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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by ModCrew, Dec 3, 2010.

    1. lickalime

      lickalime New Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      Just to throw this out there i read bosslands post and two after and it seemed it was turning into a flame so i skipped the rest. here is a couple of ideas i have......for hb...start a toon out at level one and show you making the toon and starting up hb and starting the bot and then like you said speed it up to show grinding,pvp,ib(well leveling have a pop up of /played) and when you ding 85 have the screen go black or w/e and say something like "now you have a max level toon, time to get that toon some gold" and have it show the bot logging in(so they know its the same toon) and start gb and show it farming and just like hb have pop up's like 4 hours in(with bags open) th3n 7,10 etc. till bags are full. then show his gold in his bag after you sell the stuff you farmed. i think if you only use one toon to make the video for hb/gb people will see the full potential you have with using them both on a account and how fast and easily you really can level and make gold.

      and btw i understand people don't want more people botting cause they don't want new botters "stepping on there toe's" but how do you think the botter's before you and the botter's before them felt? There will always be tons of people that want to use bots and farm herb/ore and blah blah blah. but i dont see how that would effect your business if you know what your doing. It's selfish to complain to bossland for trying to make more money because you would rather him advertise less and make less so you can make more.

      -rant over

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