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  • x64 is a valid issue .

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by gamerhead, May 16, 2015.


    do you us 64 bit OS or 32 bit?

    1. 64 bit

      0 vote(s)
    2. 32 bit

      0 vote(s)
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    1. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      of course a move to x64 will be considered. the staff and the dev team never said that its NEVER going to happen or wont ever happen. but its not a decision that the community gets to make. its going to be and is the dev team's decision and up to them if / when the move to x64 will happen and when. its more then a yes or no decision for them, as what they choose can and will effect the future of the bot and is NOT a whimsy decision. so please stop making threads and arguing over x64. YES we hear you, you would like it, but its not that simple.

      thread closed.

      oh, and the poll is useless, when you log into honorbuddy using the key (if you allowed it) we know what OS people are running so, the only ones who really know what machines people are running are the devs and like i said the decision is theres.
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