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  • [PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Warlock' started by Millz, Jul 10, 2013.

    1. pzyc

      pzyc Member

      Sep 4, 2011
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      Take the standard Talents for ur Spec....you can make settings for every Talent in the GUI of the routine...
      And if thats too hard, than look some Guides from Sparkuggz on YouTube
    2. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Why the Character doesn't face people in PvP? He try to cast spells but can't because doesn't face them. Also never casted a chaos bolt so far and only spamming Drain Life or summon pets in the middle of fights.
    3. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      No logfile no help.
    4. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Here the logs

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    5. Brill

      Brill New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      The free version does not support AFK bot bases, such as BGBuddy. There is no movement or facing.
    6. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      When using this with BGBuddy, when he go in combat performance (fps) drop in hell... is a know issue?
      P.S. I already got the paid version in email.
    7. HB8240E15

      HB8240E15 New Member

      Jun 15, 2011
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      Try changing your framelock settings. I get some fps drops with bgbuddy, but when I use Tyrael's softlock, no issues.

      Oh, and try disabling settings that you're not using, that will speed any routine up, and thus, if you are using framelock, speed up your fps.
    8. Kink

      Kink Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      Can you post a log so I or someone else can look over it, please? :).
    9. Newb1

      Newb1 New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      View attachment 4268 2014-06-25 22.22.txt
      Is this because of training dummys being close together?, I thought it would swap/cast unstable affliction/agony etc.. the big spells, unless I misunderstood.

      Also it rarely cast haunt, is that intentional?

      I guess i'm gonna have to actually learn how to play affliction.
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
    10. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      It'll work out fine dont worry, quality stuff I tell ya!
    11. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      There is a problem with BGFarmer (because before installing it, that never happened).

      The problem is that when a BG ends it walk and jumps down from where Horde PvP Seller are... from the walls it jump down and don't let the Mr.GearBuy do his job.

      How can I solve this?


      I found another bug (?), me and a friend of mine wanted to try the option to join as group and play together with the bots, he have disabled the automatic join and i've enabled the Join as Group. But it still join as solo player and not as group. Is a know bug? How can I fix?

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      Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
    12. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey - Try disabling suspend movement on keypress within Demonic's GUI (General tab).

      P.S -> BGFarmer issues need to be reported on my website's forums - not allowed on here :)

    13. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      I registered on the forum but it don't send me the email for the activation :(
    14. lawrence131

      lawrence131 New Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Quote Originally Posted by lawrence131 View Post
      this isn't a huge dps issue most of the time but i think the CR interprets CRIT increase states too loosely for Chaos Bolt use over Incinerate. It seems to even think that the immersus trinket proc counts as a crit proc even though the crit bonus is permanent and the proc is INT, changing the rotation to something less optimal. depending on the timing, it often burns almost all the embers then Dark Soul comes up and it has to build back up 0.9 embers again and opens up in a "crippled" state. Or mobs drop to 19% and no embers left to burn. this happens no matter what i set the ember state to use Chaos bolt for. am i doing something wrong or do other ppl get this issue?

      can the CRIT increased state have a threshhold setting like Tuanha's burst settings so we can specify 10%, 15%, etc? to prioritize Chaos Bolts.

      "It's looking for the intellect proc from that trinket (Expanded Mind) not the +crit."

      That's what I meant actually - it should NOT trigger Chaos bolt spam from any random INTELLECT proc. During a single INT proc, spamming Chaos bolt vs Incinerate is minimal DPS change; having no embers up when Dark Soul comes off CD, or when execute phase begins is a HUGE dps loss. This is why I think there has to be thresholds for Chaos bolt spam. It is not always better than Incinerate on any damage increase state, especially minor ones. I paid more attention to this the last few days, and it seems to Chaos bolt spam on ANY proc - lightweave, INT trinkets, and even hunter pet's roar (start of raid there is no roar, as soon as it engages it considers this a CRIT or damage boost state; this is essentially 100% up-time, so the CR is in Chaos bolt spam mode permanently).

      The final dps change isn't that huge either way, especially since I'm just farming noob-mode normal SOO right now and still out-damage the majority of Locks my ilvl, but I still think the logic is off. Especially for fights where there is a semi-important burst phase, the total dps over 5-8 min is minimally changed but the dps loss over the 30 sec burst is very substantial when the CR is stuck in permanent Chaos bolt mode and there are no embers saved. Adding logic to boss HP percentage to save embers or seconds till Dark Soul comes off CD, or setting CRIT/INT/STAT change thresholds would keep the routine closer to what a real player would do. Like "do not Chaos bolt if boss HP < 30% unless >3.5 embers no matter what Int proc is up," "... <20 secs till Dark Soul off CD," "unless damage boosted state > 15%," etc.
    15. Kink

      Kink Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      I agree with some of your suggestions, specifically better damage optimization w/ Dark Soul's cooldown and other abilities on a per fight basis (Millz was playing with a TimeToDie function which is what the rotation needs, helps get a better grasp on when to not use abilities I.e. if the boss is going to die soon then let's not refresh Immolate).

      The rotation already starts pooling embers once the cooldown of Dark Soul reaches a certain point (< 30s or so), it uses Chaos bolt with the auras in your AuraList; it would be a DPS decrease to simply not Chaos Bolt with int procs; I don't know where you are getting your crit proc figures... we are almost all intellect. The only crit we're getting is when Dark Soul comes off cooldown and Skull banner, which the rotation already supports in the AuraList. Most destruction warlocks are focusing Mastery > Haste > Crit anyways because affliction being a very strong off spec with main spec Destruction. Crit is by no means the go to stat right now in SoO until WoD where each spec gets attuned to a specific stat.

      If you don't see this behavior on a dummy then there's an issue on your end most likely (It should not cast chaos bolt with any Aura in the AuraList if Dark Soul's cooldown is up in 30 or less seconds).
      Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
    16. lawrence131

      lawrence131 New Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      I was using CRIT as an example because the dps difference during a high CRIT state (Dark Soul or Skull) makes the dps difference between Chaos vs Incinerate more significant than an INT proc (at least I thought). Even though INT/Mastery are the goto stats, even when these are heightened it does not exaggerate the dps difference between Chaos vs Incinerate THAT much especially during a less important phase of the fight. Yes, during an INT proc the dps spamming Chaos bolt is greater, but whether it casts at 3 embers or 1 ember, you will never waste embers cuz they'll always be used before filling. You will miss one Chaos bolt during each INT proc (at most) casting at 3 embers instead of 1 ember, but the dps loss spamming incinerate instead of the 1 missed Chaos bolt during an INT proc is minimal. (If you start with 3 embers at the INT proc and end at 2-3, it's the same number of Chaos Bolts as starting at 1 ember and ending at 0-1 if the CR is using embers too liberally and didn't store before the proc to begin with.) And the total Chaos bolts casted over the entire fight will still stay the same. More importantly it will almost never change the outcome of the fight. The tiny dps loss this way is at least made up for the extra Chaos bolts during Dark Soul, Skull Banner, and important burst phases of the fight, when your dps is the most important. This CAN win or wipe an encounter, not the single extra Chaos bolt during Expanded Mind vs Incinerate.

      So overall I'd say that the current state TOTAL dps vs real player strategic dps is close enough to being neutral not to matter over the course of the entire fight. If you only take the burst phases with no stored embers vs 3.5 stored embers (Lust + Dark Soul + Skull Banner at Nazgrim 10% burn down), the critical DPS that will make or break a raid, the dps difference is huge and will DEFINITELY matter. I will test more on a dummy to see which procs are triggering Chaos spam. I guess I can just edit the Aura list to stop less important procs from triggering it, but most players will not get to this detail and the default rotation and Auralist should be optimized without editing if it's better the vast majority of the time.

      Addendum: I looked at it more carefully with a training dummy and what you were saying is correct. It will only spam Chaos on Auralist items, but I started off in full Prideful and got the Expanded Mind trinket, so during a raid the chances of one of these being on, or various other raid-wide triggers made the CR seem to almost never have 3+ embers up at any important event. I will simply remove all INT procs from the Auralist so it will start every INT proc at 3 embers and end at 2-3, but will always have 2-3 embers up for every important event. I would still consider this to be a better default state than the current one - minimal if any total DPS loss, and guaranteed high ember state for every important burst phase.
      Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
    17. lve2raft

      lve2raft New Member

      Jan 28, 2010
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      Can this be just coded in as an option or something? The aura list does not automatically load with a saved class config file. So when I did this (which worked btw) - I then had to reload the aura list - and then save one for this tweak etc. IE: if this is a legitimate improvement - why not just code it in?
    18. 0day

      0day New Member

      Nov 24, 2012
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      hello everyone,

      I find if I pressed pause hotkeys AOE function but the cc will still AOE for awhile after you pause,does anyone meet this question?

      and other question is automatically enter the battle is a bit slowly, and opener DPS is too low,how can I config it ?Thanks.
      Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
    19. Tappedout

      Tappedout New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      I had some issues with the hotkeys not registering, what I did was delete all files in settings and do fresh installs of my routines...I can admit i've noticed that the dps is a bit lower than I was used to seeing but I haven't played in a bit so still testing.
    20. fantasydreaming

      fantasydreaming Member

      Feb 2, 2013
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      This CC often won't target things like mobs or players in Bgs. It sits there until they attack me. It also is acting funny in bgs (running into the middle of a pack before attacking, etc).

      If I revert to using Singular, the problems are fixed.

      I haven't tweaked things. Any suggestions how to reset it, if this is a common issue, or any ideas?

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