Trinket2 set to always Hands set to always Always using the trinket2, which triggers a cooldown on hands, when the cooldown is done on hands, it dosen't trigger them, but waits for trinket2 to be up again. (ie. if you have a on-use trinket, it will never use hands) That's on the Dev-SVN. tested it alot of times now. tried to edit it myself, but dont have the knowledge to do so.
How much do I got to donate to get the arms rotation worked on? The fury works great but fury is a dps loss at lower ilvls. I'll gladly pay for a private arms only cc.
Any donations are completely and utterly voluntary. You only give if there is value here for you. Many of us have made donations as there is a lot of work that goes into project. Fixes and new features come fast. This is an amazing rotation and I am sure ARMS will be no exception. I've personally set a handful of #1 world records in 10 and 25 man, although, those do change day to day. Give whatever its worth to you, if, that's what you would like to do. I strongly recommend everyone who loves this routine give something if they can. Lets keep the motivation and momentum going on this project!
I've used your combat routine in heroic raids for a long time and it's working flawless However, lately I've been doing some casual pvp. I've noticed that in arena the routine don't work on enemies from the same faction. Any chance for a fix? Not sure if this would be hard but I figured since it works fine when dueling maybe it's doable. I know the routine is not designed for pvp but since it is a perfectly viable pvp rotation, I don't see why not. Sincerely, Really satisfied routine-user!
Not a hard fix, but might cause unintended sideeffects. I'll add a checkbox on the next release under Advanced Settings where you can enable "PVP Mode" which will support that. Don't expect me to add more PvP features though! Nice . TG or SMF? I work for free, but you can always donate to keep my motivation up.
SMF mate. Not sure if you saw it earlier up, but If you got a on use trinket, it won't activate Synapse Springs on gloves. other than that, top notch. It pulled 150k on twin consorts =] apparently enough for a rank.
nomnomnom forgive my noobish in bots world , the only thing i know is open bots , updats through svn , thats all so my question when can I update mop ( the new vesrion ) from svn ? thx ^_^
well , I know it's explained at the first page ! but we work atm in v.206 , and the new version is 211 & as it's menioned the 211 in developers svn , and my question is when the svn can release the 211 ? ( not in developers enviroment )
211 isnt a release version so I will not put it on the release SVN. Either use 206 as release or start using development SVN.
i'm already using the 206 , and i can use the development SVN but you menitoned it's not always work , cause that i asked when the 211 will be in release version , thats all -.- one more question : if i use the development version i need to delete the 206 vesrion , right ?
Yes. Basicly the development version posted is always a routine which "works". Sometimes not optimal but it will always function. You have to delete the old one.
nomnomnom in the GUI > Hotkey option > Pause Combat ( if i choose hotkey for that and I use it , it will pause the routine and i'll manual control it , if that's right ! it didnt work with me ! i try several hotkey but it didnt pause the routine ) any clue please !
First of all, your PokeBuddy plugin is throwing massive errors. Delete it and redownload it. Second: Hotkey's in the routine ONLY work when you set a hotkey mode. In your log I can see that it's still set to auto ... [09:24:04.413 V] YBMoP: ModeChoice: Auto You can also use the pause function from Tyrael if you'd rather use that . Default is Alt+X