I know that it takes little time to troubleshoot some common problems. My point is that from a beginner's standpoint, it takes a while, since they have to dig through the forums for an answer. There was even an exact topic before this one mentioning this. It's not a problem that hasn't been identified by the core devs either, it's just that it's not a top priority right now for them. I was thinking. You know exiled bot? It has an easy to find forum link. Once it's hit, it takes you to a forum CHAT. This, I think creates a user friendly although weak, not relatively weak (to here), unit cohesion. It also allows the community to troubleshoot problems easier. I think this would streamline support issues. I know that exiled bot is way simpler and has less troubleshooting problems (given it's simpler, but less potent framework), so maybe such a forum for exile buddy may have more problems being addressed on the reg, but it would be worth it for the noob. I know that discord exists, but the design in the exiled bot website makes it so that once forums are clicked, you are in the chat. This would connect more users that could troubleshoot as a community.