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  • [PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Warlock' started by Millz, Jul 10, 2013.

    1. Jonas9513

      Jonas9513 Member

      May 26, 2013
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      I have everything disabled, do you mind telling me your Item level and avg dps in destro?
      On Galakras the adds i can do up to 1mil dps with destro and my base settings have disabled everything in the RoF section as i see no point in having it when my rotation have to use it, it can stop a chaos bolt from firing in time if i pop my Burst mode.
      Also i use the multistrike trinket and its not really worth the 33% chance of hitting being a rain of fire dmg compared to a chaos bolt or an 1.5mil incinerate.

      You can record a video for me so i can study it a bit more, and i can do the same to you so we can compare eachother.
      Also remember that, when the rotation switch to Multi-target it will use the rain of fire no matter what.
      But for singletarget i dont see any point in canceling a chaosbolt that probably would have hit for 2-3mil+ and your trinket is about to run out and that rain of fire will not make up for a chaos bolt :)

      I have been trying a lot of things with the rotation enable it disable it and the settings i got for now feels better unticked than ticked.
      I feel more improvement if its unticked than ticked :)

      Also you got my settings so you can see for yourself i got it unticked.
    2. CTEKJIO

      CTEKJIO Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      Any one have issue with Swaping talents? Let's say I was Destro, stoped bot, changed to Afflic. Started bot. And Aflic will not do much but spaming drains...
      I will investigate it more tonight. And hopfully will have logs. But maybe some one know off the bat what I should do to switch between Afflic/Destro and back without closing bot and reloading routine?
      Any info will be gratly apritiated. I have paid CC from Millz.
      Thank you in advance.
    3. Jonas9513

      Jonas9513 Member

      May 26, 2013
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      You have to close honorbuddy, swap talents, then restart it again load it as usually.
      And then go to settings change it to affliction or destro and click start.
      And wanna change back again? Close HB again, swap talents, start HB again click settings and change to affli/destro and click start bot and it should work.
    4. CTEKJIO

      CTEKJIO Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      That is exactly what i have been doing. But, Tuanha paid CC swaping on the fly. Just wonder why Millz cant do same?
    5. Jonas9513

      Jonas9513 Member

      May 26, 2013
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      Its working flawless for me.
      Try fresh HB install?
    6. CTEKJIO

      CTEKJIO Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      So can you tell me is it swapping without closing bot?
    7. Jonas9513

      Jonas9513 Member

      May 26, 2013
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      No you have to close your bot completely before its swapping.
    8. CTEKJIO

      CTEKJIO Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      That is my point. Tuanha CC's doing it in game and with no closing bot thingy...
      But as I said it is just a wonder from my side. Bottom line is they can exchange the ideas and Millz with all his knowledge of C# and programming for HB can implement it for us. don't you think so?
    9. Jonas9513

      Jonas9513 Member

      May 26, 2013
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      I dont really agree on this, it takes me 10-15 seconds to swap talents, so i dont care that much about it, also i like Tuanha's routines, but they are not as complete as Millz's projects are, and i think that Millz's projects are larger or more decompiled than Taunha's.
      So they need a fully reload to work.
    10. CTEKJIO

      CTEKJIO Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      I just don't get this: "So they need a fully reload to work."
      Tuanha CC's fully reloading. At least this is final out put i see. So what is your point?
    11. Jonas9513

      Jonas9513 Member

      May 26, 2013
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      Uhm not quite sure what you mean, like i always close Taunha's CC's too when i change spec?
      I do this becuase im used to Millz's and Leaves CC's and you have to reload them so i guess its a habit of mine.
      But yeah i see your point, but I think Millz have looked into this and the CC will not load correctly if its not reloaded?
      I dont really know why he made it like this, but for my point of view it looks like Millz's CC's are bigger or larger than Taunha's routines, as Taunha made a good job on making them simple and userfriendly :) As Millz's rotations are more advanced.. I dont really know xD
    12. CTEKJIO

      CTEKJIO Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      "But yeah i see your point, but I think Millz have looked into this and the CC will not load correctly if its not reloaded?"
      I think you are right. I was just wondering and trying to get developer reply on that. But you and I can only guess until Millz reply. :)
    13. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      TuanHA's routines have coding in them to allow for switching specs on the fly. Millz had the same coding in it, but it was causing far more errors than he cared to have in his routines, so he removed the "switch on the fly" coding. Now, you MUST completely close Honorbuddy, switch specs, and reload the bot in order for it to rebuild the spellbook for the spec you want to use. Honorbuddy does this only once, and that's at the very first load of the bot. It doesn't do it again until you completely close it and open it again, which is why you MUST switch specs while Honorbuddy is not running.
    14. lve2raft

      lve2raft New Member

      Jan 28, 2010
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      Millz, would you say that even despite the challenges you mention that the CR with Affliction can outperform Destro on the fights where this is supposed to happen? IE: Protectors, Thok etc? Pretty much everywhere that Kink says to use Affliction.
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
    15. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This was the reason ^

      You CAN change talents and glyphs on the fly, but you must reload honorbuddy to change specialization. Originally I allowed changing spec but it caused some weird behaviour due to how spells are overridden and honorbuddy not detecting them correctly.

      So for instance, Shadowbolt is replaced with either (Channelled) Malefic Grasp in Affliction, or (Cast) Incinerate as Destruction. It was bugging out trying to cast the wrong spells - not always - just sometimes.. so it wasn't worth the amount of reports saying X doesn't work.

      Yeah it will. I do more DPS as affliction on protectors than I do as destruction.

      I pushed an update to affliction last night which was a big DPS improvement. Kink saw an increase on target dummies from 1m to 1.3m dps, and mine went from 350k to 500k.
    16. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      ilvl: 575
      Trinkets: Toxic Totem (hc wf), Purified Bindings

      CB is not cancled by RoF (routine doesn't do so, CB is only cancled for SB, also Incinerate is canceld for SB)
      dunno how your group is progressing the sha of pride, but mine doesn't cleave dps the adds, so in this fight the routines aoeing is disabled by default ;) and in this case 'll switch to one add, routine casts RoF, switch back to sha of pride.

      I'm not talking about the pure AOE fights like Galakras where u r mainly only aoe dpsing, or dark shamans where u are cleave dpsing both encounters (in normalmode) or where u have to destroy the adds (heroic and normal mode).

      even in a fight like nazgrim RoF is a dps gain, u have basicly only single target rotation on everything because of the distance from one add to another, BUT keeping RoF on all of them (in range), will generate lots of embers, which u can't produce with only Immolate/Conflagrate/Incinerate.

      Also on Blackfuse ... u will have RoF active all the time, cause of mines that are getting into range, without switching to a full aoe rotation (cleave dpsing is killing most of the mines).

      i can't see any reason to disable RoF, on every encounter u'll take the advantage of it ... if ur movin ... cast RoF on it when not active, if there are sometimes adds but not enough for full aoeing ... cast RoF.
      Disabling all RoFs is only usefull in real Patchwork encounters, cause wasting a GCD on a patchwork encounter is really a dps loss. but none of the fights in SoO is a pure patchwork one.
    17. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      what do you have your refresh at for dots i have 3k 0 0 for mine and on thedummies in 580 Troll i can only do 525k . i been tryin 2 play around with em .. but it keeps refreshing when it shouldn't according to aff dots.
    18. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      They are different CR's and not built exactly the same, its not hard to just restart the bot come on.
    19. CTEKJIO

      CTEKJIO Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      Not hard at all :) Was just looking for info and how others do it. Now I am complitly statisfied! Millz reply as well as few other replys with valued information.
      I am officialy closing my question :).

      And asking new one:
      Any Dedicated Affliction warloks with paid CC from Millz. May you toss my way settings for raid as well as PvP? Also if it is not hard for Destro same raid and PvP.
      Will much appritiate this! Thank you in advance.
    20. Jonas9513

      Jonas9513 Member

      May 26, 2013
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      I am currently 14/14 Hc ofc, with ~583 ilevel, and the other warlock i play with is almost same geared he just uses the garrosh trinket instead of shaman trinket.
      He is doing dps by hand, and before i had the right settings i were #2 with not even close to him.
      And sir I have been playing around with the settings, and i feel no dmg increase however i do not feel any dps loss.
      I think its the same if it cancel 1 Incinerate or makes it slower somehow from casting the Chaos Bolt i mean.
      Like Rain of Fire generates embers over time, however Incinerate is instant lot of dmg that generates much ember at 1 time. That means i use rain of fire that slows down my Incinerate and if my trinket proc is on and its about to run out its faster that i cast Incinerate and chaos bolt right after because the CR does not track trinkets :)

      And this is just my experience i feel no dmg increase at all on singletarget. On sha of pride it kicks in the AOE rotations and uses the rain of fire on the minions as i target them real quick and switch back again :)
      I can only speak of my experience and i feel nothing at all. I have been playing around with everything that can be played with xD

      Its really good if you feel a dps increase of the RoF settings, but i dont. and yes i have tried to enbale it for general in 3 fights and lots of fights without and my end dps is always higer without, maybe its just RNG but thats how i feel it :D
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2014

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