OHH THE HYPE!!! looking forward to this. Really need a warrior routine with enmity hotkey functionality. Any chance this will be added on release. Warrior tanking is kind of usless without it. I brought this up with Exmortem when the bot first released. He added it and i helped make some changes with the rotation. If I can help in any way I also have all classes to 50, and have some past experience with making routines for rebornbuddy.
I'm sorry guys, I haven't been able to update this at all during the last week due to my illness getting worse. I'll see next week if I'm any better Right now, it only require rotations. The HotkeyManager have a functional Overlay with labels that updates on status On or Off All spell casts are complete, AoE healing needs some testing. Very easy to add rotations Easy to add settings
Hope you feel better soon and I can't wait to use this I loved your CR for WoW and can't wait to use this for paladin tanking
Hey, Xce. Hope you feel better soon. Just want to say that if this is anywhere near your WoW work I can't wait. Used that a lot. Thanks for everything.
Is it possible to get a copy of RaidingBuddy? I wouldn't mind starting work on a BlackMage and a Monk rotation.
Hey everyone! Will be writing a guide tomorrow on how the core(framework) foundation is working. I'll be covering how to add a class/job, different types of settings, and such. Once the guide is completed, I'll release the core as it is. If you guys make rotations, please add them to pastie / pastebin or PM me with the rotation. And I'll add it I think this routine will be more about a community project rather than a one man job, I'll support the core / creating new features and helping out if needed. But creating a routine this large with no actual knowledge about the game is impossible. So stay tuned for tomorrow! It's 5:37 am here right now
Hello everyone! The guide is now in making :: http://justpaste.it/RaidingBuddy Please let me know if there's anything missing, things you want more explained and so on. Svn is now live : https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/team-random/ Next up I will be showing on the guide how to add :: Automated Unit Detection Count License Agreement : CC-NC-SA
Like it so far. Can you explain more in detail about adding hotkey functionality for certain rotations. For instance, When I know it is time to swap as a tank, myself as a warrior needs to start my enmity rotation. When the other tank takes the target. I need to swap stances and change rotation to dps. So on and so forth. Warriors have 3-4 different rotations for specific situations.
Hi stewiethecat, Sure, I'll create a HotkeyManager guide later on today. I'll show you how to create new keys and so on
awesome time to get into it, checking out svn now So I never had the pleasure of using your HB work, for me this is like starting from scratch a little bit. I have the trunk, and downloaded it into the routines folder. I noticed you have routines in here like Bard and so forth, but I can't seem to get them to work when I start the bot. Am I supposed to rename the trunk folder or Is this all just a format for something else? Also looking at the post you made. The only folder with Behaviors.cs I was able to find was kupo.behaviors.cs which looks nothing like what you had posted. Sorry for the scrub questions, I have limited experience working with some of these files
Hi stewiethecat, You simple create a folder called YourRaidingBuddy in Routines folder, then copy paste the files (or checkout the svn) directly into that folder. Behaviors.cs is in the root folder. (YourRaidingBuddy) Hmm it seems it didn't commit that file, gimme a second! edit 2 : the 2 missing files are now added.
Thank you, Xcesius, this looks fantastic and your hard work on this is very much appreciated. I have a question that I was hoping you could answer without much trouble. Since your posted guide uses Paladin for its example, I'll phrase my question in a way relevant to the Paladin job: Is it possible for YourRaidingBuddy to determine if you have placed a specific debuff on an enemy, and then perform the next sequence of its routine based on that? For example: Prior to the Heavensward expansion, Paladins only had 1 combo that consisted of 3 skills. Now that Heavensward has launched, Paladins have 3 possible combos, with skills that overlap between them. 2 of these 3 combos have finishers that leave a debuff on the mob (Rage of Hallone and Goring Blade). The 3 combos for Paladins in Heavensward are as follows: Fast Blade -> Savage Blade -> Rage of Halone Fast Blade -> Riot Blade -> Goring Blade Fast Blade -> Savage Blade -> Royal Authority Notice that they are what I call "branching" combos, meaning they all have their opener ability in common (Fast Blade), and 2 of the 3 combos have their 2nd action as the same skill (Savage Blade). Knowing this... Can YourRaidingBuddy support the following logic? 1) Use the Rage of Halone combo if the debuff from Rage of Halone is not present on the currently targeted enemy 2) Use the Goring Blade combo if the Rage of Halone debuff is present on the currently targeted enemy but the Goring Blade debuff is not 3) Use the Royal Authority combo if both the Rage of Halone and Goring Blade debuffs are present on the currently targeted enemy Also, are cross-class skills currently supported? (i.e. Can a Paladin routine include Mercy Stroke)? Thank you again for this combat routine as well as the guide!
I'm having some issues, every time I change the Behavios.cs file, and make a new warrior.cs file. once and a while the whole trunk disappears after saving my work. anyone know the reasoning behind this? I had to backup the trunk and save my created files somewhere else because it keeps erasing everything? Guess ill do a scan of my computer for any viruses Edit: Okay So I figured out, Once I start up RB, The entire Trunk Disappears. I have never had this issue i don't know why but here's a log anyways