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  • Where is the future of this bot going?

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by emerysong, Jun 17, 2016.

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    1. Tomas2209

      Tomas2209 Member

      Dec 23, 2013
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      I dunno what all of you guys complain about? The bot with the right decks (check Guides) IS able to reach rank 5 every month. Thats all about what you need, except it grinds 100 gold each day and completes sooner or later daily quests (depending on the decks you use). What do you want the bot should do? Wanna reach legendary rank? What reason? Wanna be invited by Blizzard to one of the Tournaments and fail like a pro? If you are sad that the bot even with proper settings/decks suck, its mostly because you play at the wrong day time...f.e. bot plays better in the evening/night, and the bot performs better the closer the end of the month approaches, sometimes its just BAD LUCK, its a card game (you just cant rely on the cards comming when you need them). I reached continuously rank 5 or rank 4 every month for the last 7 months. Thats all i need. This bot needs to be updated after every major patch, thats it.

      Edit: remember at the start of the new month even pro gamers, streamers etc have their ranks reset (get stars depending on the rank from previous month) like until 10-15. of the month you meet a lot of good gamers at rank 17-14. after the first days the progress is better.
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      for those with problems,use support issues section providing your log file

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