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  • [WIP] Singular - A community driven All-In-One CC - It Just Plain Works

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Apoc, Feb 7, 2011.

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    1. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      This isn't the correct type of fix for instance logic.

      I committed the changes to remove Death Grip from pull. I'll get to it for other specs in a bit , for in combat.

      I'll be working on this CC most of today, so expect quite a few changes.

      Lastly; if anybody has a proper Holy pally rotation, I'll be glad to implement it. I want to support all healer classes by the end of the week.
    2. karsak0w

      karsak0w New Member

      Feb 21, 2011
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      Apoc, this is just a quick and dirty fix. not meant to be an official fix ;)
    3. Baconosaur

      Baconosaur New Member

      Jan 5, 2011
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      edit: fixed
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
    4. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      So, lets see if I can remember my changes (without looking at my commit logs!)

      Added -
      Affliction Lock (thanks to someone earlier in the thread, sorry, already forgot who)

      Changed -
      Retribution pally rotation changed to someone else's. - Full implementation, should work fine. - untested

      Fixed -
      Numerous issues with Protection warriors
      Charge issue with arms
      Moved Victory Rush further up the priority list for Arms wars, so it actually gets used.
      Death Grip should only be used in instances by BLOOD DKs. Outside of instances (in BGs, around the world) it will be used by all specs.
      Minor other bug fixes.
    5. mopysworld

      mopysworld New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bugfix: Stance dance party mode :( My Bad

      Bugfix: Dancing of aura Devo/Ret while in party or raid.

      Change (line of Common.cs under paladin)
      // Solo Buffs
                          new Decorator(
                              ret => !Me.IsInParty || !Me.IsInRaid,
                              new PrioritySelector(
      // Solo Buffs
                          new Decorator(
                              ret => !Me.IsInParty,
                              new PrioritySelector(
      Working on Adding Trinket support from the UI... just noticing the difference between running in grind mode vs Combat/Heal Bot.
    6. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey apoc, hey mopsy:

      I just noticed that apoc added mopsyworlds retri.cc as a default one. Congrats! ;)

      Here my feedback:

      Please fix your priority list for using spells in combat. I saw that you read through Elitistjerks, but you implemented (sorry) bullshit! :eek:

                    new PrioritySelector(
                          // Make sure we're in range, and facing the damned target. (LOS check as well)
                          //CreateRangeAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                          CreateSpellCast(96231, ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
       		    CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Justice", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
      		    //CreateSpellCast("Repentance", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
      	            CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light") && !(Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey ("Inquisition")) ),		    
                          CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower == 3 && !(Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey ("Inquisition")) ),
      		    CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) < 4 && Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3),
                          CreateSpellCast("Divine Storm", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) >= 4 && TalentManager.GetCount(3, 17) >= 2),
      		    CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War") && Me.CurrentTarget.CreatureType == WoWCreatureType.Undead || Me.CurrentTarget.CreatureType == WoWCreatureType.Demon),
                          CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath"),
                          CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
      		    CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light")),
                          CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower == 3),
                          CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath"),
      Thats exactly how its suggested from Elitistjerks.
      You really dont need a special rotation for zealotry, its always like the default one.
      Please change your AOE-Rotation. Its never (!) good to use it if you have <4 targets in range. This suggestions also counts for dungeons, its definately a huge waste of dps.

      Ah, and please add
      CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
      into the PaladinPullRoutine :)

      Thanks for reading my crap. :eek:

      Attached Files:

    7. mopysworld

      mopysworld New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Wanna look through the code again?

      From EJ - Link
      Single Target

      The Ret paladin "rotation" shares something with Wrath - it is priority based. The priority for single-target is one of the following:
      Inq > CS > HoW > Exo > TV > J > HW > Cons <--- Hmm maybe I cant read right? Wanna check that again?
      Inq > CS > TV > HoW > Exo > J > HW > Cons

      // Single Routine - See AoE notes.
                          new Decorator(
                              ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) < 3,
                              new PrioritySelector(
                                  CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 1),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath"),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light")),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Consecration", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50)
      Against Undead/Demons the positions of HoW and Exo swap, providing:
      Inq > CS > TV > Exo > HoW > J > HW > Cons, or
      Inq > CS > Exo > HoW > TV > J > HW > Cons <--- Again really ???

      new Decorator(
                              ret => CurrentTargetIsUndeadOrDemon,
                              new PrioritySelector(
                                  CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 1),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3 && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) < 2),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Divine Storm", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3 && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) > 2),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath"),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light")),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50),
                                  CreateSpellCast("Consecration", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50)
      The fact that Exorcism auto-crits when used on Undead or Demons and its faster scaling (lesser coefficient modified by large +% bonus, effectively granting higher overall coefficient) causes it to pull ahead of HoW in that scenario.

      In both scenarios you do not perform a CS if you have 3 HP, however if you have 2 or less HP and a HoL proc you would use the CS before the free TV.

      Inq increases Holy Damage when it is up. Modeling and testing shows to begin expecting to refresh at 3 seconds before it ends. You will rarely have Inq expire and those occasions when it does it should only be missing for 2-3 seconds.

      In melee range:
      Never, ever cast Exo - only use Exo when it is instant from an AoW proc. If AoW has not procced, then Exo has a cast time, mana cost, and vastly reduced damage. Remember during a cast you stop and reset all autoattacks.

      If out of melee range (phase transition/funny-business):
      Judge if you can. Without AoW Exo drops below Judge. If Judge is on CD, spam cast Exo as mana permits.

      Multiple Target

      The AoE rotation is rather similar to single-target, simply replace Crusader Strike with Divine Storm. The rest of the priority stays the same. With Holy Wrath fixed to meteor properly, at 3 targets you should begin using Consecration over HW.

      Redcape's modeling shows you should only swap to AoE rotation at 5 or more targets. A more recent test here receives the same results in 4.0.6.

      Same as Single... See above but with DS added. While I do agree with the 5 or more targets and my raid CC uses it. With all the fail LFD groups and the lack of people that can properly CC in my experience is why I put it to 3. It should be 5 and I CLEARLY stated that in my build notes. See my previous post.


      Zealotry provides a special circumstance. During Zealotry all CS earn 3 HP. Your rotation will become CS, TV, Filler, or CS, Filler, TV, as we still use 2 fillers between CS.

      With current values for HoW and Exo, may be used over a CS or TV during Zealotry, if not then they are used in the filler position rather than dead time. Continue to follow your core priority sequence in and out of cooldowns.

      ----- SORRY TO S**T ON YOUR CORNFLAKES -----
      See the red section and check the zealotry routine... In all my runs while using this CC I have never had dead time.

      While I will concede on the AoE part because you are correct... The options that I want implemented that I use on mine can not be put into singular till the devs add more options under the GUI. To allow a more dynamic customization. HB by default for most users is a grind(Quest) bot/farm tool. NOT a rotation spammer or to AFK raids. Yes... you can make HB do that but it will take specific settings tailored to that specific person as everyone stats/gear/chats/etc... is different. Hence why stat weights change so much during your progressions.

      Oh ps... yes Exo on pull if procced should be implemented.
    8. BlackHer0

      BlackHer0 New Member

      Sep 16, 2010
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      Here is a small fix for Shadow-Priest Rotation .. He only casts Mind-Blast if he has 3 Stacks of Shadow-Orb,
      Also added a line for giving himself Power Word: Shield
    9. pbettell

      pbettell Member

      Mar 14, 2010
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      Just a quick note - not a big issue. The new rotation for ret paladins is awesome, as is the aura switching, tyvm for that. It seems that it's trying to cast both blessings and seals without a check to see if you are flying (not just mounted, that wouldn't be a problem, but mounted on a flying mount, and in the air).

      Thanks for the awesome work sofar.
    10. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      GreaT ALL IN ONE
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
    11. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Frost roation:
      Perhaps the biggest news for frost in Cata is that there is an actual rotation to use in raiding and that there are enough levers to adjust that it is to be expected that frost damage should be raid-worthy without being overpowered in pvp. This is a huge change for frost. The current theorycrafted rotation can be expressed as a priority list. You are monitoring various procs and cooldowns and make your decisions based on the following rules.

      1. Frostfire Orb, if cooldown is up.
      2. Deep Freeze, if cooldown is up and Fingers of Frost is active.
      3. Frostfire Bolt, if Brain Freeze is active and Fingers of Frost is active.
      4. Ice Lance if Finger of Frost is active.
      5. Freeze, if cooldown is up, Deep Freeze cooldown is up, and Finger of Frost is not active.
      6. Frostbolt.
      This may seem more complicated than it actually is. The basic rule is that you spam frostbolt and interrupt that spam for FFB on BF procs and for DF/IL when FoF procs. It is best to save BF-FFBs for a FoF proc. One can force FoF to proc twice with Freeze and should do so whenever you have DF active to take maximum advantage.
    12. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I know you have the best intentions, but can you format this a bit better, its just plain confusing due to formatting. =\
    13. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      here ya go Apoc, I think this is fairly easier to read

      Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
    14. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Single Target Fire DPS Use Hot Streak whenever possible, recast Living Bomb after every explosion, use Flame Orb whenever possible, and spam your filler nuke in between. Filler nuke can be Scorch, Fireball, or Frostfire Bolt. Fireball is the highest dps. Scorch is used during periods of movement or knockbacks. Frostfire Bolt is an alternative to Fireball, but is lower DPS.

      CombustionRecognise that "Ignite" is by far the most important contributor to a strong Combustion. Don't use Combustion without Ignite present. Ideally, use Combustion when Ignite, Pyroblast (Dot), and Living Bomb are on your target. The biggest Ignites will stem from Pyroblast and Fireball crits, resulting in bigger Combustions. You can, however, fish for Ignites via Scorch if you have no time to wait. Download CombustionHelper to assist you in managing this cooldown more easily

      Multiple Target Fire DPSPut Living Bomb on 3 targets, use Blastwave on cooldown and spam Flamestrike. Mana management is also an essential part of multi-target dps. You will not have enough mana to continually spam AoE for an extended period. Fortunately Fire specs have easy ways to dramatically improve efficiency. Use Blast Wave whenever possible as this is a very mana efficient spell. Even if you are in maximum efficiency mode Blast Wave is still good. Only using Flamestrike only when its dot is expired will greatly increase its dpm. You can further increase dpm by skipping Flamestrike and spamming Scorch with Living Bomb on a single target to fish for Impact procs. Impact procs are unreliable, but do MASSIVE AoE damage with very high efficiency.

      taken off elitest jerks .. i love the speed of the current cc just now sure if these tweaks could be done ..2 make it even more out standing
    15. pmellyn

      pmellyn New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      Hey Apoc, using this on a feral druid and it is working great at the moment, the only thing is it doesn't seem to heal itself. It will pop barkskin regularly, but if it gets low it should shift out and regrowth and rejuv itself then shift back in and continue. Also, I have not seen it use Berserk, unless it only uses this if it pulls more than one add which I haven't seen it do yet. Other than that, it is ripping through mobs in Borean Tundra no problem.

      Edit: Also it is trying to use Shred infront of targets, this can only be used from behind. I can post a log if it will help.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
    16. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Glad to see such a fiery debate on the ret paly spec, can't wait to give it a run, thanks heaps guys.

    17. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      For the Demon warlock:

      A change in rotation to make sure you take less damage from mobs and players.

      Open with Axe toss.
      Hand of Guldan
      Pursuit (by felguard)
      Dot them up +Felstorm (if felstorm is on CD then default to legion strike)
      Add in Fear + Death coil when they break the stun.
      Rinse and Repeat.

      That would be a much better for both grinding and PVP. Thoughts any1?
    18. Mupp

      Mupp New Member

      May 3, 2010
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      I got a small request, im no coder myself so I have no clue how to help :p I know this does not support PvP right now. But I like trying stuff and I did try it in PvP.
      It works great imo but the stay on target is abit slow, you know the usual "step up close, stop, wait 1 sec, step up close, stop, wait 1 sec" you get it right ? :p

      Is there somekind of small fix for this or does it affect alot of changes?

    19. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      awsome i see u added frost mage .. ill try it out tonite after my raid an give some feed back <3 apoc
    20. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have installed the program, but when I go to the singular folder and right click I don't get any menu up that lets me add the url to download files. Any clues? :S
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