:08:51.322 V] Routine Path: Routines
      [07:08:52.045 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
      [07:08:52.815 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
      [07:08:52.815 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
      [07:08:52.815 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
      [07:08:52.821 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 41
      [07:08:52.821 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Warrior
      [07:08:52.925 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Juggernaut (Immortal)
      [07:08:52.970 N] [DefaultCombat] Building method list
      [07:08:52.971 N] [DefaultCombat] Added 338 methods
      [07:08:52.972 N] [DefaultCombat] JuggernautImmortalOutOfCombat is a match!
      [07:08:52.972 N] [DefaultCombat] Using JuggernautImmortalOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
      [07:08:53.009 N] [DefaultCombat] JuggernautImmortalCombat is a match!
      [07:08:53.009 N] [DefaultCombat] Using JuggernautImmortalCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
      [07:08:53.043 N] [DefaultCombat] JuggernautImmortalPull is a match!
      [07:08:53.043 N] [DefaultCombat] Using JuggernautImmortalPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
      [07:08:53.045 N] Chose DefaultCombat as your combat routine.
      [07:08:53.045 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 41
      [07:08:53.045 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Warrior
      [07:08:53.078 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Juggernaut (Immortal)
      [07:08:53.119 N] [DefaultCombat] JuggernautImmortalOutOfCombat is a match!
      [07:08:53.119 N] [DefaultCombat] Using JuggernautImmortalOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
      [07:08:53.160 N] [DefaultCombat] JuggernautImmortalCombat is a match!
      [07:08:53.160 N] [DefaultCombat] Using JuggernautImmortalCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
      [07:08:53.182 N] [DefaultCombat] JuggernautImmortalPull is a match!
      [07:08:53.182 N] [DefaultCombat] Using JuggernautImmortalPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
      [07:08:53.199 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
      [07:08:54.993 D] Initializing Auto-Equip
      [07:08:55.404 D] Initializing BuddyMonitor
      [07:08:55.420 N] BuddyMonitor has started up successfully.
      [07:08:55.420 N] [BuddyMonitor] You have enabled BuddyMonitor but haven't entered your API key or your identifier yet! Open the configuration, set the values and restart BuddyWing.
      [07:08:55.420 D] Initializing Use Lockboxes
      [07:08:55.437 D] There are 3 plugins.
      [07:08:55.665 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
      [07:08:55.665 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
      [07:08:55.669 N] Loaded profile [E]Belsavis 41-44 Grind
      [07:08:55.687 N] Unhandled exception during init: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Buddywing.MainWindow.RegisterHotkeys()
         at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
      [07:08:55.687 N] Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
      [07:09:04.492 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
      [07:09:04.492 D] BotMain.Start() called
      [07:09:04.493 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
      [07:09:04.674 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
      [07:09:04.674 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
      [07:09:04.675 N] Loaded profile [E]Belsavis 41-44 Grind
      [07:09:04.675 D] Starting bot Grind Bot
      [07:09:04.694 D] Added new hook [RepopCorpse] ae945278-81f9-4b48-854a-020f0f10b1c7
      [07:09:04.698 D] Added new hook [Pull] 8ab359c3-749c-4a93-8aab-ecf4e7323109
      [07:09:04.698 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] f184c0c8-81d2-4af4-8600-bfd7bfd316cb
      [07:09:04.701 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 2f19b66d-6247-482f-9645-4df295deba73
      [07:09:04.703 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] 0b2b0855-308c-4f17-8df8-a3bcd37928c3
      [07:09:04.705 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] b6fcfeeb-6c8f-4edc-8d53-cf0952f6812d
      [07:09:04.705 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] efa761c6-7049-402a-9bd3-04f656bea289
      [07:09:04.705 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 8b2cf01d-8d5a-4122-ae06-da4fa2041a30
      [07:09:04.705 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 967ad0d7-ae62-40e0-9754-e22ad2281a86
      [07:09:04.705 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] b191eae3-b406-4b65-ab71-0de660aed0a2
      [07:09:04.706 D] Spooling up bot thread.
      [07:09:04.706 D] Bot thread started.
      [07:09:04.869 D] [AutoEquip] 	Currently equiped EquipHumanBelt slot's score is: 1922
      [07:09:05.791 N] Pull Range set at 1.5
      [07:09:05.791 N] Movement Toggle Key [Delete] HotKey Registered...  You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
      [07:09:05.792 N] Target-Weakest Toggle Key [Home] HotKey Registered...  You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
      [07:09:05.792 N] Do Random Grind  Toggle Key [End] HotKey Registered...  You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
      [07:09:05.813 N] Ravage
      [07:09:05.836 N] Weapon Proficiency: Training Saber
      [07:09:05.862 N] Armor Proficiency: Light
      [07:09:05.882 N] Accept Revive
      [07:09:05.911 N] Guard
      [07:09:05.932 N] Armor Proficiency: Heavy
      [07:09:05.956 N] Vicious Slash
      [07:09:05.976 N] Field Revive
      [07:09:05.997 N] Summon Companion
      [07:09:05.999 N] Revive Target
      [07:09:06.022 N] Sweeping Slash
      [07:09:06.042 N] Emergency Fleet Pass
      [07:09:06.065 N] Saber Ward
      [07:09:06.086 N] Armor Proficiency: Adaptive
      [07:09:06.105 N] Toggle Weapon
      [07:09:06.107 N] Endless Rage
      [07:09:06.137 N] Soresu Form
      [07:09:06.164 N] Rally
      [07:09:06.186 N] Assault
      [07:09:06.208 N] Unnatural Might
      [07:09:06.237 N] Retaliation
      [07:09:06.258 N] Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber
      [07:09:06.283 N] Return to Medcenter
      [07:09:06.305 N] Force Scream
      [07:09:06.334 N] Shii-Cho Form
      [07:09:06.355 N] Quick Travel
      [07:09:06.372 N] Force Choke
      [07:09:06.405 N] Force Charge
      [07:09:06.433 N] Weapon Proficiency: Vibrosword
      [07:09:06.456 N] Switching Instances...
      [07:09:06.482 N] Sprint
      [07:09:06.503 N] Armor Proficiency: Shield Generator
      [07:09:06.530 N] Blade Turning
      [07:09:06.582 N] Endure Pain
      [07:09:06.603 N] Holoconference
      [07:09:06.604 N] riposte_passive
      [07:09:06.626 N] Disruption
      [07:09:06.654 N] Speeder Piloting
      [07:09:06.680 N] Loot
      [07:09:06.706 N] Armor Proficiency: Medium
      [07:09:06.731 N] Force Push
      [07:09:06.759 N] Chilling Scream
      [07:09:06.783 N] Sundering Assault
      [07:09:06.805 N] Armor Proficiency: Focus
      [07:09:06.819 N] Unleash
      [07:09:06.842 N] Heroic Moment: Call on the Force
      [07:09:06.875 N] Revive
      [07:09:06.897 N] Enrage
      [07:09:06.921 N] Threatening Scream
      [07:09:06.944 N] Saber Throw
      [07:09:06.973 N] Smash
      [07:09:06.996 N] Taunt
      [07:09:07.018 N] Channel Hatred
      [07:09:07.034 N] Revive Companion
      [07:09:07.057 N] Quick Travel
      [07:09:07.090 N] Backhand
      [07:09:07.112 N] Enraged Sunder
      [07:09:07.125 N] Blade Barricade
      [07:09:07.155 N] Vicious Retaliation
      [07:09:07.183 N] Sonic Barrier
      [07:09:07.206 N] Quake
      [07:09:07.228 N] Rule of Two
      [07:09:07.229 N] Invincible
      [07:09:07.254 N] Warmonger
      [07:09:07.275 N] Intimidating Presence
      [07:09:07.302 N] Lash Out
      [07:09:07.316 N] Crushing Fist
      [07:09:07.335 N] Throw the Huttball
      [07:09:07.368 N] Exit Area
      [07:09:07.395 N] Summon Companion
      [07:09:07.419 N] Uppercut
      [07:09:07.442 N] Punch
      [07:09:07.455 N] Jab
      [07:09:07.515 N] Check Abilities: Bio False Scav False Arch False Slicing False
      [07:09:09.077 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:09:09.080 N] Killing Prison Patrolman with 100% health at 33.5 meters
      [07:09:09.383 D] Generating path to Kill Target <122.0232, 29.9017, 152.7454>
      [07:09:09.409 E] Contacting nav server for path.
      [07:09:09.861 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:09:09.953 D] Generating path to Kill Target <122.0232, 29.9017, 152.7454>
      [07:09:10.002 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:09:10.087 D] Generating path to Kill Target <122.0232, 29.9017, 152.7454>
      [07:09:10.109 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:09:10.144 D] Nav callback called.
      [07:09:10.196 D] Generating path to Kill Target <122.0232, 29.9017, 152.7454>
      [07:09:10.217 E] Got response from server, validating.
      [07:09:10.217 E] Response has 2 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [07:09:10.218 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [07:09:10.218 D] Generated path to <122.0232, 29.9017, 152.7454> (Kill Target) with 2 hops.
      [07:09:10.318 D] Moving to next hop: <122.0232, 29.9017, 152.7454>, T: None (Kill Target) D: 3.34977
      [07:09:12.102 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:09:12.341 N] RS: 000.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Saber Throw
      [07:09:12.343 D] [HLL] Dictionary contains 4611686170119592215 key already. Value: .
      [07:09:12.757 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Enrage
      [07:09:14.021 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 72.36 Casting Force Scream
      [07:09:14.436 N] RS: 006.0 THP: 72.36 Casting Disruption
      [07:09:15.743 N] RS: 006.0 THP: 50.95 Casting Ravage
      [07:09:17.234 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:09:17.534 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Striker InGroup: True
      [07:09:17.855 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Sundering Assault
      [07:09:19.396 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 88.91 Casting Force Choke
      [07:09:21.196 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 73.82 Casting Retaliation
      [07:09:21.267 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:09:21.573 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:09:21.943 N] RS: 011.0 THP: 17.05 Casting Backhand
      [07:09:23.781 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 01.92 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:09:23.927 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Striker InGroup: True
      [07:09:24.342 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:09:24.402 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:09:24.403 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:09:24.404 N] Killing Prison Striker with 30.86291% health at 1.92 meters
      [07:09:25.703 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 22.83 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:09:27.286 N] RS: 006.0 THP: 01.71 Casting Force Scream
      [07:09:27.650 N] RS: 006.0 THP: 01.71 Casting Retaliation
      [07:09:27.842 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:09:27.915 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:09:27.915 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:09:27.916 N] Killing Prison Patrolman with 100% health at 13 meters
      [07:09:28.072 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:09:33.688 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 71.94 Casting Taunt
      [07:09:34.266 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 59.05 Casting Guard
      [07:09:45.776 N] Done with Rest.
      [07:09:45.895 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:09:46.055 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:09:46.058 N] Killing Prison Patrolman with 100% health at 36.21 meters
      [07:09:46.322 D] Generating path to Kill Target <118.7406, 29.92564, 154.2208>
      [07:09:46.346 D] Raycast path generated.
      [07:09:46.346 D] Generated path to <118.7406, 29.92564, 154.2208> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
      [07:09:48.505 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:09:48.666 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Saber Throw
      [07:09:50.355 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 72.36 Casting Force Scream
      [07:09:51.762 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 40.20 Casting Threatening Scream
      [07:09:52.022 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 40.20 Casting Force Push
      [07:09:52.458 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 40.20 Casting Retaliation
      [07:09:53.566 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 26.53 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:09:54.141 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:09:54.204 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:09:54.205 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:09:54.206 N] Killing Prison Striker with 100% health at 1.98 meters
      [07:09:54.562 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Striker InGroup: True
      [07:09:55.089 N] RS: 001.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Assault
      [07:09:56.751 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 90.76 Casting Ravage
      [07:09:58.099 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 59.64 Casting Enrage
      [07:09:58.467 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 59.64 Casting Sundering Assault
      [07:10:00.023 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 49.35 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:10:01.598 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 33.29 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:10:01.998 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 15.44 Casting Retaliation
      [07:10:02.930 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:10:02.978 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:10:02.978 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:10:02.979 N] Killing Prison Patrolman with 100% health at 8.15 meters
      [07:10:03.309 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:10:03.540 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Force Scream
      [07:10:15.873 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 15.58 Casting Force Scream
      [07:10:23.706 N] Done with Rest.
      [07:10:23.800 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:10:24.070 D] Hotspot changed to Prison Striker(<107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213>)
      [07:10:24.070 D] [POI Set] Type: Hotspot
      [07:10:24.167 D] Generating path to Hotspot <107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213>
      [07:10:24.167 E] Contacting nav server for path.
      [07:10:24.454 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:10:24.737 D] Nav callback called.
      [07:10:26.036 D] Generating path to Hotspot <107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213>
      [07:10:26.036 E] Got response from server, validating.
      [07:10:26.036 E] Response has 4 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [07:10:26.036 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [07:10:26.036 D] Generated path to <107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213> (Hotspot) with 4 hops.
      [07:10:27.623 D] Moving to next hop: <112.325, 29.9264, 153.875>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 6.405134
      [07:10:30.888 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:10:30.918 N] Killing Prison Squad Leader with 100% health at 15.32 meters
      [07:10:31.079 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:10:31.382 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Striker InGroup: True
      [07:10:31.541 N] RS: 000.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Saber Throw
      [07:10:35.112 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 81.48 Casting Force Scream
      [07:10:36.627 N] RS: 000.0 THP: 60.49 Casting Force Choke
      [07:10:38.193 N] RS: 000.0 THP: 36.27 Casting Assault
      [07:10:39.481 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 81.61 Casting Taunt
      [07:10:41.031 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 10.34 Casting Ravage
      [07:10:41.712 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:10:41.785 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:10:41.785 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:10:41.786 N] Killing Prison Squad Leader with 72.23658% health at 15.32 meters
      [07:10:42.208 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Squad Leader InGroup: True
      [07:10:54.691 N] RS: 006.0 THP: 45.58 Casting Taunt
      [07:11:09.320 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 18.54 Casting Saber Throw
      [07:11:09.855 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 14.42 Casting Taunt
      [07:11:19.461 N] Done with Rest.
      [07:11:19.547 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:11:21.143 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:11:21.144 N] Killing Heavy Restraint Droid with 100% health at 27.44 meters
      [07:11:21.398 D] Generating path to Kill Target <117.256, 29.92564, 151.5656>
      [07:11:21.413 D] Raycast path generated.
      [07:11:21.413 D] Generated path to <117.256, 29.92564, 151.5656> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
      [07:11:22.429 D] Generating path to Kill Target <117.1328, 29.92564, 151.4728>
      [07:11:22.453 D] Raycast path generated.
      [07:11:22.453 D] Generated path to <117.1328, 29.92564, 151.4728> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
      [07:11:22.597 N] Initiating Combat with Heavy Restraint Droid InGroup: True
      [07:11:23.750 N] RS: 010.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Force Scream
      [07:11:25.431 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 93.72 Casting Ravage
      [07:11:36.167 N] RS: 010.0 THP: 64.67 Casting Force Scream
      [07:11:37.972 N] RS: 008.0 THP: 55.49 Casting Force Choke
      [07:11:48.382 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 16.40 Casting Force Scream
      [07:11:59.285 N] Done with Rest.
      [07:11:59.387 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:11:59.615 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:11:59.617 N] Killing Prison Patrolman with 100% health at 32.04 meters
      [07:11:59.871 D] Generating path to Kill Target <115.5753, 29.92564, 149.2606>
      [07:11:59.898 D] Raycast path generated.
      [07:11:59.898 D] Generated path to <115.5753, 29.92564, 149.2606> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
      [07:12:01.581 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:12:01.711 N] RS: 010.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Saber Throw
      [07:12:03.488 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 81.22 Casting Force Scream
      [07:12:03.839 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 81.22 Casting Disruption
      [07:12:05.053 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 59.54 Casting Ravage
      [07:12:06.601 N] RS: 010.0 THP: 23.95 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:12:07.197 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:12:07.328 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:12:07.328 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:12:07.329 N] Killing Heavy Restraint Droid with 100% health at 7.32 meters
      [07:12:07.658 N] Initiating Combat with Heavy Restraint Droid InGroup: True
      [07:12:12.684 N] RS: 008.0 THP: 94.98 Casting Taunt
      [07:12:15.588 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 80.00 Casting Force Scream
      [07:12:27.799 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 51.01 Casting Force Scream
      [07:12:28.180 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 51.01 Casting Taunt
      [07:12:28.398 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 51.01 Casting Enrage
      [07:12:31.804 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 31.54 Casting Retaliation
      [07:12:32.940 N] RS: 011.0 THP: 22.24 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:12:34.502 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 09.26 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:12:45.351 N] Done with Rest.
      [07:12:45.417 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:12:45.523 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:12:45.524 N] Killing Prison Patrolman with 100% health at 41.32 meters
      [07:12:45.774 D] Generating path to Kill Target <111.1444, 29.92533, 149.9559>
      [07:12:45.792 E] Contacting nav server for path.
      [07:12:46.212 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:12:46.316 D] Generating path to Kill Target <111.1444, 29.92533, 149.9559>
      [07:12:46.340 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:12:46.435 D] Generating path to Kill Target <111.1444, 29.92533, 149.9559>
      [07:12:46.448 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:12:46.493 D] Nav callback called.
      [07:12:46.537 D] Generating path to Kill Target <111.1444, 29.92533, 149.9559>
      [07:12:46.565 E] Got response from server, validating.
      [07:12:46.565 E] Response has 4 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [07:12:46.565 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [07:12:46.566 D] Generated path to <111.1444, 29.92533, 149.9559> (Kill Target) with 4 hops.
      [07:12:46.660 D] Moving to next hop: <111.4, 29.95872, 149.825>, T: None (Kill Target) D: 3.862396
      [07:12:49.406 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:12:49.570 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Saber Throw
      [07:12:51.093 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 72.99 Casting Force Choke
      [07:12:51.729 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 65.30 Casting Threatening Scream
      [07:12:52.642 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 57.61 Casting Sundering Assault
      [07:12:54.157 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 38.98 Casting Force Push
      [07:12:55.372 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:12:55.695 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Striker InGroup: True
      [07:12:55.939 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Force Scream
      [07:12:56.356 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 79.27 Casting Retaliation
      [07:12:57.485 N] RS: 008.0 THP: 65.83 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:12:59.015 N] RS: 006.0 THP: 48.67 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:12:59.846 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 15.88 Casting Taunt
      [07:13:01.576 N] RS: 004.0 THP: 30.82 Casting Ravage
      [07:13:03.110 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:13:03.222 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:13:03.223 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:13:03.224 N] Killing Control Droid with 100% health at 7.15 meters
      [07:13:03.545 N] Initiating Combat with Control Droid InGroup: True
      [07:13:07.681 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 70.12 Casting Saber Ward
      [07:13:08.175 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 70.12 Casting Force Scream
      [07:13:09.159 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:13:09.226 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:13:09.226 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:13:09.228 N] Killing Control Droid with 100% health at 12.59 meters
      [07:13:09.551 N] Initiating Combat with Control Droid InGroup: True
      [07:13:13.977 N] RS: 002.0 THP: 61.88 Casting Enrage
      [07:13:15.523 N] RS: 008.0 THP: 36.72 Casting Taunt
      [07:13:25.321 N] Done with Rest.
      [07:13:25.410 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:13:25.629 D] [POI Set] Type: Hotspot
      [07:13:25.729 D] Generating path to Hotspot <107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213>
      [07:13:25.729 E] Contacting nav server for path.
      [07:13:26.010 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:13:26.290 D] Nav callback called.
      [07:13:27.608 D] Generating path to Hotspot <107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213>
      [07:13:27.608 E] Got response from server, validating.
      [07:13:27.608 E] Response has 4 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [07:13:27.608 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [07:13:27.608 D] Generated path to <107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213> (Hotspot) with 4 hops.
      [07:13:29.199 D] Moving to next hop: <111.275, 29.93372, 149.875>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 0.127712
      [07:13:30.806 D] Moving to next hop: <110.4, 29.9367, 150.4>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 1.020485
      [07:13:32.418 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:13:32.419 N] Killing Prison Patrolman with 100% health at 40.92 meters
      [07:13:32.700 D] Generating path to Kill Target <106.4732, 29.92533, 149.272>
      [07:13:32.736 E] Contacting nav server for path.
      [07:13:33.015 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:13:33.118 D] Generating path to Kill Target <106.4732, 29.92533, 149.272>
      [07:13:33.148 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:13:33.249 D] Generating path to Kill Target <106.4732, 29.92533, 149.272>
      [07:13:33.269 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:13:33.295 D] Nav callback called.
      [07:13:33.373 D] Generating path to Kill Target <106.4732, 29.92533, 149.272>
      [07:13:33.395 E] Got response from server, validating.
      [07:13:33.395 E] Response has 6 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
      [07:13:33.395 D] Nav Service path generated.
      [07:13:33.395 D] Generated path to <106.4732, 29.92533, 149.272> (Kill Target) with 6 hops.
      [07:13:33.490 D] Moving to next hop: <110.05, 29.9367, 150.125>, T: None (Kill Target) D: 0.4486266
      [07:13:33.976 D] Moving to next hop: <109.85, 29.9367, 149.975>, T: None (Kill Target) D: 0.3298804
      [07:13:34.362 D] Moving to next hop: <106.6, 29.93493, 149.425>, T: None (Kill Target) D: 3.296232
      [07:13:36.274 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Patrolman InGroup: True
      [07:13:36.460 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Saber Throw
      [07:13:37.980 N] RS: 010.0 THP: 81.64 Casting Force Scream
      [07:13:38.949 N] RS: 008.0 THP: 59.16 Casting Retaliation
      [07:13:39.701 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 34.75 Casting Ravage
      [07:13:40.866 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:13:40.940 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:13:40.940 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:13:40.941 N] Killing Prison Striker with 100% health at 2 meters
      [07:13:41.226 N] Initiating Combat with Prison Striker InGroup: True
      [07:13:41.513 N] RS: 007.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Sundering Assault
      [07:13:43.417 N] RS: 012.0 THP: 89.44 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:13:45.018 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 72.94 Casting Retaliation
      [07:13:45.434 N] RS: 009.0 THP: 51.39 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:13:46.949 N] RS: 005.0 THP: 35.58 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:13:48.628 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 18.58 Casting Vicious Slash
      [07:13:50.276 N] RS: 000.0 THP: 00.59 Casting Assault
      [07:13:50.866 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:13:50.978 D] Combat: Set POI to Kill.
      [07:13:50.978 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [07:13:50.979 N] Killing Control Droid with 100% health at 16.99 meters
      [07:13:51.119 N] Initiating Combat with Control Droid InGroup: True
      [07:13:57.436 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 63.96 Casting Taunt
      [07:13:59.547 N] RS: 003.0 THP: 38.06 Casting Enrage
      [07:14:06.474 N] Done with Rest.
      [07:14:06.572 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
      [07:14:06.698 D] [POI Set] Type: Hotspot
      [07:14:06.794 D] Generating path to Hotspot <107.9019, 29.92533, 154.7213>
      [07:14:06.794 E] Contacting nav server for path.
      [07:14:07.076 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      [07:14:07.357 D] Nav callback called.
    15. cylak12

      cylak12 Banned

      Oct 13, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
    16. Bobaddy

      Bobaddy Member

      Sep 1, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Got this working, its doing much better than my other routines combat wise. Only issue is it isn't looting. Any idea how I can fix this? Gonna try messing with the code and seeing if I can get it to work, think I found a function for it, just don't know where to add it.
    17. TheReaper

      TheReaper New Member

      May 11, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      hey, for some reason its not letting me auto loot anything...i have to manually right click on the mob. so it basically if i have a quest to collect =L postponed my random grinding T_T please tell me how to fix
    18. CataclysmX

      CataclysmX New Member

      Apr 27, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Go to the buddywing root directory (Where the buddywing files are, and navigate to \Settings\CharacterName\BuddyWingSettings.xml

      Line 10 Says <LootNpcs>false</LootNpcs>
      and change it to <LootNpcs>true</LootNpcs>

      That should fix your issue
    19. thebleh

      thebleh New Member

      Nov 9, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:

      If you use Joe's routine, you need to comment out a couple lines of code because it will set this to false every time you fire up the bot until its closed out, in which case its often left set to false until its changed to true.
    20. thebleh

      thebleh New Member

      Nov 9, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      walter, I've been modding out madness sorceror spec a little bit so I could use it myself (I just don't like using lightning build) :)

      Here's the changed function:

      All I really did was change the name of affliction to its changed name and the debuf of crushing darkness. I have tried to use !MyBuffs.Contains("Wrath (3)") on crushing darkness and lightning strike, but this does not seem to work and it ends up casting cd or lightning strike without full wrath. It seems just putting !MyBuffs.Contains("Wrath") works a little better, but force lightning will only run until wrath is up 1 or 2 points and then stop, and fully cast the crushing darkness, which wastes time.

      Any suggestions would be appreciated. In the mean time I'm also going to mess with the healing, perhaps make a dps healing method, because when companion health gets low, it spends most of its time trying to cast its basic heal, and without a healer spec just burns through mana and can't keep up with the damage the companion is receiving anyways.

      If I have extra time I'll try to add in mounting, like Joe's has, as simply being mounted in outdoor areas not only increases speed, but seems to get me past a lot of mesh issues where the bot seems to not be stuck, and running back and forth in the "infinite triangle", but once mounted it goes past this for some bizarre reason.

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