Yeah, I'm with Keeper76 on this one - I like to break rules as well. Not big, throw-you-in-jail rules, little ones that annoy corporations, and give me an unfair leg-up over other players. I enjoy botting, more than I do actually playing the game - that illicit glee that comes when you wake up and find a dragon's-pile worth of treasure or gems in your bags, doling it out to friends and guild members, or vendoring it and turning it into gold. It's like the modern-day equivalent, of factory farms, etc. Our forebears figured out grain was edible, and people have been 'hacking' it ever since - huge combines and equipment work the soil, and reap the harvest. In our farming ancestors, it was considered savvy! For modern video games, they denounce us as hackers.
I bot because the game is fun only when you have good gear and gold im done buying gold from sites. So far i'v made 20 real dollars from botting making some of it back you know blizz likes fuckin us guys and girls over. If it's not nerffing the dam Demon Hunter then its making it cost 5 MILLION GOLD TO TAKE GEMS OUT OF YOUR WEAPONS!!!! GRRR.
Cool thread. Just stumbled across general discussion forums. I bot because real life sucks. I'm a director of IT a new charter school district, so my life is hectic and busy. As much as I enjoy WoW, I just do not have the time that other players do, so I can't enjoy the same things they do - raids, arena teams, guild events, etc. HonorBuddy has saved me so much time, gathering things for me to sell and just helping me in different ways so I can somewhat enjoy the same thing that normal players do.
Yeah, I second that as well. I would LIKE to maintain an active, happy guild, with regular raids every week, but work sucks it out of me, and I'm left with a few paltry hours on the weekends. Not enough time to set a raid up for my OWN guild and build relationships, barely enough time to join someone else's raid. Do you think I want to spend those few paltry hours FARMING HERBS/ORE? Or grinding for gear? I think NOT!
I have 2 reasons why I bot: First is to get myself off the computer more, before I found honorbuddy I would play for endless hours at a time and never get anything productive done. I would aimlessly grind gold, materials, instances, characters and such for no reason other than what I would call an addiction. Since I have used honorbuddy I have spent more time away from the computer. Second is a little more odd, Part of me wants to get banned on my main account , I think it would free me from the WoW shackles and my computer but I cant bot openly I still take part in all the security and recommended staying low advice. I will be banned one day, I just hope it does free me from the computer fully.